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Posts posted by frankman

  1. I think the real reason for the transfer was the killing of a local politician in Sritanu. Everybody knows who it was, but because it was another local politician the policeboss didn't want to take action. As soon as the new 'man' came to office he arrestet the man who paid two hitmen. The hitmen are still at large.

    But at the end of the day there is a pricetak on EVERYTHING here on koh phangan.

  2. As I renewed my licence for getting a 5 year licence I needed, Passpportcopy, Immigrationpaper, one for motorbike, one for car, they didn't ask me for my tambien baan luang, passphotos and than they just did it 20min. Costs me 1340 THB for the next 5 years. But that was last year on Samui. Anybody an idea whats going to be needed when I want to get the 20 year-licence?

  3. My wife has a gun and a permit. We have many dogs. So anyone want to come... please, we have 3000 familymembers and lots of disposalspace and many boats. Please rob us. Come on, everybody has a gun, to rob a house on the island is more dangerous then robbing Fort Knox. But everybody has a free will and can try.

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