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Everything posted by MikeandDow

  1. Cremations are just not only for Buddhist, Catholics can be cremated, The Vatican lifted the ban on cremation in 1963.
  2. just waiting for the next election, want to see how they are going to cheat!!! Thais this time !!
  3. Highly strung Thai does not like to lose !!!
  4. I am suprised,! Thais have not tried to use "go fund me" as a scam,!! sob story few pic's ect, money come rolling in !!!
  5. That statment is what is called BS !! ( A fool who has no regard for the rules and no regard for other people other that yourself )
  6. Its called a chanote! and what your Mrs did is a normal transaction, until full confirmation the money was in the bank account you do not hand over the chanote, also both would go to the Land office to get the name change,
  7. If you do not like here GO!!! I own my home Have Thai paper work to prove it !! as for Land not intrested the wife looks after that !! as for constantly changing Thai laws, been here for over 20 yrs nothing has change, still the same so dont know where you get that, from!!! you have a bitter view of Thailand, !! you are in a 3rd world country everthing is Not perfect !! lived in OZ for 30 yrs Now that place has changed spirling costs out of control ! standard of living is relevent. I have a higher standard living here that i would in OZ
  8. Quote: prompting his employer to launch a heartwarming fundraiser yesterday, January 15. !!!
  9. Got it wrong !! the Rule is Do not smoke or vape on a Plane !!! In a confind space which a plane is it is very harmful to other people !! and I stand by my statment ( A fool who has no regard for the rules and no regard for other people other that yourself )
  10. Yes, you can use a credit or debit card to pay in US$ in Thailand, but you should be aware of fees and exchange rates.
  11. Can you not guess which country !! it a country which will soon own Thailand
  12. Totally agree, Its never been thought out properly, How are they going to implement this ,how are they going to enforce it, as for me i will just wait till they knock on the door !! never paid Tax for over 15yrs not going to start now
  13. The cost of these SMR are in the Billions, the output is not that great, and dont forget the cost will be passed on to the consumer,
  14. Read the whole post its been addressed ( They’ll bring in Chinese engineering which will include suppling all the materials needed and the experienced construction crews to build it)
  15. They will have to be knocking on my door before i fill out any of there BS
  16. Think you will be wating a long time, Thaskin is a spent force, dont think the Thai people will be fool again.
  17. Cost of maintenance on a G7 or G9 is very minimal, ( G7 and G9 are Not wind turbines ) G9 output 145 MW output cost savings using Turbines far weights the outcome of new Technology SMR, G7 and G9 this is not new Technology and are in use in Thailand now ! and are EGAT owned
  18. Thats about right !! Total coruption No jobs for Thais, will be as you said primary owners,
  19. I was replying to a posters question there was no mention of Chernobyl !! you may think the disscution of Fusion is moot if so dont post in regard to fusion reactors
  20. Yes Hydro is good BUT !! limited, would not say instantly available ( you have to build a dam) also only generates power when water is released another limiting factor
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