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Posts posted by MrIrrisistable

  1. So give us a taste of this 'extraordinary' life to see if it may be worth reading about.

    One self published book I read recently which I thought was going to be an interesting read turned out to be a babbling load of <deleted> and the most boring book I had ever read.

    Seen it advertised on here also, so boring.....was hoping for some paper cuts to give me an excuse to burn it.

  2. I'm not sure about land in Burma but if you're looking for a good bargain I am selling the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Personally I think it would be a better buy than land in Burma.

    The Bridge was built in 1932 but has been constantly maintained and painted, and is still in good shape. PM me for the purchase price.

    (As for payment, I only accept a bank transfer to my bank account at the National Bank of Nigeria)

    How original.

    Heng...plenty of taps in the water I believe.

  3. Are you smokin the same shit I smoke ??

    I never get creative....well there was one time...this girl....

    It's good with the ladies actually - a kind of natural viagra. Yet another piece of evidence for the case for the defence! And it most certainly does get the creative juices flowing, although that does depend on quantity and quality...

    Oh I see...what you call 'creativity' is simply 10% of my normal creativity only viewed at a greater percentage through more creative eyes that are not really that creative.....woooh.

    "It is a well known fact, constantly ignored by the drug advocates, that soft drugs are only a stepping stone to hard drugs."

    and what a croc a <deleted> that is.....the only thing that leads to harder drugs is a weak personality. I am proof of it....from what I can remember.....woooh

  4. Will be interested to see it if they send you any pics of the finished roof, I presume those pics you put up of the steel roof frame is from them. They must have the finished product somewhere in photo.

    Personaly I like the flat roof in their website, I did not know that you could get such a low angle...they quote as low as 1 degree above horizontal...with steel sheeting, thought the water seepage/proofing would be a huge problem.

    We did a steel near flat roof, but the height difference is just under half a meter over an 11/12 meter span, not sure what that works out to in degrees however. I would have like to do it even flatter if I had seen that site beforehand.

  5. Have you got any pics of a finished roof in this style ?

    Personaly I would think that steel replacing the tiles that it is designed for, would look very ugly. In this type of designed house, the roof is a feature and the tiles relay that feature and give it a stylish classy look. Colourbond would just make it look cheap and nasty in my opinion. But that is just me.

    Nothing against steel roofing when the design is right for it.

  6. The process of law is somehwat different here than back west.

    Make sure you understand it and your lawyer explains it in detail how it works to you first. This has an outcome on how your case evolves for sure.

    I had an incompetant lawyer from Chonburi handle a case for me, unbelievably incompetant or corrupt they were and the consequences of this affected my case. If I had known several things prior to this, I would have been prepared, or made sure the lawyers were prepared much better.

    Costs are not prohibitive, I think from memory it was 2% of the amount in dispute plus your lawyer costs up to a maximum charged by the court in fees of 200k.

    I have a lawyer that I can recommend that certainly puts in the long hours to prepare his cases first and that is the main thing you need.

  7. Anything from 200k per rai to 3mil pr. Depends on title, location etc as always.

    An example, we looked at 60rai at 200k but the title was the lowest available, the one you are not even supposed to sell, only hand down to family etc. Por Bor Tor 5 from memory

    The next was NS3 at 500k.

    Next was 1.5 rai in a village area, nice locale and 2.5mil per rai, but then jumped to 3 mil.

    Next was 8 rai with the title next below NS3 at 1mil per rai.

    A bank repo area was 1.5 per rai on main road.

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