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Felt 35

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Posts posted by Felt 35

  1. The law about non immigrant visa for purchase a car/motorbike changed about two years ago. You can check it with a law office which is update.

    You can buy a car cash with tourist visa.

    If finance, you will probably need two Thai citizens as a guaranti. They have to have a income which is higher than your monthly payment on the car.


  2. Requirements for a visa to visit friends or relatives

    A passport or other travel document, including copy, valid for at least a further three months after departing from Sweden.

    A completed application form, in Swedish or English. The application form for a Schengen visa may be downloaded to the right. It is also available at the Embassy or Consulate.

    One (1) passport photo.

    Written invitation in Swedish or English. The invitation should contain information about the date and duration of the visit. The Embassy provides pre-printed letters of invitation or you may download it to the right, Referee's Appendix – Appendix E.

    The referee in Sweden must also enclose proof of his/her own identity (personbevis) with the form. This can be requisitioned from the nearest local tax office or from the website of the Swedish National Tax Board. The referee must send the completed form and his/her proof of identity to you so that you can enclose them with your application.

    If the guarantor is not a citizen of Sweden a copy of his/her Swedish residence permit is also required as well as a copy of his/her passport.

    Employment certificate from the guarantor or other information (copy of bank-book, salary statement or the like) verifying that funds for the stay are available. If costs for the visit are to be borne by applicant, financial proofs have to be submitted (bank statement, extract from bank book or the like).

    In cases where applicant has no reference in Sweden a letter from the employer has to be presented. It should be clear from the certificate that the applicant will still be employed after his/her return home. In these cases the applicant has to submit financial documentation such as extract from bank account, copy of the bank book or the like.

  3. Opalhort.

    I can only refer to my better half. She say that the amount is 5% employe and 5% employer. She had an accident three years ago and the social security covered all hospital bills.

    The social security can be used at a few selected hospitals. Not only Goverment Hospitals. The accident was not related to here work.

    She also say that dental care now is max 400 baht x 2 a year.

  4. If you stay here for more than 4-5 years it can be an alternative. Its low interest and instead of moving cash from abroad it can be a kind of hire to own! I was thinking about the same thing because I’m looking for a new car. I bought my last car cash ( Honda) but want to buy a larger one and was thinking about down payment with 50% cash and the rest through a finance company. I asked Honda about necessary documents and they told me this:

    1. Passport

    2. Work permit, or receipt of notification (receipt of notification from immigration)

    3. Bank passbook or Bank’s statement for the last 6 months.

    4. One Thai citizen as Guarantor who have to provide houseregistration, ID-card and Bank passbook or statement for the last 6 months.

    How long you have been here its not important as long as you have the necessary documents. Usually you have to pay at least 15% cash as down payment.

    It’s the finance companies that take car of the finance.

    The back draw and inconvenient thing as I see it is that you have to go to the Bank every month for the payment. They could not or would not automatically deduct my bank account.

    The car dealer also keeps the car registration book and some dealers also keep one set keys. So sure you will feel that you’re not the owner, not yet!

    Good luck.

  5. In connection with a weekend arrangement in Nakhon Phanom next month do I come to think about if it could be possible to extend my visa at the same time? Is there anyone who know if it’s a border crossing over to Laos (probably have to cross the river) where it’s possible to extend a visa without to much hassle!

    Some years ago I was on a holiday to Chiang Mai/Chiang Rai and then I remember I could extend my visa at the same time with crossing over to Burma from Mae Sai. Is there anyone who knows if it’s a system like that on the border to Laos near Nakhon Phanom?


  6. If somebody decides to migrate to another country he or she is expected to assimilate and accept the rules, traditions, history of such country.

    Well that is the way is should be. In some European countries people with a different religion can use their scarf or whatever it should be on head even in the army, schools, etc, and they also get special food treatment.

    Compare to the above will I say most of the foreigners I know in Thailand assimilate the rules in their host country much better than what I see the contrary part do in Europe.

  7. I don’t know how the practise is where you come from swe...ball, but I think its reasonable that people, both residents and visitors are sceptic consider the fact that the Government in the country they live, try to hide the fact that ingredients in some of their everyday nutrients can include something which can be unhealthy for humans.

    Care for the people should be the Governments first priority Then they hadn’t needed to stage road show all over the country for trying to make the consumer confident about what to eat or not. Lies not really fit with confidence.

  8. Maybe its not true Thetyim, or maybe it has changed the last month!

    To be issued a Thai driving licence without taking the written and practical tests, you will need to show your international driving license, which must conform to the Convention on International Road Traffic 19 September 1949. This should be printed on the front cover of the license.

    You will also be required to pass an eyesight test and bring the following documents (plus photocopies of each) when applying: your international driving license, passport with your non-immigrant visa, work permit or a letter showing your address from an immigration office, a medical certificate proving you are fit to drive, as well as two one-inch photos.

    If you apply for car and motorbike licenses, you will need to bring two copies of each document.

    The fee is 105 baht for a car license and 55 baht for a motorbike license.

    For more information, contact the Phuket Provincial Transportation Office on Rattanakosin 200 Pi Rd, Phuket Town, between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm on weekdays. Tel: 076-220792 or 076-211019. ”

    Thursday, November 14, 2002 Officer, Phuket Provincial Transportation Office.

    Thailand has an agreement with some countries, including Japan, Australia, New Zealand, the UK and the US, that allows people to drive in those countries using Thai driving licenses.

    Another option is to exchange your Thai driving license for one issued in the country where you want to drive. For full details of what options are available, you should contact the relevant embassy in Thailand.

    Finally, many people who want to drive in a foreign country should obtain an Interntational Driving Permit before travelling. This permit, which is valid for one year, allows the holder to drive in any of at least 168 countries that signed the Convention on International Road Traffic of September 19, 1949.

    International Driving Permits issued in Thailand are issued by the Department of Land Transportation (DLT). For more information, contact the DLT Bangkok office at 1032 Phaholyothin Rd, Lad Yao, Chatujak, BKK 10900. Tel/Fax: 02-272 3614-6. Website: http://dlt.motc.go.th

    Friday, May 23, 2003 Roongpop Traiyasunun, Transportation Technical Office, DLT, Bangkok.

    Only Thais and holders of Thai residency permits are allowed long-term licences.

    Second, if you change any details on your licenses when uprgading from provisional to full license, there is no need to pay more than the fee for renewing them.

    If you wish to change details on your license when you renew it, there will be a 50-baht charge plus a processing fee of five baht in addition to the fee for renewing the license.

    Thai law requires every person holding a driver’s license to notify their local Transportation Office of any change of details stated on the license.

    For more information please call the Phuket Provincial Transportation Office at 076-214929 or 076-214930. ”

  9. The truth,and thanks for good info syd Barrett.

    Nationalism is the problem.

    I think Thailand was going on the right direction, some up and downs, but however slowly on the way to a democratic country.

    But the last three years after "love us, love us" come to power its getting to nationalistic.

    History show that extreme nationalism is a dangerous thing for a country with many nationalities and mixed religion.

    Hopefully they will be enlighten before it goes to far and got their own problem!


  10. impy_la_blimpy!

    If biking is a habit you don't want to be without, move to one of the less populated province`s instead of Bangkok.

    As an example her down South (Phuket). Even if the traffic also here have increased a lot the last five years its quit many people who use bikes for exercise and there is also a couple of group rides every week with a mix of Thais and foreigners.

    Avoid the rush hours and take your long rides in the weekend and you can still have a nice ride.

    Should not be any problem to bring your bike over here. Most airlines bring it free as long as your total luggage, included the bike not exceed the weight limit.

    (Usually 20-40Kg, depends on the airline)

  11. Thailand mulls sending culled chicken to feed the world's poor

    Published on Feb 4, 2004

    BANGKOK, Feb 4 (AFP) - Thailand's premier has asked the government to investigate whether chickens being culled here to prevent the spread of bird flu could be cooked, canned and sent to poor countries, a minister said Wednesday.

    Commerce minister Watana Muangsook told reporters Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra had made the request to ministers during Tuesday's cabinet meeting.

    "The prime minister asked them to check whether it would be against rules of the OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health) for Thailand to produce canned cooked chicken from disease-free chickens and give it to poor countries," he said.

    "If it is against OIE rules, Thailand will not do it," Watana said.

    The Paris-based OIE is the world's veterinary health watchdog.

    Nearly 25 million chickens have been culled across Thailand in a bid to prevent the spread of the deadly avian influenza virus, which has killed four people in the kingdom and 11 in Vietnam.

    Culling has already been completed across 31 of the 38 Thai provinces where the virus has been detected.

    The World Health Organization (WHO) has said that the avian influenza virus is destroyed if infected poultry or eggs is cooked at 75 degrees Celsius (167 Fahrenheit). The virus is largely transmitted through bird droppings.

    :o .....do they really need to send it for reach the poor?

  12. Here in the South we can relax. The birds dont die of bird flue but of poisoning. Or is this another plan for keeping tourist relaxed......


    (PhuketGazette Sunday 1. February)

    PHUKET: Fears surrounding the spread of avian ’flu have led members of the public to take matters into their own hands and poison wild birds, it was claimed today.

    An autopsy conducted on a dead bird found in Phuket Town showed that it died from ingesting insecticide mixed with rice.

    Officers from the Phuket Provincial Livestock Office (PPLO) have examined other birds found dead in the past week – including a peacock – and said all had been similarly poisoned.

    Sunart Wongchawalit, the Chief of the PPLO, told the Gazette today that other provinces have reported similar unauthorized culls. Although cautious not to put a number on the deaths, K. Sunart said it seemed that the public was beginning its own vigilante action against the local bird population.

    Official steps taken to prevent the H5N1 virus from spreading to Phuket include a ban on all imports of poultry to the island, with officers concentrating their efforts on monitoring sea and land routes into the province.

    One person in neighboring Phang Nga province is suspected of having contracted the virus, and tens of thousands of birds have already been culled within a five-kilometer radius of a Takuapa farm where a number of birds were confirmed on Thursday to have died from avian ’flu.

  13. There is no limit on how much land a Thai woman married to a foreigner can own.

    However, for her to own land, you, being her husband, must sign an affidavit at the Provincial Land Office guaranteeing that she is not using communal property acquired after marriage to buy land. ”

    Marriage to a Thai national confers no rights, though a marriage certificate may be used in support of applications for visas and work permits. Generally speaking, foreigners have no specific rights in Thailand.”

    Most foreign embassies would demand that she prove that she is single or divorced (if she have been married before)with a document you can get at the district office where she has registered here address before you can get married. The same apply to you!

    It is she who can gain something if you register the marriage. Example benefits from your country. Like economical benefits when you eventually get a child, birth support,health insurance, pension after you die, free education if you move back home, etc

    Dowry is only actual if she not have had any husband before you..... The amount is negotiable.

    Party is up to here, you and here family, if you live in a rich province with wealthy friends, well then the party`s cost and more to is probably covered. Poor place, the small amount you get will probably go to here family.

    If she absolutely not want to register the marriage, well think twice about it! :o

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