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Felt 35

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Posts posted by Felt 35

  1. There is no limit on how much land a Thai woman married to a foreigner can own.

    However, for her to own land, you, being her husband, must sign an affidavit at the Provincial Land Office guaranteeing that she is not using communal property acquired after marriage to buy land. ”

    Marriage to a Thai national confers no rights, though a marriage certificate may be used in support of applications for visas and work permits. Generally speaking, foreigners have no specific rights in Thailand.”

    Most foreign embassies would demand that she prove that she is single or divorced (if she have been married before)with a document you can get at the district office where she has registered here address before you can get married. The same apply to you!

    It is she who can gain something if you register the marriage. Example benefits from your country. Like economical benefits when you eventually get a child, birth support,health insurance, pension after you die, free education if you move back home, etc

    Dowry is only actual if she not have had any husband before you..... The amount is negotiable.

    Party is up to here, you and here family, if you live in a rich province with wealthy friends, well then the party`s cost and more to is probably covered. Poor place, the small amount you get will probably go to here family.

    If she absolutely not want to register the marriage, well think twice about it! :o

  2. Personally would I agree that your passport and visa should be up to date and that you have the proper documentation required for the country you visit in this case Thailand.

    But the point to dazdaz could maybe be that why don`t the laws in the country catch up this things already at the border(entrypoint).

    I see that many of you agree in the way the police/immigration did this check.

    Will you also agree if Thailand practise immigration rules as the "first world country" it want to be? I will.

  3. Hi again!

    Things change fast here! :D

    I guess some of you are right in your speculation about a probably third person or mortgage involved in the land case with my father-in-law.

    Because today my wife tell me this:

    The case is finished in court. The court have "decided" that it must be an auction!

    She also tell me that father-in -law have to hold the auction B)

    My own teory is this: Father-in-law want an auction so he can bid higher than the third person/part, and for this he need the "loan" from me.

    When he have the land he can sell (hopefully if it was my money) to a higher price if someone want to buy???? Why nobody want to buy in the first part. Not very attractive if there are two owners and they dont agree about the price!

    However what guaranty do I have for that he sell?

    :o I feel sorry for my little lady this days. I think she only want to help in an honestly way, but maybe "Pho" push a little to much. I think "Pho" should be satiesfied with what he get. He already get 80% of my wifes monthly salary ("which is near 200K annually) and he have propably the same from the three other childrens.

    However its not first time they have show me what number I have in the family hiarki (Probably after the oldest and most ugly Buffalo at the farm)

    Thanks and Regards

  4. Hi and Thanks for many sensible anwers and advices.

    Few moments got clearer after some questions to my wife yesterday.

    1. Nothing is written and my father-in-law want to take the case to court!!

    2. The first amount mention here on the web is what he (Father-in-law) have lend out to some neighbours without any documentation.

    My wife have changed strategi and now it is about help for pay the expences in court. :o

    Which she estimate to be around 50K. Well I can accept to help with that amount, but what changes is it in court when money is borrowed between neighbours and no document is written. Word against word?

    By the way we live in another province and have no access to whatever deal my father-in-law have made. :D

    Thanks and Regards

  5. My father-in-law gave a loan to some neighbours 3-4 years ago with an guaranty in land if they should fail to pay him back. We are talking about 300K+.

    The neighbours have not paid him back the loan and their land is now going to an auction because nobody want to buy it . (In fact a nice piece of land in North,3 Rai)

    My father-in-law are afraid he will get less money back than what he lend out because its going on an auction, and are asking me for a :D loan so he can buy the land and then sell it again for the same price or higher so he not loose to much money!!

    Well Iàm that kind of person who have very firm principles about borrow or lend out money.

    The family is not rich either poor and owned a lot of land in the past.

    But of course I like to help my father-in-law so I suggested for my wife to buy the land at the auction, and in here name. Then we get a nice piece of land to a reasonable price and it still will be in your family and my father-in-law would at least get some money pluss the land will be in his family.

    But no that was not interesting. Well I explaned to my wife that all I want and can do.

    :o I`m not very popular just now!!

    I like to hear your opinion (members)

    Thanks and Regards

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