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Posts posted by MrIrrisistable

  1. OK the initial thread. A bit of a weird bloke in a cafe. But this is a feeding frenzy. What is wrong with your lives that this is the only entertainment you can get out of life?

    Just what I was thinking - sad.

    Its not the only entertainment, it just happens to be this weeks different entertainment.

  2. Sorry, maybe there is a mixup here.

    By property do you mean the buildings etc on the land.

    Or do you mean it all, the buildings and the dirt underneath them and within all the boundaries ?

    If the first one then you are correct, if the second then I am not sure what to say, as you would be the first case I have ever heard of being a foreigner and being acknowledged by the land office as the owner, even though your name is not on the title as the legal land owner.

  3. From what I understand and I could be wrong, sometimes am, but cannot remember last time........anyway, there is 2 original land title documents issued for a block of land, 1 is then held at the land office and cannot/should not be removed. The other original is given to the owner, then when a sale happens, the original title papers are updated with new details and the new owner gets the updated, but still original title paper.

    This is how you end up with ratty old looking prehistoric land title deeds because they have been around for so long and changed hands so many times. We have currently a very old and tired title and asked about getting it replaced, they said no problem just go and report it lost and you will get a new one.

    So for those hanging onto the deed and thinking they are safe....chuckle chuckle.

    As for holding POA over land title, this means a foreigner controls the land and that in any way shape or form is not supposed to be kosha. Otherwise the holding of land by companies with foreign control would also be ok and not a sticky point lately.

    Also the death of a partner and inheritance of land by a foreigner would not be forced to sell within 12 months.

    Not doubting you have it, but wonder what would happen when it comes to the crunch of actually doing it yourself. As you said, you nearly got to the crunch, but not to the real final crunchy bit where all the good shit happens.

  4. Yeah like imagine getting an engineer here to service it.

    Then imagine the cost to fly in an engineer to fix his servicings.

    A guy I know mentioned he saw a couple of robo's parked at a property in isaan somewhere, so just wondering what they might be used for. He wants to learn to fly. I would not mind going for a jaunt myself one day also.

  5. Is he overweight...even just a little ?

    Judge his measurements next time, his girth and then measure a distance of the stool to the table that would be just too tight a fit...only just though....and then super glue the stool legs into position.

  6. MrIrrisistible , what does irrisistable mean ?

    i know what irresistable means , but i've never come across irrisistable before.

    I was born in the Irriwaddy delta in an irrigation ditch with no irrigularities by irritated parents, always spell me irri's that way, cannot get it outa me head.

    I was adopted by a very handsome couple at 6 months of age, hence my good looks and exquisite charm.

  7. Tod.....what happens if we get 2 ocd's playing for the same chair ?

    Could it be some kind of stellar explosion and your ocd complaints simply vanish and you wake up to reality and both rush off to the toilets to dirty up your hands a little ??

  8. Right...the sooner fat people start to pay their way in soceity the better off we will be.

    Who do you think contributes more to greenhouse gases ......a skinny dude or a fat dude ??

    Fat people should have their own carbin credits program.....but they would probably eat them.

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