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Everything posted by MikeandDow

  1. can you not goole!!!!! From Wikipedia, Singapore (/ˈsɪŋ(ɡ)əpɔːr/ (listen)), officially the Republic of Singapore, is an island country and city-state in maritime Southeast Asia. the capital city is called lion city
  2. Google is your friend FACT sinapore is a Country please post your apology
  3. no debate, it is a FACT Sinapore is a country, dont know where you get this rubbish from but you need to be educated, google is your best friend and yes you need to look it up and post here that you are wrong
  4. You need to do research!!!!! Singapore is a city, country, and sovereign island
  5. It is the best developed country in the region. Dont think so !!!! Malaysia., Singapore. far more developed than thailand, there are plenty of far more developed countrys in the asian region, you need to do research before you post rubbish
  6. The new government and any succeeding it will be bound by a military-written constitution backed by an unelected Senate, a pro-military consitutional 20-year national strategy plan, authoritarian-like organic laws and a royalist-influenced judicial system. cannot see how this may happen, what happens if there is a new consitution as MFP are proposing, they already have said they will scrap the 20 year plan. it is eary days
  7. never heard of partly undemocratic ??? to me its Undemocratic or Democratic NOT Partly thats a stupid statment
  8. Been here over 25 yrs travelled all over thailand by car seen the raods and how they are constructed and i agree the contractors are really bad not once have i seen a compaction test taken no nuclear density test, cleg hammer or sand replacement compaction test taken , brand new road less than 6 weeks, cracking and sinking its a national disgrace, whats more its highly dangerous. God knows about the concrete never seen any cyinders taken for testing have been at a concrete pour the do not do a slump test prior to the pour nor do they vibrate the concrete only use shovels its like being in the 1940's very poor workmanship no quality control or safety.
  9. correct, I do not know how this is to work, if the PM is from the opposition, can not see why they have an election
  10. If Prayut Chan-o-cha, or Anutin Charnvirakul get elected PM how does this work ?? as the parliment is run by the coalition, how are policy implemented, these guys will want to push for there policys. Normally it is the leader of the winning Party who is PM
  11. This is getting closer and closer Pheu Thai leaders were blindsided by coming second in the election to Move Forward, but despite their disappointment they swiftly pledged to support Pita to be prime minister and work with him in a coalition government. The eight parties of the coalition have gone out of their way to project an impression of unity. But the awkward reality is that the seven coalition partners of Move Forward are uncomfortable with the prospect of Pita becoming premier. Pheu Thai is particularly concerned about the radical agenda of Move Forward and fears it will be increasingly overshadowed in future elections as the progressive vote gravitates towards Move Forward. Although it styles itself as a pro-democracy party, Pheu Thai is inherently conservative, just not as conservative as the “uncle” parties. Pheu Thai lacks a coherent policy agenda and mainly exists to protect the interests of the Shinawatra family and to amass enough leverage to bring Thaksin home. Tensions between Move Forward and Pheu Thai have been stoked by a dispute over which party will control the position of parliament speaker. The conflict over this issue remains deadlocked and has become increasingly rancourous. Pheu Thai and the other coalition parties did not join forces with Move Forward because they were wildly enthusiastic about the party’s proposed policies. They felt they had no choice because failing to support Move Forward would undermine their image as pro-democracy parties and would probably be punished by a backlash from voters in future elections. But secretly some leading figures in Pheu Thai are hoping that something happens that prevents Move Forward from forming a government. This would provide them with a face-saving way of building an alternative coalition without Move Forward — they would say that they tried their best but it was impossible to form a government that included Move ForPheu Thai leaders have repeatedly vehemently denied that any secret talks have been taking place about forming an alternative coalition that freezes out Move Forward. But as is often the case when Thai politicians or generals go out of their way to deny something, they are lying. In fact, Thaksin Shinawatra and Prawit Wongsuwan have been plotting for two years, aiming to strike a deal in which Pheu Thai would support Prawit to be the next prime minister, and in return Prawit would ensure Thaksin can come home safely without facing any jail time. The main go-between working on brokering a deal is Prawit’s henchman Thamanat Prompow, so for the good of the country they had to try another approach. This is why Thaksin was so confident in 2021 that he would come home soon. “I definitely am returning,” he declared in a talk on the Clubhouse app, where he uses the pseudonym Tony Woodsome, in July 2021. “I will say when later. And, for sure, I am going through the front door, not the back door.”
  12. think you are very nefarious and have problems with people if you think like this
  13. I would hope they would but Thai people are apathetic, so I dont think anything much will happen
  14. What utter rubbish!!!! so i take it that a corrupt father who is jailed should share the jail time with his wife and kids, what if his wife and kids know nothing about his corruption ??? you need to think before you post
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