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Posts posted by Mobaan

  1. Our dog pen is infested with millions of fleas .Cant keep the dogs in there anymore .

    We tried all kind of sprays ,nothing seems to work .The bummer is ,that this dog pen is within 20 meters of our water well ,so I can not dump loads of chemicals there .Does anybody have any idea what we can do .I want to try to spread lime ,but I am not at the spot right now.

  2. Two years ago I bought an attachment to the weed eater( some sort of cage deal) t hat allows to cut rice or in my case forage grass and lay it down in nice swats.

    The former source seems to be out of business.

    Where ,preferably in /near Udon Thani can. I find something like that?

    • Like 2
  3. Am on a tight schedule .How long does the transfer take ?

    What options are there besides taxies ?

    How muchwould a taxie ride be ,approximately?

  4. May I lease extent this topic a little:

    Anything that was said and posted is interesting and appreciated.

    If we were talking water buffaloes. ,instaed of c ows ,would that c hange anything ?

    Amthinking about keeping some of those animals ,more f or fun and for the eye than anything else .

  5. If I were to do this ,how far would I have to strip down the tractor to import it as parts ?

    I imagine it would not be a good idea to put all the parts in one container (?) or would it matter . Perhaps 2 containers , maybe even 2 separate shipments .

    Our old friend Maizefarmer would know the answer , but he is unfortunately offline already for a long time . Just in case he sees this posting , maybe he could send me a PM

    Would anybody have a hint as to what freight forwarder I could use (from the USA),may I contacted don't want to fool with it , others asked me if Thailand is around the Carribean .....needless to say I moved on from there.

  6. Have the "T" sticker ,car passport-now "how to do?"

    Drive to Nong Khai to the friendship bridge ,keep left for car entries - and then ?

    Do I still need to go to the walkup window to get my personal visa -or is there a separate one for car drivers .

    I guess I will need Laos insurance ?

    Do I buy that directly there ?

    How much will it cost -per day , per week ?

    Is there an alternative ? Can my Thai insurance cover this ,perhaps with an add on letter ?

    Is there anything else one needs to know ,I have never done it like this before ?

    How about on the Laos side ? Any particular procedures there that one needs to be aware of ?( other then driving on the right side of the road !)

  7. BSJ

    It's your corn/casssava so you can sell wherever you like but why would you want to incur

    the extra transport costs? There is ulnlikely to be much difference in price wherever you sell.

    Done properly cassava is very profitable. Excluding the cost of the land which you have anyway you can

    make 4-5K Baht/rai/year for an investment of around 5k in labour and material so getting on for a

    100% return

    The key is to do it properly and not skimp on fertilizerand weed killing.

    Your numbers don't add up !!!!

    They do for me:) What do you feel is wrong?

    So you are spending "5 k in labour and materials" and make" 4-5k Baht/rai/year "-I had a drink or two ,but I still do not see the 100 % return-at best you are breaking even.!! And no return on the land investment ??? That is no proper accounting in my book.

    Or am I missing something ?

  8. I have a perfectly good used MF 240 (50 HP) in the USA ,which I hardly use anymore ,but could put to good use in LOS.

    If I import it as a whole ,entire tractor ,even thou a used one there will be an import tax (# 1 -where can I find out how much that might be ?

    If I break the tractor down -take off wheels ,seat , canopy ,fenders etc and send them separately in a second -time delayed container - would that qualify for a "used tractor parts tax rate .

    In that second container I would include a riding lawn mower -similar stripped down.

    Has anyone done this on a small scale before ? Any idea what the cost might be (taxes ) . I am checking with the freight companies right now to see if this is a realistic way to .Those riding lawn mowers I can buy new here for about $ 2000 , whereas the exact same thing in Thailand is $ 6000 ( over 200 000THB). The shipping cant be that expensive ,not to make this a worthwhile project (I stand to be corrected ,right now I am just guessing )

  9. Once in a while we have a massive dog killing in the village. 5-6-7 dogs are poisioned in a night . Nobody has a real idea who and why and what.

    What poision would people use to be so lethal so quick.? Could one do anything to prevent ones own dogs to eat it ?

  10. BSJ

    It's your corn/casssava so you can sell wherever you like but why would you want to incur

    the extra transport costs? There is ulnlikely to be much difference in price wherever you sell.

    Done properly cassava is very profitable. Excluding the cost of the land which you have anyway you can

    make 4-5K Baht/rai/year for an investment of around 5k in labour and material so getting on for a

    100% return

    The key is to do it properly and not skimp on fertilizerand weed killing.

    Your numbers don't add up !!!!

  11. Anytime durind DEc-Feb is ok with me .

    i have successfully avoided harriers for the whole of my life. voluntary engagement would be out of the question or require undue duress . unfortunate that a worship of alcohol excess seems to creep into unrelated gatherings. i also avoid excessive loudness. but thats just me.

    i had thought that the combo harriers plus farmers was a lead balloon as the thread stopped dead for long time. maybe other drinking farmers or those that can straddle both groups will prevail. just not for me sorry.

    It is wonderful to have you join the farming forum, So have you finnished building your house or still living under the bridge ?

    well you can be certain its not under a bar stool.

  12. I want to drill /install a new well .

    Depth will be around 25 -30 meters .

    My idea is to drill as big a hole ( 8-10 inch ) as possible ,insert a perforated 6 inch pipe ,with a cap at the bottom , all the way down (not just the top 5-6 meters like they normally do here.

    Inside this liner I then can run my 1 inch or so suction pipe .

    Outside the 6 inch liner ,with luck there should be 1-2 inch free space , I want to fill in with small washed gravel -like they use to do the terrazzo floors , as a rough filter . That's the way the professional driller do it in the Southern US .

    I Udon Thani I can find (sort of ) home made perforated 6 inch liners ( they just cut slots in the pipe using a circular saw.),which is not exactly the nicest way to do it ,but it may have to do since manufactured screened pipes seem not to be available .

    Or is there source for that in Thailand ?

    Anything wrong with that plan -I ask the experts .!!

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