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Posts posted by Gaccha

  1. Since my last update broke the news before any news site on the planet, I should rename my updates, 'Breaking News!'.


    Zipmex has submitted documents to the Singapore Court for a 2 months extension of the creditor moratorium.


    According to the affidavits, they have found three different parties who might have various levels of interest. Party in which they might have the most hope is a Thai company listed on the stock exchange.


    I suspect the court will give them an extension but not of 2 months. Probably a month.

  2. 6 hours ago, PleaseTypeSlow4me said:

    Can I leave Thailand and get a new Non-B sometime next week without doing the steps mentioned above? 

    No. Because your old employer must inform them that you are no longer working with them. Immigration will need that letter with a date on it to type into their computer when your work permission ended. 


    I recommend that you ask your current employer to end your employment in 3 weeks time in the future (the maximum length of time in advance you may apply for a new work permit and visa with a new employer). 


    Your new employers then have three weeks to get the paperwork together to make the application. Press them to put the paperwork together. 


    My memory is, counter-intuitively, you need the visa before the work permit issued. This necessarily means there is a period when you are working without a work permit.


    It follows you should apply for a re-entry permit with the current visa. Do not use leaving and entering the country as a way to deal with this issue.


    (I would be interested in feedback on my suggestion)

  3. 3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    If they diverted even half of the funds siphoned off by the army

    The military budget 2022 was 6,300 million dollars. 


    The number of pensioners in Thailand is 12.11 million.


    If half of military budget was given to the pensioners that would mean 21 dollars per pensioner per month. Around 711 baht extra. 


    I guess better than nothing.

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  4. 36 minutes ago, Menken said:

    Wealthy Thai Chinese families have for generations sat on land paying a little or no tax. It's positively criminal

    I can recall discussing the concept of inheritance tax with a taxi driver many years ago. Since back then there was no inheritance tax in Thailand and no discussion of it, there was a crashing noise as the scales dropped from his eyes.


    Part of the reason why the Thai population is so placid, docile and pleasant is because the wealthy elite very carefully limit any discussions of welfare benefits and redistribution of wealth.


    Buddhism, in contrast to the early revolutionary creed of Christianity, also encourages docility and acceptance of the social structure. Just accept your lot in life. Hope that you are reincarnated as a robber baron as a reward for your merit in this life.

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  5. 3 hours ago, Gknrd said:

    Same here in the US. I live in a huge city and older people are living on the streets.

    USA is considerably more unequal than Thailand, coming in at the 47th most unequal in the World.


    This is only possible because of massive levels of government propaganda to support the extreme neoliberalism.


    This incapacitates Americans from noticing, by telling them how evil the alternative of  "socialism" is, or deflecting blame by pointing out Mexicans "r takin' r jobs". 

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  6. New info.


    In response to the Singapore Court's demand for an update, Zipmex has just informed the court that V Ventures, the potential buyer ("Subscriber"), will now only provide 10 cent or 20 cents to the dollar for the creditors. They had previously promised 100%.


    V Ventures is doing this in response to what it believes was the unilateral decision of Zipmex to not include Thailand Zipmex in the scheme of arrangements at Singapore Court, and secondly the failure of the management of Zipmex to sign off on the Management Arrangement scheme.


    Zipmex are currently negotiating with them, and also with a couple of other potential buyers because of the desperate nature of the situation. They have also requested that the court again extend the moratorium.


    This ploy by the buyer was predictable, and should not be rewarded. Even if the creditors get less, an agreement with anybody but V ventures would now be best.

  7. 5 hours ago, webfact said:

    went out on his moped for some food in the middle of the night in Bangkok

    By reading other reports it's apparent that this newspaper report is probably wrong on several important parts of the story. 


    It looks like the accident happened on one of the islands, and that he ended up in the hospital chain called "Bangkok Hospitals".


    It's also clear from other newspaper reports that the insurance company has not only refused to pay the repatriation costs but also all the surgery costs. This is significant as the grounds for refusing repatriation costs are much more extensive than the grounds for refusing the surgery costs. 


    Most travel insurance will not cover scooter accidents. These reasons will vary from him not having a motorcycle licence, to riding a motorcycle being classed as a dangerous activity and not covered by standard travel insurance, to not wearing a helmet. Reading other reports I'm not convinced the reason for refusal is the failure to wear a helmet.


    As usual, it is important to take the information in these reports with a giant grain of salt.

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