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Posts posted by himachal

  1. Does my mother-in-law count has a pest. She eats more than we sell. :o

    I know the feeling Mosha! We also have producing durians and other fruits. The family descends on each harvest like a swarm of locusts. It's a wonder any makes it to market!

  2. Dear TA.

    Please forgive my rather crude analogy. (I hoped you liked the salty chips one better!)

    As for my maths, allow me to rephrase:

    If CO2 from natural sources entering the atmosphere each year comes to 180 billion tons and we add another 6 billion tons each year, that's a 3% increase on total natural transfers of CO2 to the atmosphere, isn't it?

    Regards, Himachal

  3. We're also planting durians at the moment. Been told it's a 5 year wait before first fruits but maybe 10 before a sizeable harvest.

    We're planting 'Morn Thong' at 10 metre spacing. Making sure they'll get plenty of light.

    Would appreciate any info on what fertilizer they like, problem pests, etc.

  4. The UK has a hotline (08005871667) for reporting those not observing/enforcing the smoking ban. I have saved it in my mobile; I wont hesitate to report any establishment failing to enforce the smoking ban.

    Do the Thai authorities have/plan a similar hotline? If so please advise, I'll save the number & I'll then be able to do my duty in both countries.

    So the DEA turned you down, Clayton?

    BTW, if you see anyone driving (ie compromising our right to a healthy environment) in Thailand, you can call this freefone number:


  5. I herd that the smoking ban has been extended to all the dive schools in pattaya.

    Can anyone confirm this?

    How ridiculous. I reckon if you can get it lit underwater you should be allowed to smoke it! :o

  6. Yup.

    Pay money now, and the world will be a nice place! Kind of similar to repent now and enter the kingdom of heaven :o

    tks for that particular graphic. I'm not sure if I quite understand you correctly (sorry i'm not nativ English). Isn't exactly this graphic showing us, that only since a view years the CO2 output (compared to temparature) is totally abnormal skyrocketing?

    Yes it does. But my point is that maybe...just maybe CO2 isn't CAUSING global warming , but in fact increases as a consequence of warming (amongst other factors) and is part of a natural cycle.

    this makes an interesting read!



    bullet_red.gif Of the 186 billion tons of CO2 that enter earth's atmosphere each year from all sources, only 6 billion tons are from human activity. Approximately 90 billion tons come from biologic activity in earth's oceans and another 90 billion tons from such sources as volcanoes and decaying land plants.

    bullet_red.gif At 368 parts per million CO2 is a minor constituent of earth's atmosphere-- <a href="http://www.geocraft.com/WVFossils/atmos_gases.html">less than 4/100ths of 1% of all gases present. Compared to former geologic times, earth's current atmosphere is CO2- impoverished.

    bullet_red.gif CO2 is odorless, colorless, and tasteless. Plants absorb CO2 and emit oxygen as a waste product. Humans and animals breathe oxygen and emit CO2 as a waste product. Carbon dioxide is a nutrient, not a pollutant, and all life-- plants and animals alike-- benefit from more of it. All life on earth is carbon-based and CO2 is an essential ingredient. When plant-growers want to stimulate plant growth, they introduce more carbon dioxide.

    bullet_red.gif CO2 that goes into the atmosphere does not stay there but is continually recycled by terrestrial plant life and earth's oceans-- the great retirement home for most terrestrial carbon dioxide.

    Dear TA

    Thanks for your fun facts about CO2.

    A few points come to mind:

    1. Anthropogenic (manmade) contributions to atmospheric CO2 represent approx. 3% increase (according to your figures) in what is just a brief moment in geological time. Given time, natural systems usually adjust to changes in inputs, but this is like taking up smoking at 2 packs a day.

    2. As you say, CO2 makes up a small proportion of all atmospheric gases by volume, but it is a significant greenhouse gas. I like a little bit of salt on my chips - not much - but the chips taste so much better!

    3. CO2 is food for plants, but poisonous to animals. Ever spent time in a poorly ventilated and crowded room?

    4. Naturally, atmospheric CO2 is returned to the land and oceans in that stage of the carbon cycle. But now the land and oceans are being asked to absorb 3% more. Natural absorbtion of atmospheric CO2 by land and ocean surfaces is a chemical process. That means that the maximum possible amount is already being absorbed naturally. So unless more carbon 'sinks' are created, the manmade CO2 remains in the atmosphere.

    Furthermore, as Canadianvisitor pointed out, there is a whole load (far more than we have ever released to the atmosphere) of methane, and CO2, currently locked in permafrost. It's a timebomb.

    Is it too late to take action? Optimists: have another beer. Pessimists: have another beer!

    But please, let's stop being in denial.

    BTW, TA. I LOVE your avatar. Should be prizes for these!

  7. SOURCE: Pattaya Daily News: May 23rd 2008


    A British citizen, Mr. Andrew John Gallacher, 46, was arrested by police officers of the Child and Women's Protection Squad early this morning, May 23, 2008, for luring an underage, 15-year-old boy into a rented "short-time" room in a guest house in Pratamnak Road, South Pattaya, with the intention of indulging in oral sex. He was caught in the act of removing his clothes, prior to committing the offence.

    Pol.Lt.Col. Phongpisanu of the Child and Women's Protection Squad stated that Pattaya Police have been tracking down foreigners who are in the habit of taking underage children for sex in the city. In this particular case, early in the morning of May 23, a young boy, going under the alias of Nat, 15, was wandering around the gay bars of Soi Sunee with a group of friends, when he was called over by Mr. Gallacher, who apparently propositioned him. Police, on duty in the area, who happened to witness the event and noticing the two going off in the direction of Pratumnak Road, followed discretely. Mr. Gallacher took Nat to his room which he had rented for a sex session. Police entered the guest house and caught the two preparing to indulge, accordingly arresting the Brit at 3.30.

    Young Nat told police that he had been invited by Mr.Gallacher to accompany him to his room to perform oral sex with him for Bt1,000. Police charged Mr. Gallacher with intent to perform an obscenity with a minor aged between 15 and 18 years-of-age. Nat was also handed over to the Pattaya investigator for further investigation.


    Editor's comment: it cannot have escaped most readers' attention that the frequency of reports of this nature are almost a daily occurrence. This indicates that Pattaya Police is radically stepping up its campaign to eradicate child and female exploitation, by foreigners, especially. Whilst we have nothing against homosexuality, we would strongly advise individuals who are so inclined to seek partners who are over 18 years-of-age, which will save the police and community the expense of having to arrest and incarcerate offenders and will preserve the good name of foreigners, in general.


    The messages you read here are opinions from the public and posted into the Forum automatically. The systems owner is not responsible for any content in the Forum or any comments posted. There is no proof that the contents posted are genuine or not, even if the name of the poster is real, th erefore, please use common sense when reading the Forum. If there are topics which are against the law or immoral, please contact [email protected] for us to review, for possible deletion from the system.

    If you have any interesting article or message of public interest and would like to post the topic, please e-mail to [email protected] The editor will consider it for posting on our website. Thank you.

    Although prosecuting gay sex offenders seems to once again be in fashion, I would recommend that heterosexuals contemplating sex with under 18s also consider very carefully the possible consequences of such action.

    Maybe one day the distinction between gay and straight sex with minors will be irrelevant, or am I just dreaming?????

  8. The last time the UBC guys came out to sort it I asked them why it always happens when it rains. They told me that when it rains at UBC HQ, they put a waterproof cover over the transmitter. :o

    A joke i assume? Well at least the UBC guys have got a sense of humour!

    Of course it couldn't be true as the signal comes and goes as the rain passes.

    Sadly, I did not detect the fabled Thai sense of humour at the time.

    Main gripes I personally have with True's UBC:

    1. Why is half the screen often obscured with little messages of what's coming up next or reminders of which channel you're watching? Sounds like you are accidently pressing the buttons on the remote that activate these functions

    2. If their charter forbids advertising, why do I see the names Hyundai and Cathay Pacific so often?

    3. Why is it that just when we're about to get a bit of action in the boys' bedroom on Academy Fantasy, they cut to the girlies? :DFrom this i take it you are a girlie yourself, which would explain your roaming fingers on the remote! :D

    My fingers have been known to wander, but to more rewarding buttons than on a TV remote!

    Also, I have been known to exhibit girlie tendencies, but this is not the norm!!! :D:D:DB)

    You're a gay man then i take it?

    Yessirreebob. Sorry, no prize though :D

  9. Jai Dee Guy.

    Words of wisdom - both cautionary and encouraging - throughout this thread.

    I'm a romantic soul and I say "Go for it!" (as my partner and I are starting to do)

    At least you'll get to eat some healthy food, breathe fresh air, smell the flowers, etc.

    Some rewards can't be priced.

    Having said that, think about other things you could do to make a bit of pocket money. (working from home on computer, for example).

    If you're coming up to retirement age, I'd suggest you dilly-dally no longer and indulge your dream.

    I wish you all the best and hope you have many years to enjoy that dream.


    PS. 'Macro' is what many Thais call a back hoe. Going rate is around 1400-1600/hr. If you've got a lot of work for them (maybe 2 weeks) it may work out cheaper to negotiate a price for the job. That way they'll be out of your hair sooner and you'll have fewer M150 bottles to pick up!!!!!

  10. I recall standing on the platform of Sala Daeng BTS once, with a clear view of someone putting CDs into what looked like about 20 copying machines. Next to me was a BIB, who was looking the other way. Perfect photo opportunity, if only I'd had my mobile with me!!!


  11. The last time the UBC guys came out to sort it I asked them why it always happens when it rains. They told me that when it rains at UBC HQ, they put a waterproof cover over the transmitter. :o

    A joke i assume? Well at least the UBC guys have got a sense of humour!

    Of course it couldn't be true as the signal comes and goes as the rain passes.

    Sadly, I did not detect the fabled Thai sense of humour at the time.

    Main gripes I personally have with True's UBC:

    1. Why is half the screen often obscured with little messages of what's coming up next or reminders of which channel you're watching? Sounds like you are accidently pressing the buttons on the remote that activate these functions

    2. If their charter forbids advertising, why do I see the names Hyundai and Cathay Pacific so often?

    3. Why is it that just when we're about to get a bit of action in the boys' bedroom on Academy Fantasy, they cut to the girlies? :DFrom this i take it you are a girlie yourself, which would explain your roaming fingers on the remote! :D

    My fingers have been known to wander, but to more rewarding buttons than on a TV remote!

    Also, I have been known to exhibit girlie tendencies, but this is not the norm!!! :D:D:D:D

  12. The last time the UBC guys came out to sort it I asked them why it always happens when it rains. They told me that when it rains at UBC HQ, they put a waterproof cover over the transmitter. :o

    A joke i assume? Well at least the UBC guys have got a sense of humour!

    Of course it couldn't be true as the signal comes and goes as the rain passes.

    Sadly, I did not detect the fabled Thai sense of humour at the time.

    Main gripes I personally have with True's UBC:

    1. Why is half the screen often obscured with little messages of what's coming up next or reminders of which channel you're watching?

    2. If their charter forbids advertising, why do I see the names Hyundai and Cathay Pacific so often?

    3. Why is it that just when we're about to get a bit of action in the boys' bedroom on Academy Fantasy, they cut to the girlies? :D

  13. My UBC has gone off this evening, anyone else having this problem? (Bangkok/Dish)

    We've had this problem several times. The last time the UBC guys came out to sort it I asked them why it always happens when it rains. They told me that when it rains at UBC HQ, they put a waterproof cover over the transmitter. :o

    Now we know!

    Have been debating whether to give up on UBC, but it would render our 5,000 baht dish obsolete.

  14. Stingrays. I stepped on one in Krabi years ago. Very painful till following day.

    Treatment? Had no idea. Locals, though compassionate, seemed to think laughter was the best medicine. (I must admit it helped!)

    Prevention? When wading, drag your feet through the sand. This should give them some warning of your approach and time to scarper.

    BTW. If you do get stung, make sure the barb from the tail isn't embedded in your foot. I didn't check, assuming it was just ongoing pain from the sting. Finally got it removed with difficulty much later.

    Oh yeah, almost forgot. Ever noticed how nearly all creepy crawlies begin with 's' sound? How many can you name that don't?

  15. Seems a lot of the posts in this thread concentrate on the cost of fertilisers and one alternative (ie. going organic) doesn't seem popular with some posters.

    So my question is: if any farmers here feel they must use fertilisers to make a profit, what can be done to use them more sparingly and so save a bit of money?

    The main types of crops grown here, the traditionally poor soil and the methods of cultivation do not lend themselves to (ie. going organic).

    By your definition ,I take it you are referring to building up the soil organically,if so the constraints of time are a problem.

    To say,grow green crops or Nitrogen fixing crops to be ploughed under, requires irrigation which many farmers dont have the resources of either water or equipment , besides which this does not replace expended elements, (prime or trace).

    Adequate fertilizer can mean differences of !00% and more in yield and yield is the name of the game.

    I hear what you're saying, Ozzydom. I appreciate that most farmers don't have the luxury of being able to wait for their land to 'get a good year's sleep'! But my question is if you're going to use chemical fertilizers, how can you make the same profit as last year if the price keeps rising? Any methods members here use to 'spread the muck a little thinner' as it were? (Maybe this question should be in the Chemistry forum!!!)

  16. Seems a lot of the posts in this thread concentrate on the cost of fertilisers and one alternative (ie. going organic) doesn't seem popular with some posters.

    So my question is: if any farmers here feel they must use fertilisers to make a profit, what can be done to use them more sparingly and so save a bit of money?

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