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Posts posted by coconutmonkey

  1. There's actually a good thread going on in the visa section.


    Wow! Terrible situation... sorry for him, but the posters are right... no justice for falang. Thanks bravingbangkok and likewise, for keeping alive the conversation by refusing to put on rose colored glasses.

    I come here to TVisa to learn things about the culture I'm in, not brag about how awesome Thailand is. He's still honeymooning, that's all. Even if he has been here sometime, if he was that happy, he wouldn't have bothered to write.... he'd be out being happy... right :)

    All in all it's an experience. Some we live through, some we don't. I hope we do. I like most people in the world, and the world is just as it is. I don't spend time with a$$holes.... but we're all fed media hype to FEAR FEAR FEAR.

    And as for all of this, it only comes from the media. We all post here with the information we have. For every bad thing in the newspaper, what if they included one good thing? Maybe a more balanced perspective? :D though it doesn't sell.... and I don't wanna read it coz it's boring to read about the ceremony for the monks or some cr#p. No offense, just not my interest.

    As for Thailand, its just part of life at the moment, and it's a nice place to be, and it's a c$nt of a place. And, not but.

    I love my wife, not the place. How can you love a place?

    Furthermore, to the Obercommando c*cks*cker guy who really pisses me off, no....I, like most didn't come here to 'buy' a Thai wife lacking 'substance'. You would do that after you wine and dine in a western country.... so why is it any different to 'wining and dining' a Thai lady.... or mexican... or Korean... or Alien? Sure you had that with your model. You paid for her, fair and square. D*ck.

  2. Hi-

    Just curious to know [who are/are there] foreigners in Thailand with influence?? Any expats with reasonable influence with govt, police, military, etc?? A red phone on the desk for top secret numbers or calls to HQ??

    Does it happen? Or do such groups tend not to be influenced by foreigners??

    ((Ego's in check, eh?!)) :)

  3. Forgive my ignorance at such a topic involving international relations and tactical operations, though what really does stop the Americans (or whoever) from assembling a team and going in to take hostages out?

    How much of a threat is Myanmar?

    Rambo can do it... :D

    Edit: spelling mistake

    China supports the Junta. If that changed then many other things could too. Don't hold your breath.

    Cheers :D So they must benefit somehow... eh? China likes this kind of suppression it seems.... :)

    Oh, let me guess, that was racist... :D

  4. Not rare at all I am afraid - plenty of lovely thai women out there. :D

    True, not rare. We should start a thread "my wife is different" and we would see many are quite similar (and it would at least merge the last 4 threads with the same intention). :D

    Go to family forum on the TVisa Main page, and find the thread 'where did you meet your partner'. The OP also posted here before, as I did too. Check out the poll statistics in this thread for some possible insight as to why many falang post terrible results about their wives/gfs.

    Ideas as to why they critisize:

    1) 26% meet in bars- no problem, but different priorities (woman-money security, men-boom boom)

    2) Honestly, alot of nut-head falangs in Thailand. Nut heads may tend to do nut-head things and go nut-head kinda places, and meet nut-heads.

    3) Unprotected boom boom can turn into a more serious situation

    4) Expectations are different and knowledge of each other prior to commitement is lacking

    ...among others...

    In my experience, Thai girls are great, particularly the southern girls. Had some previous gfs from north-east, and they were messed up... however, different environment to be raised, and different priorities (only my opinion and specific to these girls only, not intended as a generalization). :D

    ((Every post on TVisa now needs a disclaimer)) :)

  5. Forgive my ignorance at such a topic involving international relations and tactical operations, though what really does stop the Americans (or whoever) from assembling a team and going in to take hostages out?

    How much of a threat is Myanmar?

    Rambo can do it... :)

    Edit: spelling mistake

  6. I hate it when knobs walk around with their shirt off and linger all over everyone...... something like, look at my chest, all Thai ladies must love me now........ seen guys taking off their shirts on the BTS! Unbelievable. What are they thinking?

    On a main road, supermarket, department store..... yuk! Fat disgusting dripping sweaty grotty falang pigs do this in those places. Feral and a shame to falangians.

  7. I'm sorry, but I find many of attitudes on here puzzling. IMO, it is all just more Thai-bashing from Westerners who feel that all of Thailand should bow and scrape to them.

    The woman in question ran from the police during questioning, resisted arrest, and then verbally abused the chief-of-police. In the USA, where I am from, any of these crimes carry serious charges. But in Thailand, where the Westerner is to be worshipped at all cost because all Thais should be whores to the tourist dollar (regardless of their station), the Thais are awful for detaining her while they decide how to handle this case and what charges to press.

    In the end, it will probably be a small fine and no jail time just as with the Burroughs case (and in his case he abused and threatened airport security and immigration personnel which would also be a big crime in the US). That is not a big punishment to pay considering the circumstances. The woman from Australia is the one who made a petty problem very serious by her actions. Consider in your home country what would happen if you fled the police, resisted arrest, and verbally abused the cheif-of-police. But in Thailand, tourists should be able to do whatever it is they want according to the reasoning of some.

    I DO agree that Thailand has endemic problems with police corruption, and criminal justice can be a twisted thing in LOS. However, in this case, I think the Thai authorities are within their rights. What must the Thais think when they are asked to excuse serious crimes for the sake of sucking up to tourists (and, no, I am not talking about a stolen bar mat)? It perputuates the sterotype many Thais have that all Westerners think Thailand and its people should excuse any behaviour and any crime from tourists and Westerners to save face with Westerners and their media.

    Many of us know the worst thing one can ever do in Thailand, especially with authorities, is to raise one's voice, especially if verbal abuse is involved. This is NOT a case about a bar prank or a missing bar mat, and it must infuriate Thais that Westerners and their media want to paint it as such. Now the woman and the media are trying to insult the Thais and the Thai authorites involved by conducting a media campaign that makes Thailand look bad for holding someone in such a case (fleeing a police investigation, abuse of police staff). That is not a winning move on her part as she is now just fanning the flames, making a bad situation worse, and hardening the attitudes of the Thai authorities involved.

    And had this happened in a Western country to a Thai person (and Thais who travel to other countries would probably never behave in such a manner) that fled police when being questioned and verbally abused the police and their cheif, would all of us be in an uproar? The woman (and any of us) need to learn that one must respect the laws, the authorities, and the customs in ANY country in which we choose to travel, and that being a Western tourist in a devloping country dependent in part upon tourism and tourist money does not give us the freedom to act in whatever manner we like and to break any laws we wish.

    JMHO, and presented as another opinion in the face of all the rampant Thailand-bashing in this thread and the "another-nail-in-the-coffin" crowd who frequent the TV forum.

    Agreed 100% sounds like she brought this on herself.

    Perfectly written/.

  8. Seems like it's nothing about the bar mat at all.

    She probably could have talked her way out of the bar mat, though knowing a drunken lout Ozzie girl, she was loud, abusive, flipped out, and got a shock when she found out she couldn't command the circumstances. Isn't this the problem with feminism in developed countries...... now the women wear the pants, and we men have become the bitches. They they think they can scream and rave and get their way like they do in Australia. Equality is fine, but not feminism or macho ism.

    There's an unspoken rule of respect for all peoples, especially authority. I'm glad she's scared. And now she's dissing the Aust. Govt for failing to help.

    Ever heard the way many of these Oz girls speak?

    As she said "It's a crock"..... I wonder if she was going to finish that sentence... a crock of what? Now, if she says that on radio, we can guess how polite she is when she's drunk. :):D :D

  9. I do believe "shakedown" is the appropriate word in this situation. 20,000 baht and she would have walked free. Now it's going to cost her a lot more to stay here for the court proceedings and end up with a measly 500 baht fine and deportation.

    These types of actions by police against tourists have enormous potential for disrupting people's lives in their home countries. Perhaps she will loose her job, maybe her home. Who will take care of her children while she's stuck in Thailand ?

    Sad that those involved have no idea of how much harm is being done to Thailand and to the victim's lives by episodes such as this. Those responsible for cleaning up corruption in Thailand are either powerless or couldn't care less.

    I understand your point but.....

    20,000 baht and she would have walked free...... :) How can you say this???? You indirectly support this corruption, because you know that people can get away with paying them off..... this is exactly what will keep it alive!

    Unfortunately for the woman, she is the example that may assist in one small, possibly very small step towards cleaning up Thailand's corruption........ at least people are aware now.... and action has some small reason to be taken. At least people are aware, and that's a good thing.

    I hope the Ozzies pull up their socks and completely ridicule the Thai justice system, but mostly the police and military authorities of Thailand; which are, have been and will continue to be the most rotten problem ever in this country.

  10. The taxi driver who took me for a one and a half hour round trip just laughed..... he didn't say sorry at all :) I'll take his 250 baht, laugh, and see how he feels....... Not the same now, right!

    Cheater is a cheater. In Thai way, you simply pay him half. Other Thai include the cop will jump on you for this.

    There is a joke:

    During the Vietnam War. An Ubon 3 wheel cart rider got a GI customer. Riding him passed his drinking pals, a guy shouted "Where do you take that dirty dog to?" The rider look back, big Farang still sat quietly, yea, the dumb doesn't comprehend anything. "To the Moon river dear friends, I got to wash this stinky one. HAHAHAHAHA"

    At the destination the passanger simply walked away...

    "Hey hey, Mister ! where is my DOLLAR??!!!"

    The GI turned back and replied in perfect Thai "Seajai, Mah Mai Mee Ngon"

    Great joke even for the Thais na krub...

    where's the punch line?

    You said you are Thai in a previous post was this a joke too? and now you write "the Thais" which implies you are not Thai.

    So what are you?

    Thai people will laugh at this situation and more so if the farang gets a bit jai ron....

    what do you want them to do - say oh sorry i,m sure your house hold contents insurance will cover the cost of a new one!

    He gave the punch line........

    The driver said that the falang in the back was a 'dirty old dog' so to speak,

    and when asked for the money, the falang said 'dirty old dogs don't have money'........

    That's about it.... and he is actually sticking up for the falang by telling the story....

    Also, he is Thai, though when he says 'the Thai's', he's using the group name for Thai's so he can relate you and the Thai way of thinking, without it being personally relevant to himself. This is because he understands both sides of the argument, while he also recognizes that his perspectives are a mix of both or either.

    I agree with old sparrow; it's the way thai's are...... I don't like it when it's intended at me..... Thai's don't like it when it's intended at them, though..... honestly it's better than going angry and getting all spastic.

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