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Posts posted by Mobaan

  1. There is an unfortunate sick women in the village (certified insane) , pretty much abandonned by family , doctors and hospitals claim that they can not help anymore .

    Till recently crazy bouts lastet 3-5 days ,but now for over 3 month it is like living next to a nuthouse ( which really is what it amounts to ).

    The Pujay Ban claims his hands are tiedand says that the family would have to take care .

    So far , so good (bad) . Now she becomes violent and destroys property -hers and others -at will .

    How can one deal with such a situation , when everybody sticks his head in the sand and does not want to be involved?

  2. We all know about the outrageous levels of import tax . I recently heard this :

    Thailand and Singapoure are both members of ASEAN. If one would get a bike into Singapoure (which supposedly is easier and less costly-I do not know this for a fact), register it there and than one could import the bike to Thailand (from an ASEAN member state )a only 7 % import duty.

    Has anyone ever heard about this or even done it?

  3. Hi Steph14

    Rentals vary between areas; 500 baht per rai is certainly possible in some areas but my area is 1,000-1,200 baht per rai.

    I’m surprised that the Forest Dept intervened over the rubber trees. I can only think that the land was not SorPorKor (certainly not chanote) but was Zone 4 land, which is land adjacent to forests that the Forest Dept have not allowed to be changed to SorPorKor. Such land can still be farmed but the logging of trees is not allowed.



    First ime I heard the term "Zone 4". With a SorPorKor does one have any actual land paper with the embossed government seal on the top ? Or is it just a hand written statement signed by buyer , Seller and the Puya Ba ?

    Also I heard it might be possible in certain cases to ask for special court approval to change a SorPorKor into a full chanote (never mind the logisical nightmares to employ a Thai court -just the theoretical pssibiltes)

  4. hello everybody,

    "SorPorKor land must be used for agricultural purposes" : can you confirm that farming rubber tree is a agricuture purpose and not from the forest department ?

    Another question, When we have a SorPorKor land,must we pay a taxe every year and how much is it ?


    The taxes are going to kill you:

    4 Baht per Rai per year !!!

  5. I bough a bag of 15/15/15/ fertilizer the other day for Baht 820.

    Was surprized ,since the last time I paid over Baht 1200!

    Was that during the high oil price period ? ,forgot exactly when this was .

    Or is now at ime of lower prices (low demand )???.

    if si ,it might make sence to load up on some supplies for a year.

  6. Does anybody live in/ near Tak .

    Earlier posts mentioned a Government Research Farm near Don Muset(?) ,about 25 km outside of Tak. They were supposed to supply grafted avocado seedlings .

    Does this place still exist?

    Does anybody have an address and phone number ,maybe even a persons name ?.

    I know it is a handful to expect to reach someone at a Government Resaerch Farm by phone , much less someone who actually might know anything . But I do not want to leave any stone unturned .

    Thanks in advance.

  7. A friend from UK wants to visiy me in LOSfor about 2 month.

    I assume he will be eligible for a 30 day visa on 1 st arrival. We do want to travel to Laos (about 2 weeks) and return to Thailand -visa on arrival again . Then a visit to Cambodia -return to Thailand -visa on arrival OK???

    That would be 3 visas on arrival within a 2 month period. Will that be ok ??

  8. I want to travel to Kenya /Africa this Summer. Am getting all kind of opposing info reg .the need for Yellow fever vaccinations.I am concerened about coming back to LOS .

    I heard of people having to get a shot at Swampy airport before allowed to enter LOS.

    Has anybody any personal experience in this matter.?

  9. Here is a question to the locals. :

    For mid/end February-do you know of any nice hotels that will give value for the money (e.g. eal good deals at this time?

    I am not looking for the cheapest place in town .-But 3-4 star hotels /guesthouses that offer a nice discount are the ones I am after .

    Will have transport of some kind and will follow the advise regarding beaches and swimming from the related topic. For the holiday time I am looking at a bit nightlife -maybe Chaweng /Lamai area.

  10. I have been diagnosed with a retinal hole and retinal detachment in my eyes . Nothing to joke about .

    Ratanie Hospital gets mentioned all the time by various eye doctors . Thata is supposedly the hospital where the Royal family goes to . If it is good enough for them - I am game . Has anyone personal experience with this hospital ,or even had a complicated procedure like retinal re-attachment done there .

    Any input is highly welcomed .

    Where is the place located in BKK?

  11. Would it not make sence to get the yellow fever vac. already before one leaves Thailand-they are good for 10 years or so -correct .

    You mention "your guide " -does that mean you have done this before -or you actually are from /live in Kenia.? Do you have any more input ,please.

  12. Thanks every body for the input . As far as I know he has it al legally square ,with official company etc ,

    I will follow up on this ,maybe get my feet wet a bit .

    My question aboput competition by the "established local business /money people/dealers was put to ease . Supposedly he has not faced any resistance .

    Has anybody on this board ever rteally done something like this ?

  13. For ease of description I just state the facts as they where given to me :

    A fellow here in Issan has in 2 short years established an amazing little enterprize :

    motel /guest house

    bought 350 Rai .

    Bought several large dumper trucks to deliver sugar cane and cassava to the mills

    etc etc - Hats off for that accomplishment .

    He tells me in order to meet his quota of X tonnes of sugarcane to the mill per month he buys the crops 4-6-8 month before they are ready for cutting at a certain cash price to the farmer ( mutually agreed ).

    The crop then is his . The transaction is recorded and signed of by an official at the Amphur ( something we would call a notary public in the States ) . He then bears all the risks of crop production . But he also can and does have the opportunity to try to boost yields buy fertilizer applications ,irrigation etc . He provides his own crews to harvest the cane -so the farmer is all out of the picture until the field is cleared at which time it reverts back to him .

    Now ,so I am told there exists the opportunity for someone (falangs included!!) with some free cash money to enter into this kind of arrangements and see a fairly short term large profit potential .

    The same arrangements could be made with cassava .

    We are lookig supposedly at 25 to 32 % profit margins . Almost too good to be true( espec a absentee farmer ) -and that is when one needs to be especially careful.

    Has anyone ever heard of such a scheme or even been personally been involved with it -and has some comments ??

  14. Did ever anyone take his wife /GF to Kenia?

    How about visa requirements .

    We want to travel to see the great wildlife (Wildebeest/zebra ) migrations . Does anybody have any personal experience and input to this .

    Help is greatly appreciated.

  15. Ok, 'wood st' in Bang Pho.

    This first one was a Makita 12 inch for 11,000b


    This one is a Taiwan no name brand 10 inch for 4000b


    Thanks a lot Pal . There seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel.

    Those mashines are still a little crude looking ,but ...

    I will check this out when I come in June -it seems to be worth spending an extra day in BKK .

  16. I am very modest :

    all I want is a decent 10 inch radial table saw on a stand. It is not needed to be of highest professional quality -good home worker stuff . Things like that cost about $ 120 -150 in the USA , but I know this is Thailand!

    Re: Karma vs beer -no problem amigo , when I come to pick up that saw we make a point to meet and your beers are a sure thing ,but I will help drinking if you willl not mind.

    Thanks for the trouble -in advance


  17. Now finally some good news and first hand report.

    I knew ,there had to something somewhere.

    Now all we need is a volunteer (come on you Bangkok guys ,you can not all be city slickers, there must be some home -wood- workers among you ) who could go by these places and have a look around and report to us . Before a dozen of us from all over the country come traipsing down to BKK to find ( or not ) want we want ,you could earnyourself some serious good Karma (Brownie Points ) by looking around and giving us some feed back .

    It would be highly appreciated.

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