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Posts posted by Mousehound

  1. The USA is much more corrupt. #1 in the world I think.

    Sorry, but after checking a number of corruption rankings, your opinion is apparently worthless.

    One source, Fortune Magazine:

    The most corrupt countries:

    attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1464785566.620212.jpg

    The 12 least corrupt countries.

    attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1464785617.184323.jpg

    You can check out similar results with quite a few studies/sources. Google it.

    So where does that leave our poster? Just another garden-variety America basher; a common troll on TV who only knows one tune to play for nearly every topic.

    Take note all you Poms, Stralians dont even enter on a list of corrupt countries.


    That's 'cos we paid off the census people.tongue.png

  2. Mousehound, do you ever get to Melbourne? The Werribee treatment farm is second only to Kakadu for bird life. Well worth a look if you get the opportunity.

    Jack, when the rains start we have those Pittas in a garden every morning.

    I was wondering if anybody can offer advice. My pics are OK, but not nearly as sharp as others. I am using a 650D with a Tamron 150-600. I always shoot in manual, never AV, generally at the lowest aperture, unless there is plenty of light. RAW is too slow on the 650D, so I always shoot in JPEG. In Photoshop I generally do as little processing as possible, just a little adjustment. Then I 'save for web' before posting, which drops sharpness quite a bit.

    Soon I'll get a new camera, I am struggling to decide between the 7D 2 and the much cheaper 70D, the latter is much cheaper, with a few features that the former is missing. I'm also wondering if the 6D could be worthwhile?

    Long time since I have been to Werribee (1985) Went for OB Parrot and then to the settling ponds at the sewage treatment works.

    The 70D 2 is the best camera for flight shots and the 6D is best for low light - you can run a really high ISO on a 6D. very good for macro work as well. The 6D is possibly the most underrated of all the middle range Canon cameras. RAW will allow you to sharpen a good deal and on a full frame like a 6D you can sharpen a lot more than with a crop camera . I like the 7D2 a lot and use both the 7D2 and the 6D. A tripod or monopod will help. Also save your BHt for a prime - the 400 5.6 is the best value and a used one can sometimes be had.

    • Like 1
  3. It's hot season , elephants generally don't like the heat. Could also be in musth too

    Gosh, I wonder why the OP didn't mention those things?

    Elephants don't like the heat? You do know that they are tropical animals and will have never experienced anything other tropical weather, ever?

    Obviously the Arctic Elephant is excluded from that last comment that I made.

    And Hannibal's' elephants?

    They nearly all died en route

  4. Very nice. Do you get to KY often? I live on the southern edge, my only suitable lens is the Tamron 150-600, which isn't great in the jungle. I've been considering the Tamron 70 - 200 2.8 http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/539396-REG/Tamron_AF001C_700_70_200mm_f_2_8_Di_LD.html Any thoughts?

    I am not a great fan of zoom lenses. I do have one Tamron lens that is simply outstanding: the 180 prime macro. Fantastic for birds - if you are close enough and a great lens for insects, especially butterflies. If you have slow lenses you really need a full frame in the jungle. My preferred body for jungle work is the Canon 6D - surely the most underrated Canon camera. In low light it is simply superb. The Blue Robin shot and others at the same site were taken at an average of 6000 ISO. I hate flash so high ISO is a must. Out of the jungle and for flight shots I like the 7D2. This also gives me the 1.6 crop factor on my 400 prime.

  5. Nice work - all black birds are hard to get right. The catch in the eye is good. Black and white and all white birds can be even worse - especially with canon equipment. Canon does not handle white well. I have to dial down at least one stop to get definition with white feathers. This creates additional problems with birds in flight and where thy are silhouetted by bright sky. Then I have to dial up by up to two stops which slows the shutter speed which in turn I compensate with by using a higher ISO. All part of the juggling act.

    • Like 1
  6. About n30 Bht per L in Perth Aust. right now. But I am doing a 1000k a week to get to work and back.So Thai prices not too bad and I suspect most people don't drive the sort of diststances we do in this part of the world. On the other hand cars are a lot cheaper - but servicing is way more expensive. Fuel prices we are told, are going to rise over the year.

  7. I think CM is pretty good for food. For the size of the place it does well. But no way can it be compared with HK. HK is amazing for food from French pastries to street food. The number of restaurants and types of food are bewildering there. In the years I lived and worked there the day would be: breakfast at the Pen, lunch in the soi with the workers, dinner at one or other restaurant and evening cheesecake and coffee (and in the old days - a cigar from Davidoff's) at the Pen again. Bliss! I would also rate Italy very high on the waistline increment scale. The most surprising place for excellent and range of foods is Melbourne.

  8. f. Flycatcher - Little Pied for me. If you contact Greenleaf at Khao Yai, Khun Nine had some copies of lekagul & Round. he did a great drawing of a Hornbill in mine and the crew signed it on each of my last two visits.

  9. Trump has too many entities and far to many people to micromanage. He hires people that he believes are smarter than he is because he isn't threatened by that. He's well managing a multinational company and he'll put together a better management team than we've had in a long time. He doesn't have to know everything and neither would any other candidate. He just has to have a talent for choosing people.

    What would Hillary know about the military as Commander in Chief? Sanders? Rubio? Cruz? No but they'd choose stupid people to match their own IQ's.


    Why would Clinton have a low IQ. Donald Chump graduated from a University I would suspect sells degrees or gives them away in Christmas boxes to the needy. Clinton graduated from quite a good university. If she choses a team to match her IQ I think things would go rather well.

    " Donald Chump graduated from a University I would suspect sells degrees or gives them away in Christmas boxes to the needy."

    Trump graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business.

    There are only three business schools in the world ranked higher. They are:

    Insead France

    Harvard Business School

    London Business School

    I seriously doubt Santa Claus brought Trump his diploma.

    Your post is a classic case of...open mouth, insert foot.

    I actually prefer Manchester to London. I like your comment about the foot. Gives me the same chance as RT - he seems to be pretty good at the foot in mouth as well! smile.pngBut this does not change the fact that Clinton is actually pretty smart.

  10. Trump has too many entities and far to many people to micromanage. He hires people that he believes are smarter than he is because he isn't threatened by that. He's well managing a multinational company and he'll put together a better management team than we've had in a long time. He doesn't have to know everything and neither would any other candidate. He just has to have a talent for choosing people.

    What would Hillary know about the military as Commander in Chief? Sanders? Rubio? Cruz? No but they'd choose stupid people to match their own IQ's.


    Why would Clinton have a low IQ. Donald Chump graduated from a University I would suspect sells degrees or gives them away in Christmas boxes to the needy. Clinton graduated from quite a good university. If she choses a team to match her IQ I think things would go rather well.

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