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Posts posted by thomast

  1. Idi Amin was my boss when I flew for East African Airways. When our operations manager resigned, rather than speed-up checking out unqualified local pilots, Idi appointed his friend, Captain Trevor Hill, a Judo Black Belt and International Boxing referee as as the new ops manager. Trevor had refereed Idi when he was boxing in the Uganda army. That was after one of his tanks put a round through the airport building at Entebbe. Idi was thinning out the opposition main tribe, the Muganda at such a rate that the army helicopters were dropping bodies into Laker Victoria almost nonstop. Quite often on final approachin on our the SVC10s we were warned to watch out for helicopter acivity.

  2. http://technorati.com/videos/youtube.com%2...v%3DXj7AN4fRe6s

    put this one in your pipe snd smoke it, pro vaccine wingnuts, and while you are watching this video, write up for me all those scientific studies that show mercury and aspartame are safe for huimans.

    Moderator Interjection: see response to prior similiar post with respect to mercury and asparatame in vaccines.

    And dont forget that the polio outbreaks since Salk days have all been due to the vaccine, and smallpox outbreaks have occurred among the vaccinated, and the fraud HPV vaccine where the FDA knew five years ago that the virus doesnot cause cancer, and yes autism is caused by the vaccine, latest news, not big farma misinformation confirms it.

    Moderator interjection: (1) multiple polio outbreaks have oc curred due to lack of immunization in developing countries where coverage is still low. This statement is inaccurate. (2) there has not been a smallpox outbreak in about 50 years and there has not been a single case, worldwide, sine 1977. The disease has been completely eradicated due to an aggressive immunization campaign and the fact that, unlike many diseases, it has no animal resevoir. This statement is completelty inaccurate. (3) the evidence linking HPV and cervical cancer is solid. (4) repeated studies have failed to establish a link between autism and vaccination. Since hundreds of millions of children are vaccinated annually, and very few of them develop autism, a direct casual link is imnplausible; if there is any link it must invove a third factor.

    I repeat, theonly safe vaccine IS NO VACCINE. If you want to get your daughter jabbed, get the quack to put in writing that he/she guarantees there will be no side effects..

  3. Its not love, only infatuation. Love takes many years to grow, needing great friendship and having many interests in common. Doesnt sound like you got that. Maybe also she is scared that you may walk out on her, so she puts on these tantrums to let you know what she will do if you do. Not good.

  4. The only safe vaccine is no vaccine. A billion dollar fraud that injects mercry and aspartame, neurotoxic preservatives, into newly developng neuronal systems.

    Moderator interjection: The above is exaggerated and misleading. Vaccines do not contain either mercury. In the past, some vaccines contained the preservative thimerosol, a compound which prevents bcterial contamination. One of thimerosol's metabolic products is ethyl mercury. Ethyl mercury is excreted from the body much more rapidly and effectively than methyl mercury, and Although the quantitiy is minute, and studies have shown that it is completelt eliminated from the body within 30 days, with no long term accumulation, in the wake of public concern, health authorities in the U.S. recommended it not be used in 1999. Most US made vaccines are thus now thimeresol-free. I don't know about Thai manufactured vaccines; maybe on of the other readers can advise? Millions of children are vaccinated in Thailand yearly without evident ill effect, but if one is concerned, it should be possible to obtain thimerosol-free vaccination (it might, however, require a trip to one of the international hospitals in Bkk).

    As for aspartame, there is ongoing controversy over its safety given the huge amounts being consumed on a regular basis by many people (diet sodas and the like); no convincing proof it is harmful but stuidies still ongoing. It is NOT used in infant/child vaccines; the usual sweetener for oral vaccines for kids is sorbitol. It is used in very minute quantities in some adult oral vaccines e.g. the oral cholera vaccine. The quantity of aspartame one would ingest that way is microscopic compared to the quantities most people ingest from a variety of processed foods.

    Also a great way to spread the Aids virus. (populaton control) aka Brazil, Congo etc where pre-sexual activity age, pre drug use age youngsters, who received the small pox vaccines, became Aids infected.

    Moderator interjection: this is complete nonsense. The only way that vaccination could transmit AIDs is if the needles were reused from person to person and one of the prior recipients had AIDs and their blood was still freshly wet on the needle. A highl;y unlikely scenario in child vaccination campaigns. (Of course, for other reasons, needles should not be reused -- and they aren't, in any Thai health facility I have ever seen). Smallpox has long been eradication and vaccination stopped well before the onset of the AIDs epidemic.

    Save your childs future health and stay away from money grabbing, inhumane mainstrem medicine/Big Pharma profiteering. No needle goes anywhere near my son.

    Moderator interjection: most of the routine child vaccinations are long off patent and not a money maker at all. In fact, many countries have had to make special legal and financial provisions to persuade manufacturers to keep producing them.

    If I need a vaccine to visit a certain, country, I dont visit.

  5. Easily the best aircon ever made is the new Daikin Inverter. I have just installed it. The temperature variation is extremely small between cycling, so you dont wake up in a sweat every few minutes, and then freeze when it switches in with a noisy squelch in the room unit. The air coming out is not an ice cold blast, followed by warm air till the temp goes up again, but a cool continuous breeze. The Inverter name, I think refers to inverting AC to DC, and this giving us the first variable-speed-compressor aircon. You will pay 30% more than for a fixed comp. speed old type aircon, but if you want a healthy sleep, its worth it.

  6. Street food is loaded with Monosodium Glutamate, MSG. Some is already in prepared food, the rest is added, even to a fresh salad. MSG is a neurotoxin. Side effects include arrhythmia, (irregular heartbeat) and cardiac arrest, (death). Every person has a different sensitivity to MSG, and you wont know your sensitivity till your heat starts missing beats and thumping in your chest. Cardiac arrest from MSG does not have a good history of revival. Two young Thai workers died in Singapore a few months ago from cardiac arrest after a meal. I wonder why??? If you care a little about your health, ask the vendor NOT to add pong-churod, MSG. Most supermarket prepared foods, bacon, sausages, prepared meats, and many canned goods, potato crisps etc, already have it in. If your food stall cooks fresh meats, and makes you a fresh salad, you can ask them not to add pongchurod. After a few visits, they will smile when you approach for your meal, saying.. no ponchurod.

  7. If you dont want to insult the London Bankers, nor their puppets the Neocons, nor in turn their puppets, the US Pres. candidates, nor the Israelis, nor ask a single question about the scientifically un-proven holocast, (not an anti semitic comment, as I was born a Jew, and, in any case, the semites are the Arabs, not the Caucasians who later immigrated and converted to Judaism), then we can safely say that this forum is politically correct. This post is politically incorrect for discussing political correctness too blatantly, so it will most probably be struck off.

  8. Continuing the above. Thai food is normally cooked in aluminium, (connected with Alzheimers); poor grade stainless steel ( chromium and nickel go into food, the nickel drawing the cancer nucleus into the organ for a mailgnancy); and teflon and enamel, both of which leak carcinogenic dyes. Unless one uses 18/10 stamped stainless steel, available at Index, Meyer brand from Germany, (at one third Europe prices), the early grave will still beckon.

  9. The typical Thai diet has it all, sugar; contains asbestos that de-activates white blood cells; MSG that is carcinogenic neuro-toxin, microwave warmed and defrosted foods, that introduce carcinogen radiolytic comounds into all foods; raw garlic that binds the cancer complex.Pork with phloridzin etc etc Yes Thai foods, unless carefully cooked at home, and carefully selected with todays knowledge, have all the ingredients for the early grave. . A worker on our Resort has just expired, after a miserable 40 year life span.

  10. The causes of all cancers are now known, so the cure and prevention of all cancers is now also known. No more do you have to hang on to snippets pushed out by Cancer Inc. where you hope to reduce risk by some percentage points, by eating this, ie anti-oxidants, or not eating that. Cancer Inc. is a trillion dollar industry, where it is a criminal offense for a doctor to use any other treatment apart from chemo, radiation, surgery or experimental genetic work, ie it is illegal to cure. Their logic is that as there is no cure, if a doctor cures using any alternative modalitiy, then a fraud has been committed and they will be struck off. Buy, read up and learn The Cure and Prevention of All Cancers 2007, H R Clark PhD ND. www.drclark.com. This cell biologist has identified the causes, using her patented Synchrometer, a resonance device that identifies parasites, bacteria, myco bacteria, virus, dyes, heavy metals, aflotixins, etc etc in the body, and their location! She has worked out and proven the pathways. She was threatened with imprisonment in USA, if she published her work, but defended by a famous freedom of speech lawyer, succeeded to publish. This work would/will never be allowed to to published in the contolled, Medical or Scienctific Journal. With this knowledge, it is privately published. So today, July 2008, if a family member or friend is even terminal with one week to go, you can save a life. Based on her initial mid 90s works, I have saved several of those. Be surprised at some fresh vegetables with anti-oxidants, or popular drinks that contain plant phenols, chemcals that control ripening, color, flavour etc. that inlame and degrade internal organs so as to facilitate a malignancy. One example. Tea contains phloridzin, chlorogenic acid, and gallic acid that respectively degrade pituatary, hypothalamus and pancreas. These degraded organ parts join up to make the cancer nucleus, and will enter an organ that is inflamed, by another pheno/chemical, and together with the cancer complex cause the malignancy. The degrade parts, as they have left their original organ location, uncontrollably release hormones that stimulate malignany, ie stem cell factor and human growth hormone. Tea also contains the plant phenol caffeic acid which inflames eight internal organs and the chemical ASA, aspirin, which inflames another 8 internal organs, allowing easy entry for the cancer nucleus and cancer complex. Interruption of ANY of these pathways stops the malignancy. Activating white blood cells with 3 organic nutrients will shrink the tumors. 600 pages of valuable knowledge will save lives, yours, your relatives and your friends. I have no commercial interest in drclark.com

  11. I don't see where in the article this search has anything to do with catching pedophiles. It seems more related to 9/11. Also, it didn't really explain the seizure part. I can't believe the security people doing the searches have the brains to conduct such an inspection. It must take forever. Things have certainly changed.

    I hope you are not one of those that believe in the conspiracy theory that an Arab in a cave in Afghan. shut down the hald trillion dollar US air defenses with his laptop, then free fell three buildings, including unstruck WTC 7.

  12. Starbucks (all) Coffee contains phloridzin, chlorogenic acid and gallic acid that respectively inflame and degrade pituatary, hypothalamus and pancreas, forming the cancer nucleus, essenial for a malignancy. Coffee also contains caffeic acid that inflames 8 internal organs allowing easy entry of the cancer nucleus, needing only a few more stages for a malignancy. We know the causes, therefore you can cure and prevent the little c. Get 20 years ahead of conventional medicine, and save a life. Kentucky FC tastes finger licking good because of the monosodium glutamate in which it swims. Some of the side effects of MSG are arrhythmia, (irregulart heartbeat) and cardiac arrest, (death). Every body has a different tolerance, but it affects all. Thai food in restaurants uses MSG; and microwave ovens, which make all food carcinogenic, due to radiolytic compounds introduced, and all nutrients are destroyed. Most Thai food has sugar added. All sugar is contaminated with asbestos (old conveyor belts somewhere in the processing line). Asbestos inactivates your killer white blood cells, crashing your immune system Sorry to spoil the fun. See you in Rawai for a healthy piece of...what???

  13. I repeat forget calories. Physics, yes, human physiology NO: Read up on thermic/thermogenic effect, and homeostasis. You will find it in Human Physiology, by Vanders, Sherman and Luciano, the basic medical school textbook.

    I did NOT say zero carbs, I said eat fruit before the exercise. I also said zero carbs after exercise till breakfast next day. Breakfast you can eat some carbs. Atkins has been much modified and improved upon. Atkins first cme out in the 70s, and I have folowed him since then, adding some of my mods. Try www.mercola.com a free bi-weekly health newsletter from an MD turned fully alternative, for good new science on body types and carbs, diabetes cure etc....

  14. you may wonder what happens if you say yes. Well, when I lived in Hong Kong, I heard that some Chinese fell for it, and ended up in a hotel room in Nigeria. There they were releved of their credit cards, pin numbers and cash at gunpoint. Guess if you hit one in a thousand, you make it rich. Thats why they keep trying. Other scams are more gentle and ask you for say 10,000 baht to proceed to the next stage to get your lottery winnings.

  15. Get a cross trainer/elliptical. You do not need one with programs. You can buy one with the manual pressure adjuster. All you need is a clock, so if the battery goes flat or the computor fails, it doesnt matter. Then use it as follows. Warm up 3 minutes, lighter pressure. Sprint 90 seconds, higher pressure, at a rate that does not exhaust you and force a stop; (then slower at the reduced presure for one minute, after each sprint, except the last one). Iniitially make 2 repeat sprints, and build up to 4 X 90 second sprints. Cool down at the initial pressure for three minutes. Then do some stretching. Do your exercise daily, its only 15 minutes and thats all you need for superb heart and lung health, and fat loss. Diet to lose weight... forget about the non-scientific calories, the body has many compensatory mechanisms, thermic effect, homeostasis etc, so calories DONT COUNT. For diet, eat some fruit 45 minutes before the exercise, then try and go zero carbs till next day breakfast. No fruit, milk, bread, rice etc. You can eat unlimited meat, fat, eggs, cheese, veges, except spuds. Good training, lets know how it goes.

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