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Posts posted by thomast

  1. I hope you dont drink the coffee because you think it is healthgiving. Coffee contains the identified plant phenols (chemiicals) phloridzin, chlorogenic acid and gallic acid, which in turn degrade the pituatary, hypothalamus, and pancreas respectiuvely. The degraded parts join up to form the cancer nucleus essential for a mailignancy. Once the degraded pituatary cells freely circulate, they unctrollably release human growth hormone and stem cell factor, as they are no longer under the control of the hypothalamus. These two hormones aid the malignancy. Coffee also contains caffeic acid, which inflames 8 internal organs. An inflamed orgen allows easy entry for the cancer nucleus into that organ, for the malignacy to start, (assuming a few other factors are in palce). My expensive Bosch coffee maker with its high tech computors and clear instructions now lies unused.

  2. Thats not horizontal. Horizontal rainbows were the effects in the clouds before the latest big Chinese earthquake. These were caused by HAARP, which triggered the earthquake. Note scientists stated the absence of pre quake tremors to be most unusual. Note also that the Chinese have now agreed to sanctins on Iran, and will not drop the US$. Aamazing how an American made earthquake puts people in line, also same goes for Indonesia after Tsunami to sign anti terror documents re Malacca Straights. .

  3. Unless the reverse osmsosis is thru a ceramic barrier, you will pick up impurities that have been used/added to the membeane. If they have used chlorox bleach for the membrane disinfectio,n you will pick up polonium, grease, etc. Check out the Cure and Prevention of All Cancers 2997 H R Clark PhD ND at drclark.com for the full list of the engredients of chlorox bleach. You would taste it.

  4. Thanks eefoo for picking up my maths. One zero less. Astronomers only observe the sun, they cannot forecast. The 5 billion year projected life is just a wild guess-timate. We have been informed that we have 800 years to go. Russian and Canadian astronomers have for some time been worried that the 12 year sunspot cycle has not come around. The earth cooled .7 degree C last year. As they cannot forecast, astronomers are now guessng that maybe another mini ice- age is on he way. Thanks for allowing my strange syntax to pass, we Hungarians havent mastered you difficult tongue.

  5. Its just you. But, having said that, you are partially correct, but your timing aint. The sun has 800 years to go, (then its finito here) thats about 50 incarnations, if you average 80 years, and spend the same times in spirit. By then, hopefull you are spritually well enough developed/learnt/advanced not to have to re-incarnate. Again BUT, by then, actually quite soon, we will have beamship technology, (secret govt and et already have it) so you can always migrate. At any age there is talk of doom and gloom, and there is also cheer and happiness. depends on state of mind, and partly on bamk account. Maybe your emotional bio-rhythm was on a low cycle when you felt your world falling apart. See how you feel in two weeks.

  6. Jesus got it right, but not this version, which was changed from his original teachings. They also changed his name from Ymmanuel long after his death in Kashmir, well aged. This version is meant for control. His version would have set you free. Read The Talmud Ymmanuel published by B Meier for the original notes from Ymmanuel. Budha is almost right. you come back the same character as you were in last life, maybe in a different sex body, BUT if you progress spiritually in the next incarnation, then there is no need for further incarnations. Your spirit then becomes one with spirit. Each life in a body is only to allow the sprit to evolve and develop, to learn and to experience. IMHO.

  7. Although I didnt fly helicopters only fixed wing planes, copters have what is called auto-rotation. If they have sufficient height, more than several hundred feet above the ground, after even complete engine failure, they can do an emergegency landing in auto-rotation, where the rotor acts as a wing. It would be a heavy landing but these machines are designed with this in mind. So maybe not engine failure, unless the the pilot messed up and didnt go through the drills, (panic)?

  8. Alternatively.....If you have a valid overseas licence, free of endorsements, then get an International D L in Phuket. Can be done via mail. I had a valid Hong Kong Drivers licence, but as I dont live there now, and my ID card expired, I cant get an International DL there. I went to International Auromobile Assn in Phuket, (google them). You can do the procedure by mail. I got a 20 year International DL. 6000 baht. A ten year IDL costs 5000 baht. You can use that in Thailand, and I will use mine also in Europe. It looks very official and is accepted. It is legal. The IAA is USA registered. US govt transport dept only gives two Auto Assns the right to issue an International DL, and NOT this IAA. However, as this licence is not issued in USA, that ruling doesnt apply. It is issued in Thailand. According to the Geneva convention, any countriy`s Transportation Dept can designate an/several Automobile Assn/s to issue these IDLs. Thai Govt transportation Dept accepts these licences, so it appears they have designated IAA as an issuing body.

  9. Riza, It is only the Govt paid debunkers who claim no conclusive evidence of UFOs/aliens. I have 2 excellent sightings, one over France at 25,000ft, (we were at 32,000ft), a formation of 5, witnessed by all 4 of us in the cockpit of the East African Airways Super VC10. in 1971, and one at Nairobi Airport. We carried a UFO report form in our nav. boxes for each flight, due to the many airline pilots sightings. No sightings in Thailand. Go to www.theyfly.com for a reality check. And where do you think you came from? Surely if a chimp in ten million years is still a chimp, and doesnt turn into a blond 6 foot German traffic cop, then???

  10. They have a leader with guts, who wont be influenced by the elite. Their economy is alive and booming, while the US economy is being destroyed, and Europe is being forced into a one-party dictatorship. Thats what wrong with the Russians, they are better than you..

  11. Cruising on flattish terrain, there is no benefit having a hybrid. Consumptions have been exagerated as shown in independent road tests. In-car-produced hydrogen was patented by Garrett in USA in 1935, using electrolysis. You can today buy an add-on, to make hydrogen and feed it in thru the air intake. Consumption can decrease by 50% or more. Of course the Oily corrupt Govt, of USA anyway, has banned the sale of these except in kit form. Inventors who are brave enough to try to market any hydrogen generator or even concept usually meet with an untimely death. In Switzerland in the 70s a scientist had 300 trucks and tractors running on hydrogen, using a radio frequecy to break the water molecule. The corrupt govt of that time made him dismantle the lot. Please somebody explain to me how, in an age when color digital photos can be streamed back from Planet Mars, our brilliant engineers/scientists cannot efficiently split a water molecule. Hybrid is a smokescreen. Dont fall for their clever propaganda. If you want to economise, get a hydrogen kit. www.hydrogentap.com

  12. Pepe Kidneys can be blocked by having consumed water chlorinated with chlorox, a laundry bleach. Chlorox brings rubber, gold, nickel, beariing grease, engine oil, and dyes which bock kidneys. When the bodys immune system weakens, it can no longer detoxify these substances, nor substances such as rubber absorbed through the skin. The kidney, parasite and liver cleanse are the healthiest actions you can give your body, (as well as removing amalgams), even if you do run or cycle miles a day. I prefer to do 15 minutes cardio, doing 90 second sprints, with minute rests in between.

  13. Meaningless challenge. The old timer strong man was showing off, knowing that he was one out of a hundred. I wonder at what age did he die. Physical strength and endurance do not equal good health. that is nutrition, and many other factors based, as explained later. Example, in 1979 a 28 year old competetive marathon runner died of a heart attack in Honolulu. One of his coronary arteries was blocked, then another blocked to cause his death. Post mortems of 3 year olds on high sugar, (raises triglycerides); and hydrogenated fats, (another cause); low on vitamin C, (reduces lipo-protein alpha); B6, B12 folic acid, (reduces homocysteine) have shown arterial narrowing. In Vietnam US postmortems on 22 year old military personaell have shown massive arterial narrowing. They were fit, right? How does one handle lifes problems if you are fit and strong, yet mentally, (spiritually) weak? So what are the challenges to the Thais, when 99% of the farangs are not in that physical class, let alone health class? Are not the farangs full of parasites, heavy metals and radioactivity from amalgams, (the law allows uranium in amalgams, that breaks down to polonium. We say amybody with an amalgam is a dead man walking), dyes from cookware, livers blocked with stones, kidneys blocked with rrubber, gold etc, arteries narrowed, rampant bacteria.... (but happily doing their pushups.)

  14. Before I switch on the big- money/govt controlled psy-ops mind-contol, highly edited, so called news, I open www.rense.com and find out whats happening in the real world. Listening to Bach or Mozart at the same time puts my brain waves into alpha for most the day for, clear thinking. Yes about Plejarans too sometimes, though rense has for some reason censored that.

  15. Wicked-Peda is heavily censored. They dont want to scare you, part of the elite`s mind control. What are all the massive underground bases then for, Norway, USA etc??? 2012 is NOT the end of the world, just a decimation of 90% of the races. I hope the Plejarans are wrong, but as they can move in time, they have probably already witnessed this event. Meier himself was taken forwards 300 years, in one of their time-beam-ships, and was shown a green and lush Switzerland, much as it now is, but with advanced tech transporters visible.

  16. After the 2012 meteor strike between the Caspian and Black Seas, which will split open the earths mantle and asphyxate 90% of the worlds population with sulphrous gases, these mathematical formalae will mean zilch. Info is from the Plejarans, our common ancestors. Plejarans? see www.theyfly.com. Clues.. Mayan calender ends in 2012. Psychologist Snow forward hypnotized 10,000 Uni stiudents, and in his book, Future Dreams, he noted 90 % could not reincarnate due lack of a body, and 90% died in their present life of asphyxation. So why, you may ask, if the Plejarams are 1500 years ahead of us in tech, they wont intervene. They were asked this by B. Meier, and the respnse was that this is a Universal Law and they would not/could not therefore, alter this course of events.

  17. Correction to the first post. For every 100 people you see today, you will only see 10 after 2012. Meteor strike between the the Black and Caspian Seas, opens the earths mantle, mass suffocation due to sulphurous gasses released. Clues. Mayan calender ends in 2012. Psychologist Snow`s book Foward Dreams, the subject covers forward hypnosis on 10,000 Uni students. There he noted that only 10% re-incarnated due to lack of a body. Also noted death due asphixation to the 90%. The meteor crash is info from the Plejarans, our common ancestotrs, and they said that as it is the univerasal Law, they will not alter it-. Plejarans? see www.theyfly.com. So, its not simple maths, its what happens in 2012.

  18. Miracle fruit is the papaya. It contains the digestive enzyme pepsin(ase). When you consume sugar, you are also consuming asbestos. All sugar is contaminated with microscopic asbestos fibres, (from old conveyor belts?) The fibres are ingested by your defensive CD14 white blood cells, (WBC) where they release iron. This iron is then is converted into another form, and leaves the inside of the cell, only to coat the surface of the WBC. This inactivates the WBC which then can no longer absorb, digest (kill) virus, bacteria, parasites, detox dyes, heavy metals etc. Another way you can dissolve this coating is with MSM, (methyl-sulphomene-sulphate) supplements. Moral to this story eat ZERO sugar, and eat lotsa papaya. That is why I have a laugh when people come up with this... Thai food is healthy nonsense. Nearly all prepared Thai food contains added sugar, and added MSG (E621) a neurotoxin Quite often restaurant food is microwaved to thaw the frozen produce or heat rapidly, this introducing carcinogenic glycolitic compounds into the food, that alter your blood chemistry, and destroys ALL vitamins. My restaurant order. No PONGCHUROD, (Thai for MSG), NO sugar, NO microwave. You wanna live dont you? Well if you dont care, thats up to you. I care. Others may also. Live long and prosper. Spock.[/i]

  19. Hong Kong ID has expired, so valid HK drivers licence cannot be used to renew their international licence, as before. Now live in EU. HK licence can obtain 10 or 20 year Thai issued Int. licence. just wonderning if anybody has used one overseas. Of course you wont know if its any good till the cops stop you. Getting a new EU licence is a hassle. Dunno bout them Klingons, but planet Erra has one Land Rover on it, beam-shipped over by one of our Plejaran visitors. see www.theyfly.com Guess the guy doesnt need a licence there.

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