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Everything posted by gjoo888

  1. How the heck are Thai people that make 350 Baht a day going to afford paying a 2000 Baht fine, much less a 4000 Baht fine? It's easy to say to not commit the offenses in the first place, but more than a week's pay, or two weeks pay should be a crime itself. A fine of 500 or 1000 Baht would likely have the same deterrent effect, without taking away someone's ability to feed themselves or their family.
  2. I'm sorry she died, but using your phone while riding a motorbike should be called a suicide.
  3. For the first time since the pandemic started, I personally know six people that presently have Covid. Whether it's just a coincidence or a bad sign, I don't know. The good thing though, is that all of the six people are only experiencing mild symptoms and all are vaccinated.
  4. I wouldn't expect things to be much different than before, it's not like weed wasn't widely available before legalization (so I've heard, hehe). The main difference is there will be a lot more stoned tourists, which should be of great benefit to the junk and fast food industries. Releasing the prisoners who were imprisoned for cannabis related crimes was a big plus too.
  5. I'll take a 73 yr. old paying attention to the road over a 17 yr. old texting on his phone every time.
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