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  1. Will someone explain to the Envoy that since the second world war Thailand is still at war with UK 😉
  2. When will this stupidity end? Closing down schools for kids to have online classes from home is sheer stupidity. Like kids at home can enjoy a pristine air, can they. Maybe they all have air purifiers and know how to operate them properly. I've worked with such morons who make such decisions for 15 years. It had a significant effect on my health, more than pollution ever will, though it is a serious matter.
  3. Sorry, please check my original reply again as it is corrected and changed due to a grammatical error.
  4. In Thailand there is no such thing a waiting list, If you have money or reliable insurance. No nanny state here.
  5. I's well known amongst peasantry that most golfers like playing with holes. On the serious note, answer to the OP, you can live on 20.000 THB monthly as you described but keep in mind that you have to have some kind of visa and most importantly HEALTH Insurance that would add to the cost of living.
  6. It's all good. Not everyone has to be in the same camp. Hope that in the next year everything works out well for you.
  7. Mid market range for October 2024: Lowest Oct 1st =32.40; Highest Oct 29 =33.80 THB
  8. 35.50 THB to USD? That's how much it was 5 month ago, not to mention that is was 37.00 THB 7 month ago 😉 What is all this talking about 😉
  9. Sad. I guess most of the victims and injured didn't wear safety belts. When will they learn? On a bus or a van I am usually the only one properly strapped.
  10. I hope you're aware of this. Thailand's public hospitals use a three-tier medical charges system based on a patient's visa status: Tier 1: For Thai citizens and citizens of neighboring countries Tier 2: For expatriates who are working and paying taxes in Thailand Tier 3: For retirees and tourists (the most expensive) While private hospitals can charge up to 10 times more than government hospitals.
  11. I am terribly sorry dear Excise Department of Thailand. This year my contribution to you is cut in half. Thank you for your understanding. Sincerely yours. Nowhereman
  12. How about that guy who cut down all the trees and planted corn up in the hill above the village, is his house still standing?
  13. I am sure you're someone who's visa can be easily and quickly revoked. Chill man. Don't get in any trouble is the best way for foreigners in Thailand.
  14. That's a serious underestimate. Unfortunately.
  15. You might be right. I hope you manage to get it done.
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