Yes Hydro is good BUT !! limited, would not say instantly available ( you have to build a dam) also only generates power when water is released another limiting factor
Fusion reactors cannot explode because they are not based on chain reactions. Fusion is a self-limiting process that automatically shuts off if it can't be controlled.
I think That is One part of the problem, Burning of rubish, burning of the road side. burning of rice subble ect !! The goverment is doing nothing to bring the farmers out of the "1800" farming method's into the 21st century,
There are going to be Nuclear power plants and there will be accidents, ( human nature) ,it is the way of the future, untill something else comes along,
Solar power has not taken off in Thailand for some reason ?? "buy back" as used in some countrys is a great scheme, not only benefits the consumer but also the supplier,
Well, What else is available, wind power (unreliable) wave power (limited ) solar (limited ) Geothermal (limited )
Until there is a Reliable power source found Nuclear is the only option
Yes Totally agree, BUT ,!!! Who is going to Enforce this, ?? This as you know, is one of the biggest poblems inThailand, There is NO enforcement !!! of any Law's.
Again snide remarks, does not win an argument !! please enlighten me if i was incorrect ? and i wish i could Predict the future, I would not be here trying to educate posters on history and how to respect other peoples opinions
And this is to do with Thailand ??
Well,Wa 15yrs ago must have been leading the country as they got rid of coal power then, and installed G7 dual fuel turbines
yes,!! it does only take basic history knownledge !! the last war Thailand was in was WW2 against the japanese which lasted 2 days and then Thailand surrendered
Thailand Does Not need to spend money on armed Forces They have No Enemys Yes they need to have minimal Boarder force thats is it
You are Joking !!!! you think Thailand would stand a chance againist China !!! get real !!! There is some disput over oil rights with cambodia "ÿes" but thats all it is !! Thailand has NO enemys !!!! think you are deluded
Who cares !!!! Gripen/F16 Why do they need them ??? as stated who is the Enemy!!! I would think looking after your people and Improving there lives would be the right thing to do !!!!!
Absolutely stupid !!! the cost of SMRs can cost between $50 million for microreactors and $3 billion for larger units.
Most G7 turbines cost in the $2-4 million dollar range so for the equivalent output ( need 3, G7 ) would be approx 6 mil
and a lot safer, Can you imagine the potential Danger !!!!! spending that amout of money on SMR's they would have to raise the electrical cost !!!