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Posts posted by thomast

  1. Flies disappear at dusk because they have no night flying ratings. Their instrument panels are liimited, no altilmeter, no artificial horizon etc. Also they have been warned that that night is mosquito time. Mozzies l nip out at dusk, apart from the braver ones who feed in daylight. Mosquitos have a night flying instrument panel or darn good eyesight. Also have you noticed that mozzies will only bite out of your site. They will bite my wifes back in my sight, but not bite her or my chest or line of sight parts of the body. I bin watching them do this for 20 years and they are still at it. Clever sods. Are they reading our bio-physical field consciousness? they are not watching our eyes for sure. Any ideas``

  2. Churchill. Read The Truth Shall Set You Free by David Icke. Find out who is running the planet. The Central Banks, owned by the London bankers, read Rothschilds, and Rockefellers in US. They call the shots, create depressions, create wars. destroy this nation or that that is too powerful. Czarist Russia, Germany, Serbia, etc. China will defeat them however. That is foretold. It is all greed, power and evil. The so called democratically elected leaders are part of the scam, or end up as mere puppets. ie Obama is Brezinskis puppet, and of course Israels. Any body brave enough to rock the boat? Kennedy with his no more Fed. Reserve idea, (neither Federal nor has any reserves, just prints paper money and charges interest, privately owned by the bankers) and no more CIA idea. Didnt take long to drop him off the table. A powerful middle class is not good for their one world govt plan. Didnt they starve to death 7 million during the US great depression, destroying food stocks to keep prices high, and foreclosing farmlands? The mainstream media is owned by them and control little minds to believe an alternative reality, 911 was done by yound Arabs, (who couldnt even solo a Cessna 172, Pentagon)peak oil, need for GM crops for food, no cures for cancer, heart disease, diabetes, MS, and other BS. World Wars One, Two, Vietnam etc are al Bankers wars for profit, deliberately started. Do you still believe Gulf of Tonkin really happened to start the Vietnam war? Explain why the war was extended. Was it not so that US planes could keep dropping bombs into the sea, off the coast of Vietnam, so seismologoist aboard navy vessels could map out the possible oil bearing strata? In World War One both sides were financed by the London bankers.. WW2, Ford supplied engines for the German tanks, Standard oil gave fuel to Germany, (Rockefella) US banks bank-rolled Germany. grandpa Bush was involved in this financing. The whole point of this mind control is to make you believe an alternative reality, theirs. This experiment has been successfully carried out in Denmark, with its high taxes, and massive fluoridation of drinking water to dumb down the population. Fluoride was the preferred method, given by their scientists to the Soviet leaders, after WW 2 to control their newly conquered/negotiated countries populations. I will expect the usual wing-nut, whacko, conspiracy theorist, anti-semitic responses from those pre-programmed to automatically reject any or all of these statements that dont toe the official line..

  3. Pogue of the Ford Motor Company patented a 300mpg carburettor, making use of pre- vapoutised fuel. cant remember the date, 1950s I think. Garrett patented in-car-produced-hydrogen in 1935, using platinum and palladium electrodes, for electrolysis. Swiss had hydrogen engines in the mid 1970s running 300 trucks and tractors, using a radio frequency to split water vapour. The corrupt Swiss Govt of that time made the scientist dismantle them. This radio frequency method was again demonstrated recently on international TV. Any person who today manufactures such a hydrogen device meets a mysterious, untimely death, accident..The facilities burn down, and staff are threatened. Note that under Gull Island off the USA NW coast, and under Colorado there is more oil that of Saudi and Iraq. So this high price is just a design by the Elite to kill the middle class. And that is not a conspiracy theory like the one about an Arab in a cave in Afghan shutting down the half trillion dollar US air defenses with his laptop. With the naive comments from the starter of this thread, it is obvious he/she relies on C(sewer)NN for his news and not www.rense.com Somebody from the BIG OIL please explain that in an age when a color digital picture can be sent back from planet Mars, our brilliant scientists cannot efficiently split a water molecule.

  4. Tywais. Nah, they dont, but can communicate with spirit in body and spirit out of body. Spirit in body comm. is the final work in the initiation of a level 2 psychic/spirit healer, authenticated by the person who would have only supplied a photo and a name. Dont knock about what you know so little.

  5. Well, if they do a ceremony to open your third eye, so that you have pre-cognition ie tap into your spirit, (which knows your future, death date, next incarnation etc) and be able tap into the akashic records, ie the knowledge of the Universe, then yes its worth it. Otherwise it is a scam. Ask any Reiki level 2 or Master to demonstrate absent psychic healing to realise there is much more to explore for foreigners who come to the mysterious East. They, unfortunately believe crude western science and its notion of reality is all there is. (ThomasT. Reiki Master)

  6. Beentheredone that. Parkinsons is the inability of the substantia negra in the brain to make dopamine. It can be damaged by aspartame. Natural deterioration is speeded up by la deficiency in anti-oxidants such as supplemental natural Vit E, natural Vit C etc. Dementia has been shown to be a prion disease. Rather than stimulate a failing organ with caffein, why not prevent that damage?

  7. pumpuiman, your grandmother, who drank coffee till her 90s, was not exposed to Chlorox laundry bleach, now in half the USA drinking water, and used worldwide for ``purifying`` many food products. Chlorox bleach brings radioactive polonium, cyanide, (for pipes descaling), engine oil and bearing grease, dyes etc which destroy your immune system and make up part of the cancer complex. Air pollution today contains strontium and many other toxic metals, not voluminous in the past. Therefore today, coffee, and tea, must be taken in a different context

  8. Loose cannon. Does not big pharma financially support these so called research scientists who say..no effect despite there being over 30,000 peer reviewed scientific studies showing efficacy of vitamins, herbs etc. Were the participants using natural or synthetic vitamins? What dosages? A Danish study showed beta carotene to have a negative effect on lung cancer deaths. They used syntethic (toxic) beta carotene, on aged, heavy smoking men, whose health was already compromised. More, by chance died of their lung cancers. The newspapers screamed Vitamins cause cancer. No doubt you were also concvinced, believing in the free unbiased and truthful press.

  9. Jingthing. Sometimes we have to move forward, as science unfolds its mysteries, and re adjust our thinking. I used to cook with enamel, now that we know that enamel leaks dyes, back to steel, (but must be 18/10 grade stainless cookware, otherwise extremely toxic nickel opens up organs to attract the cancer nucleus) Glass leaks gold, so that also got thrown out. My one a day coffee, well, that went, I dont want degraded bits of pituatory circulating, uncontrollably sending out their hormones 24/7. There is a cancer epidemic, there wasnt before, and new science has identified its causes and therefore its prevention. Why not follow it. You save some money on expensive coffee,and TEA..

  10. I would drop the coffee beans and get some hibiscus and pommegranate teas, that is if you are also health conscious as well as appearance conscious, (razors)). Coffee contains chlorogenic acid, gallic acid and phloridzin which degrade the hypothalamus, pancreas and pituatary respectively. These degraded parts are the basic necessities for the cancer nucleus. Coffee also contains caffeic acid which is the specific allergen for 8 different organs. An allergen inflamed organ allows easy entry for the cancer nucleus and complex, starting a malignancy. Maybe you should also buy vitamin C in one gram tablets with bioflavanoids, try `now` brand, some organic selenium and organic germanium. These are the three kings of supplements that give your white blood cells the abilty to kill bacteria, virus, parasites, fungus, and detoxifies dyes, benzene, pcb etc.. If you are still reading this, and dont want to shoot the messenger, get up to date and buy yourself The Cure and Prevention of All Cancers, 2007, H R Clark PhD.ND. That will also keep you young and healthy for many decades..

  11. More important is going to sleep at the same time each night. After 40 minutes of sleep there us a large release of Growth Hormone,GH, from the pituatory gland in the brain, followed by smaller releases through the night. If you go to sleep 40 minutes later than your normal sleep time, and then still sleep 8 hours, you will wake up tired. The body has missed the large GH release it needed for repair work. If you exercise regularly (as essential as sleep for health) then the more you sleep, the more you will refresh. At 8 hours you should be fully charged up. If you had too much alcohol, you will have less of the deep rapid eye movement sleep, then again, you will wake up tired, even after 8 hours. Cant sleep well? Try valerian root, as melatonin seems to be banned in this country, as it interferes with big pharmas toxic chemical product profits. Still get tired during the day after a good sleep? Go back to basics. What is your breakfast? Eating 2 eggs for your breakfast, and little carbs, will keep your blood sugars stable all day and evening. That means your energy level.

  12. How about cutting your sugar, glucose syrups etc down to zero. And cutting out all carbs after midday. And stopping aspartame sweetened drinks, and stopping all unfermented thyroid-disrupting carcinogenic soy. How about getting off all the toxic synthetic pharmaceutical sh1t. (Including any new PILLS), How about doing some exercise, say just 15 minutes a day. Say a 3 minute warmup, 90sec sprint, then one minute slow, repeated 4 times, then a three minute cool down. That will keepyour fat furnace going for 18 hours. One Kilo a week till you are ripped.

  13. Alzheimers is a prion disease, not caused by obesity. Was Reagan was a fatty? Nah. Of course the article wont tell you that if you zero the sugar intake, have no carbs after midday, or whenever you have exercised, stop drinking aspartame sweetened drinks, get off the thyroid-disrupting soy producst, and get off most of todays toxic pharmaceutical sh1t, you will lose your fat. They dont tell you this because they dunno. They are specialists, of course, looking ar tiny cells all day.

  14. Smart guy. Now that we do know that cigi smoke contains polonium, the essential first step in the cancer complex, (the same stuff with which the so call Russian spy accidentally radiated himself with, handling shady polonium transactions), you may have just saved your life. That is assuming that you dont have any amalgams in your mouth/teeth. They are by law allowed to contain uranium, and they will always have polonium, leaking into you 24 hours a day. Keep up with the science, live longer and healthier. Ignore the Oh, my God comments from anti-new -info posters.

  15. Once again, if you want this tea, and I drink it by the bucketload, go to Tesco (any size store) or Foodland.

    Good luck to you, you`ll need it. Also dont forget coffee, (now that you have decided to live dangerously). That has all the same plant chemicals as tea except for ASA and fluoride. Re longevity. These stats dont consider how healthy, just for how long they live. By age 55 most Chinese and Japanese are pretty shot physically. They are full of parasites, heavy metals, bacteria, virii, dyes, their livers and kidneys blocked, arteries narrowed, lens calcified etc. Their diet is crap. Modern medicine has not helped them, as it is only designed to treat, not to prevent, not to cure. Preventing and curing is NOT profitable. BTW What has the love of an imaginary god got to do with your health?

  16. After 17 years it was time to upgrade the Phuket home kitchen. Starting with a search for kitchen cupboards, led to a one stop shop. The kitchen cupboards of real wood, Malaysian made, have served perfectly for three years now, and still look and feek new. In the same shop was the Spanish made Fagor kitchen appliance agent.

    The appliances were a nightmare. Fridge. After a few weeks of use, it started to ice up in the deep freeze compartment and then switch itself off. After much pleading with the shop, the experts arrived, and poured hot water on the frozen condensor in the deep freeze compartment. It worked, and they said, OK now. Then, sometimes it quit after a few days, sometimes after a few hours. I got tired of taking all the food out of the deep freeze, and melting the ice each time with hot water. The team came again and said, it is the circulating fan. Then, no it is the electronics not switching on the fan. Can you get new electronics, I asked. Yes, we will ask Bangkok. After a few days I chase them, they say, Bangkok no have. I said then give me a new fridge. That had them confused. We will have to ask Bangkok. Well do that, I said. They came back, Ok you can have a new Fridge, (how generous, I thought we may have to wait for new electronics from Spain) BUT, they say, Phuket no have, must come from Bangkok. Do you have a spare, I asked. No, they said. I had to buy another small emergency fridge. New one arrived 2 weeks later, the door and sides with dents. I said dents. Yes they said, rough ride on lorry from Bangkok. So, that now works fine. BTW, the old fridge having worked reliably for 14 years was donated to a tsunami victim.

    Next cooker. The old gas/electric one, having been well used and trouble free for 16 years, had to give way to a new shiny Fagor gas/electric top. After no more than a few months use, the smaller gas burner melted, deformed and failed to burn correctly. Just outside your guarantee, sir, (tough luck, I thought, luckier with the fridge though!). New little burner cost over 1000 bt. After a few more months of use, the larger gas burner melts and deforms. I promise I am not doing experiments to try to melt titaniuml. Comment. Maybe your machine no good. I said its a Fagor, its your machine, and gas is gas is gas. Sorry, that is also out of guarantee. I know I said, but as it is the second time, dont you think that these are inferior materials you are using, for a simple gas burner to melt and deform, and maybe you give it to me for free. Okay she says, and I leave. I get a phone call next day and she says, you must pay, its out of guarantee. I said yesterdy you say OK, taday you say NO. Whazzamatta I ask? Out of guarantee, she insists. OK, get me another, I need to have it, but I will surely tell about this nonsense. But we will give you a 20% discount she pleads. Big deal. I say. Cost 1800 baht, before discount.

    So if you are looking for a new kitchen appliance, that in this high tech age you would not only expect to function as designed, but also to be made of at least acceptable materials, then please dont be fooled by this shiny, stylish Made in Spain brand.

  17. You should be grateful they no longer do. If you are keeping up with science, aka 2007, you will know tea contains phloridzin, that degrades the pituatary gland, chlorogenic acid that degrades the hypothalamus, and gallic acid that degrades the pancreas. The degraded parts circulate and keep uncontrollably releasing hormones. These three parts are the essential base for the cancer nucleus. They need then a cancer complex, to which to attach ,and then an inflamed organ, for easy penetration to create the malignancy. Organs are inflamed by a speficfic antigen, often a plant chemical. Tea has ASA (aspirin), which inflames 8 organs, and caffeic acid, which inflames another 8 organs. Add to that, the fact the tea leaves are the highest in toxic fluoride of any plant, and then dont wonder that the Japanese, who drink green tea, (which does contain health giving polyphenols) by the bucket, are dropping dead of every known ailment. Looks like the polyphenols are outscored bout 20 to 1. And, dont let your quack tell you there is no cure for the little c.

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