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Posts posted by himachal

  1. There seem to be a lot of posters here championing retribution - some in the name of self defence, others more blatantly and aggressively.

    I've always believed wars are better left unfought. The first step towards this is not to take up arms - guns or cars.

    Peace to all,


  2. Quick quiz: Where is the longest platform in the world?

    Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch. :D

    No, กรุงเทพมหานคร อมรรัตนโกสินทร์ มหินทรายุธยามหาดิลก ภพนพรัตน์ ราชธานีบุรีรมย์ อุดมราชนิเวศน์ มหาสถาน อมรพิมาน อวตารสถิต สักกะทัตติยะ วิษณุกรรมประสิทธ is longer I think.

    Nice tries but the longest railway platform in the world is 1072 meters long and found in India at Kharagpur, West Bengal.

    Correctamundo! well done. India also holds the record for highest number of railway workers and highest number of passengers swept off a train's roof by scaffolding left in a tunnel undergoing repairs. :o

  3. You flipped some guy the finger and got beaten up for it. It took you how many years before you learned that lesson?

    Clueso flipped a selfish thug the finger.

    It's maybe easy to be lulled into believing that this society is peaceful, but I suspect some Thai drivers get even more selfish than drivers abroad when in their cars because the obligation to 'greng jai' is reduced.

    Yes, some guy, a selfish thug, a complete stranger in fact. My point is if you start flipping the finger at strangers in any society you will end up getting beaten up. As the OP told us, lesson learned.

    Quite true, Burman. Odds are that eventually you'll flip your finger at the wrong person.

    All the same, he was beaten up by a thug, not by his finger. Crime = beating. Criminal = thug.

  4. You flipped some guy the finger and got beaten up for it. It took you how many years before you learned that lesson?

    Clueso flipped a selfish thug the finger.

    It's maybe easy to be lulled into believing that this society is peaceful, but I suspect some Thai drivers get even more selfish than drivers abroad when in their cars because the obligation to 'greng jai' is reduced.

    The possibility of firearms does lend a scary dimension.

    At least they won't be chatting on a mobile when they lay into you anymore!!! :o

  5. Urban legend. Along the lines of stories that hoards of children being kidnapped for body parts in Isaan. :o

    it is a well known fact that a certain species of aliens from the Delta quadrant pose as taxi drivers and have only one thing in mind to gas passengers unconscious, abduct them and use them for breeding purposes. these aliens prefer farangs. after using they return them brainwashed and programmed to jump from roof tops or high balconies.

    Please, Naam. A little sick and unnecessary, that. :D

  6. Seems simply enough to me.

    Man is walking along the road. Snake seductively propositions the man. Not having any "forbidden fruit", Snake offers a different kind of "forbidden pleasure".

    Deal is made. Man drops trousers and puts on condom (not wanting Snake to accidentally get pregnant, and then show up at his home expecting child support or any thing).

    Snake makes a snide comment about the man's little snake. Man gets angry and slaps Snake. Snake makes another remark about man's limp little appendage. Man grabs Snake. Snake bites man. Man bites Snake. Snake bites man again. Man uses the last of his strength to choke the Snake.

    And thus, the perfection that is Nakhon Eden is preserved. The forbidden pleasures were not indulged in. Snake got it's just rewards. Man's temptation was punished.

    But what about poor little Lek ? All by herself in Nakhon Eden ? Not a chance. Little Lek left for Pattaya long ago (which probably explains why Man was so easily tempted by Snake !) :o

    Classic! :D:D:D:D:D:D:DB):burp:

  7. I've seen some nice 'recycled' rice stores which looked well habitable. Single room, plus balconies, one of which could be walled in to make a bathroom.

    As to finding an old one, probably a question of driving around Isaan/North and asking. Probably not often on ebay!!!

    You should be able to find a carpenter/builder who can reassemble it for you. But have a look at his/(her?) other work first and ask the customers what they thought, too.

    Good luck with it.

  8. It's interesting that the so-called (quotation by soldier Chamlong) "public interest" above does not include (1) students' difficulty in going to school; monks' diffculty in traversing their (daily) paths; endless traffic jams, etc., caused by these "public interest" events pf the SAD,,,, oops, I mean.

    Nothing is free, Chevy.

    1. Like the students want to go to school?

    2. Buddhism tells us that nothing in this world is permanent.

    3. Another excuse for the already endless traffic jams.

  9. here in bali the beach boys are rampant. what would a 43 year old woman do with a 25 year old boy?

    Dear Donna

    Where can I get a cheap ticket to Bali? This 44 yr old can think of a few uses for a 25 yr old 'boy'! :D

    No, seriously. Beach boys will always be with us, for good or bad. Just another way tourists and their cash are seperated, their dreams dispelled/fantasies realised - or dashed. I think most young tourists are aware of the need for protection from STDs, pregnancy, etc. Similarly (and this relates more to women, I suppose) most are aware of the need to excercise caution when strolling off to the dark end of a beach at night with someone they don't know. Unfortunately, as several posters have pointed out, tourists tend to leave their common sense in a locker at the airport and any number of tragic things can, and do, happen. God, I should know! :D I think it's all pretty inevitable. We can only hope that these tragic incidents occur as infrequently as possible.

    Having said that, the OP is great advice. As a previous poster observed, though, might be more effective elsewhere, say in Lonely Planet and on the island ferries.

    Happy and safe travelling, all. :o

  10. It was me who shot JFK.

    I knew it! I was in Dallas that day and saw you behind the grassy knoll with a scoped 9.1 Mauser rifle.

    Could you pick me out of a line-up?

    Depends. Have you washed the grass stains out of your trousers and put the Mauser down yet? :o

  11. You obviously have never travelled on the Tokyo train network at rush hour time !

    Mmmm..... I'm looking forward to being gently manhandled into the train by some cute, white-gloved platform staff, a la Tokyo style. :o

    Quick quiz: Where is the longest platform in the world?

  12. She tripped over a cordless phone.

    She thought she needed a token to get on "Soul Train."

    She spent 20 minutes looking at the orange juice can because it said "concentrate.


    She told me to meet her at the corner of "WALK" and "DON'T WALK."

    She asked for a price check at the Dollar Store.

    She studied for a blood test.

    When she missed the 44 bus, she took the 22 bus twice instead.

    When she went to the airport and saw a sign that said "Airport Left," she turned around and went home.

    She sold the car for gas money!

    I'm so blond I've read this same joke in 68 seperate posts. :o

  13. When I was about 12-13 I used to throw stones at the british army saracens (sp?) at they drove around our estate. Sometimes they'd get out and chase us. BIG kick in the arse if they caught you. I remember lying under a hedge while a soldier prodded around with his rifle - scared me shitless.

    Hey! That's my deep, dark secret. But it wasn't a rifle!!! :o

  14. What is karma?

    And Sharon Stone, a convert to Buddhism, has claimed - to much criticism - that the earthquake that killed at least 68,000 people in China was bad karma for Beijing policy in Tibet. "I thought, is that karma - when you're not nice that the bad things happen to you?" she mused

    Is 'claiming' the same as 'musing'?

  15. Is there anywhere in Pattaya where i can buy / rent good quality kilt?



    i have a new kilt,belt,sporran,socks,brogues and skhian dhu oh and gillie shirt worn once for wedding really first class quality bought on e-bay from a shop in edinburgh,when do you want it for? i don't really want to sell but we could come to an arregment.you could buy same as me £100 which is really cheap and postage to thailand was reasonable.

    "You scratch my sporran and I'll scratch yours!" :o

  16. Dear Himachal,

    Thanks for that. I have no idea what was going on in the developer's minds when they designed the Paragorn. However its awesome. The food, great, the movies, awesome, the high end shopping, the best. AND it employees thousands of Thais who would have been otherwise out of a job. I LOVE parks, but BKK already has plenty and over all the Mall Helps more Thais Then the small park did. Wouldn't you agree?

    Dear huey

    Yes and no.

    It does provide a lot of employment and it does make some people very rich. It also damages the hearing of BTS passengers at Siam station and values consumerism over quiet, green, relaxing spaces. I'm afraid the attractions you list have no appeal to me whatsoever, but I know I'm in a minority - again!!! :o I'm sure we could debate this at length, but fear we're already off-topic.

    Regards, Himachal

  17. mess up the ambiance of Thailand's only real high end Mall.

    Dear Huey

    I think the ambience of that place was messed up when they bulldozed the beautiful park to build the mall, in the name of attracting expat (and tourist) consumers.

    Himachal Are you Kidding me? Firstly it was a hotel not a park if I am not mistaking, please someone correct me on that if I am wrong. Secondly, most of the shoppers there are overwhelmingly Thai. Why is it that the posters here think that farangs are the only ones with money? Who do you think make up the membership of the Paragorn Platinum club? You know that lil office across from Tony Roma's on the first floor? They are all Thais and they are spending hundreds of thousands of Baht a month.

    Granted this mall would not work out in Udon somewhere, but then this is BKK not Issan, there are more Thais than you think that have cash.

    Dear Huey

    I know plenty of Thais have oodles of cash and some of them actually spend it at Paragon instead of just walking around, but I seem to remember the developers' original intention was to go for the Farang market. Yes, there was a hotel on the sight as you say, right next to the park.

    Cheers, H :o

  18. The idea behind the tree planting was a preparation for moving in the next 2yrs, so I was hoping the trees would be established by then, if they became too big then moving them to Mum's place in Nakhon Pathom in the interim was also in the plan.

    Of course I am growing, cherry toms, and regular toms, some herbs I use and a barrel of potatoes for my regular amusement.

    This post was more to find out what I could and should establish prior to moving while I have the time. I have now understood that probably the fruit trees are not the best option for a novice, but what about advocado, they take ages to bear fruit as well don't they?? Any other reccommends???


    Wow! Sounds like you're well on the way Oz. Go for it.

    Just how big is this balcony you've got?

    - H

    His OP said he had 5 sq. metres :o

    Oops, so it did. Sorry. :D

  19. The idea behind the tree planting was a preparation for moving in the next 2yrs, so I was hoping the trees would be established by then, if they became too big then moving them to Mum's place in Nakhon Pathom in the interim was also in the plan.

    Of course I am growing, cherry toms, and regular toms, some herbs I use and a barrel of potatoes for my regular amusement.

    This post was more to find out what I could and should establish prior to moving while I have the time. I have now understood that probably the fruit trees are not the best option for a novice, but what about advocado, they take ages to bear fruit as well don't they?? Any other reccommends???


    Wow! Sounds like you're well on the way Oz. Go for it.

    Just how big is this balcony you've got?

    - H

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