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Posts posted by comeondoit

  1. whenever it got hairy in the past, the faces behind her who have the real power sent her away, because she is never able to lead a constructive meeting against people who are so much more intellignet than she is, people who have done their homework. it is very convienient to hide for the thaksim croonies behind her lovely face that is why they want to keep her.

    i see dark times coming, very sad

  2. in a priate company she would have been sacked a long time ago for missing performance, tears over what???? over all the missed opportunities to really lead the country....but woman tears are always a strong weapon, however needs some practising in front of a mirror hihihihi

  3. yes again we hear about the uneducated in the rural part of thailand.....but PT had it in hand to really improve the educational system but their incompetency and populist stupidity ended up in spending into useless tablets .... there we go again if the PT would have a strong and integer PM elected they couild really turn to better use of their elected power....majority in a parliament is no free ticket to do what they are pleased without listening to the opposition...they have to serve all people.....

    a clever swiss politician said once asked by a journalist....do you have a problem now...his party had just lost a vote....."it is easy to be a democrat if you are part of the majority, but the real democrat shows if he looses and accepts the verdict of the majority" compromises seem to be impossible in tahiland......if both sides would give in a bit to find solutions which are supported by people from both sides, then......this here would not happen. unfortunately i never heard from the actual governement something like "yes we mad mistakes, we will do better in the future" they never seem to learn the lesson

  4. i have never reed a more stupid article, this reporter is only some kind of tourist,,or just plain stupid???. the guys in the governement are coming from up country (many of them) and are the masters in incompetency and deep pockets. this is methodical, keep the rural people stupid and they will follow you because they cannot live anymore without getting the handouts. example: in the 2 years we saw four education ministers coming (obviously the education ministry is a reward to followers to fill their pockets) everyone had a big mouth and started something what the following stopped. the newest one has publicly said "because of the one child one tablet policy, children have improved by 50%."..based on what? he probably wetted his finger and held it in the wind???? (guess, is he just stupid or a wicked politician?) but in meantime in the wake of the 300 BHT minimum wage, school uniforms became more expensive (just one examample) by up to 20%, the paddy field worker gets 300BHT per day now,,,,are you kidding me!!!!, he still gets what he always was getting150 to 200 a day for a 12 to 14 hours and a bag of rice eventually,...but his kids cannot go to better schools, no cash, normally they stop going to school with 14 years....they need to work to support the family...and, and, and. that is reality (he will grateful take the 500 or 1000 BHT he will get to vote for the red shirts) with statistics you can proof what ever you want...just look at the notoriuos liers and beautiful speakers in the house of parliament.

    i am living upcountry and i am doing from time to time as a volunteer some basic english lessons in matayom schools. the last time i was there 100 kids were sitting in front of me...there is not enough room and there are not enough desks, not enough teachers speaking english and so on. ...figure out what could have been done in sustainable improvement if only a fraction of the wasted money (the one which goes in the pockets of the rich millers in the rice pledging scheme) would have been used for the schools. yes, there are some things which go back to taksim, like the practically free health care system...but go into one of the governement hospitals and you could see again what musted be done to improve that INFRASTRUCTURE (THAIS ARE VERY PROUD AND THEY WANT TO PLAY WITH THE BIG GUYS AND GET A HIGHSPEED TRAIN SYSTEM, WHICH ONLY THE RICH WILL BE ABLE TO USE, money spent which will bring nothing for the upcountry people) but no one of the big guys would think of asking the simple people who are using the actual trains practically for free, about what they really want and need.

    i love that country and the people but i am sad about the missing education...the kids should, would and must be the future, and the health care system needs a revamping......but that kind of article is not helping at all

  5. Sonthi's proposal are:

    "1. Any unlawful activity related to political gatherings between Set. 15 2005 to May 10, 2011 will be legalized. Both anti government protesters and government officers involved in such incidents will be pardoned.

    2. Ongoing investigations of these activities will be dropped. Prosecutors will withdraw charges, and the Courts will dismiss ongoing trials. Convicts whose cases have been finalized, will be granted amnesty.

    3. All individuals affected by legal proceedings initiated by the Council for National Security - the 2006 coup makes - or the agencies installed after the coup will be treated like they have never been accused and convicted.

    4. Political bans of all political party executives following party dissolution verdicts will be annulled."

    Sonthi sure has experience in whitewashing his own crimes, so conveniently the legalisation of his own coup will survive even if and when the present constitution would be amended in this point.

    Point 3 looks tailor made for Thaksin.

    Sonthi said widespread corruption, interference into independent organisations, possible violent clashes between rivalling political groups and disrespect to the monarchy as major reasons for staging the coup. So why is he now whitewashing corruption and heavily interfering into the judicial system?

    This guy is a shame for anybody who has even a single grain of democracy in his body. It shows that military are inherently and totally undemocratic and should never be allowed into a parliament.

    Thailand will be the joke of the world if these propositions will be realized. What a shame!

    it is ridiculous and shows again, there are two different laws..the one for the rich people who can finally do anything and get away with it and the poor ones who have no chance to sneak out.

    thaksim is a very egoistical person...if he really would have wanted to help his people he should have come back and go to jail (which would have been a very comfortable jail for him, as i heard there are better correctional centers around) and then he could have been released 3 to 6 months later....and everybody would have kept the face and be happy. justice would have been able to keep its face as well and may be the country could move one real step forward to reconciliation

  6. As long as "tea money" and an utterly superficial approach are at play, Thailand will experience a dearth of quality of education. Throwing money at the situation will improve nothing. Equality in this country is a joke. There is a firmly entrenched class system that wraps its tendrils around every stretch of the long-term Thai experience.

    The daughter of my wife just entered the mattayom 1 class in a school out in the deepest isaan, the school has about 1500 students and 80 teachers, about 250 new matayom class 1 students. at the parents information they were talking about discipline and about physical punishment (yes, really, they distributed a form where the parents had to say yes or no to allow the teachers to hit for punishment). that is a typical teacher quality problem they need to hit if they are not able to cope otherwise, never learnt how to (i used to be a teacher and know what i am talking about)

    now our daughter reports that in her class are 45 students and some have no desks and must sit on the floor. the school has not enough teachers and not enough rooms and the stupid populist governement is spending millions for useless tablets... a real pitty and it happens on the back of the future generation. i think that situation is symptomatic for governement schools out in the poor red shirts country side, which again shows the low interest of many people for a better education out here. the interest stops because of the costs. to enter matayaom 1 school we had to pay about 6000BHT for uniforms, shoes, and and and ...here i am estimating the avaerage income at about 4000 BHT (cash is scarce here) a month...what happens if they have more childern????....they do no go to school anymore!!!! very simple is it???

    If you care so much for your daughters education, send her to a better school!

    i do something by giving to my daughter and some willing friends of her private lessions in english, this gives me the possibility to interest the kids for more than just soap operas at the tv, as one former post said...It is more important to make them curious and try to get the kids wanting to know more.. i am trying it with jokes and some funny games...this i do without TOEFL or anything like that, i am no native english speaker, however i spent all my life as an international and am speaking and writing german, french and english

  7. As long as "tea money" and an utterly superficial approach are at play, Thailand will experience a dearth of quality of education. Throwing money at the situation will improve nothing. Equality in this country is a joke. There is a firmly entrenched class system that wraps its tendrils around every stretch of the long-term Thai experience.

    The daughter of my wife just entered the mattayom 1 class in a school out in the deepest isaan, the school has about 1500 students and 80 teachers, about 250 new matayom class 1 students. at the parents information they were talking about discipline and about physical punishment (yes, really, they distributed a form where the parents had to say yes or no to allow the teachers to hit for punishment). that is a typical teacher quality problem they need to hit if they are not able to cope otherwise, never learnt how to (i used to be a teacher and know what i am talking about)

    now our daughter reports that in her class are 45 students and some have no desks and must sit on the floor. the school has not enough teachers and not enough rooms and the stupid populist governement is spending millions for useless tablets... a real pitty and it happens on the back of the future generation. i think that situation is symptomatic for governement schools out in the poor red shirts country side, which again shows the low interest of many people for a better education out here. the interest stops because of the costs. to enter matayaom 1 school we had to pay about 6000BHT for uniforms, shoes, and and and ...here i am estimating the avaerage income at about 4000 BHT (cash is scarce here) a month...what happens if they have more childern????....they do no go to school anymore!!!! very simple is it???

  8. i see the new gouvernement as seen before, corrupt!! (corrupt is a way of life in thailand) just funneling the money now into other pockets. the only thing which changed is that this governement is even more incompetent than the earlier one, stupid and incompetent new governement officials are now being consulted by even more stupid and highest incompetent biggest red shirts criers (the ones with the biggest mouth). i am sorry for the thais, because i love that country and wish them more fun. however there is as well a saying, "the people get the governement they deserve"

    the cries for justice everywhere and from every side will lead to more injustice, because like in a war there are no unguilty persons on any one side of the medal and who has the independency to judge????......no one, because that cannot be done by a human being.

    there is only one solution...pay for the deads to linder financial losses

    (if they can make money, they will be happy, of course they will be trying to get the most out of the governement, with all the handouts here the mentaility to cry for help from the governement for every mishap is becoming the thai standard),

    without prejudice and false justification...and tell the people for the future to be more prudent and finally to start thinking before following big mouthing politically motivated people...they are never true. unfortunately in thailand, more so than in other countries, lies are becoming the truth, if you just repeat them often enough.

  9. as an expat i would really like to do something for the thai kids, however since i am not a native english speaker, i did not so far offer my help.

    native english speaker seems to be the trend. still i know that english speaking thai are often understanding my english much better than

    that one of native speakers with their many different idiomatic spellings. i was working all my life as an international had to be understood by

    many other nationals with poor english skills,,,this made me a much better (in the sense of beeing understood) english speaking

    farang than many native speakers. to be close to real life many non native english speakers would be excellently qualified for what this teacher is

    speaking about. saying this, i think to widen the base would make it for many poor schools easier to find somebody helping them with english for free.

    however as said before the ball is with us farangs, we will have to do the first step, the school will not by herself looking for help and may only

    accept native english speakers

  10. It's bewildering to think the government can afford three billion baht for tablets for all grade 1 students when there are so many other areas of need. If the aim of tablets is just to give students access to educational web content a much better solution would be smart boards for each classroom. These look like large whiteboards and require a computer and projector to display content with special pens to work on the screen for the whole class to see. Taking a standard PC to be B10,000 and an interactive smart board system with projector to be B120,000, the same money could potentially equip over 23,000 classrooms and take away the danger of misuse of tablets by students.

    there should be done more to educate the teachers...they have no idea to deal with problems in class and among students. i know of some children (14 to 15 y) here in the isan, they do not go to school anymore...teacher slapping or humiliating.

    and look at the classrooms, our daughter was having no desk to work on for some months...too many students, and so on

    computers are not replacing the lack of wanting to learn things and the lack of general enhancement for the students

    and what is more important they are not helping to learn to think, and do not forget with compis counts only "scrap in ...is scrap out".

    in thai classes learning by heart is the thing...learning how to think is just for the ones who have a little more brain than the rest and do it for themselves, but basically learning to think is not allowed, the teacher is allmighty and cannot be questioned. what would happen if the kids would learn to think? more teachers would start slapping and humiliating around because they never learnt how to deal with such kids.

    hope some people in the governement start to think instead of dicussing about and with unqualified red shirts oficials now having a nice salary and a big office and access to tea money.

    i love thailand and its people and the children are the future...do something about it...but not with compis...that is the same thing as throwing money out of the windows.

  11. Well the red shirts at least put their necks on the line to get the payback. What did Chalerm's son do to deserve the payback apart form losing in an election?

    That's a rhetorical question, right?

    We know he's "done alot" in his lifetime, enough to have been rejected by most Thais when other "unsavoury" characters were getting elected.

    it is all about money, is it? they have now a fix salary and can show up once per month to collect it and they have now the possibility to collect tea money. it is a pity the thais are not taking the chance to go ahaid with reconciliation. i would give yingluck some credit...but it seems to be too hard for the lady to drive her course of action really independentlyform her brother and the hard core criminals under the red shirts

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