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About featography

  • Birthday 10/29/1950

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    Chiang Mai

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    Chiang Mai,. Th.

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  1. The Chinese set up shops in major cities in USA. They were there to spy on their own vacationing nationals and drag the ones back to China that were dissidents in the minds of the Chinese govt. The FBI discovered this and did a sweep thru out, rounded up these Chinese Police and sent them back to China. I can only suspect the real intent being here is the same.
  2. Not to mention, be President of the U.S.A.
  3. Don't you just love AI and its irony. Robots asking humans to check boxes to prove humans are not robots.
  4. You should ask how much it costs to have a one night Thai girl friend.
  5. They're right. We can have fun with this.
  6. ''The flood has led to a home price boom as wealthy middle- class arrivals rent or buy to stay indefinitely on residential visas.'' What da-hell is a residential visa?!?
  7. What I did years ago (America) was booked the round trip, came and did 2 30 day extentions, but within the first 30 days, for $200 charge, moved the return flight up to the date that was 90 days after flight to Th. On the 4 trip, to stay in country on retirement stamp, I notified the airlines that I wanted to open extend the return trip. For $200. they gave me a 1 yr extension.
  8. you forgot the customary 30,000 thb to the next of kin plus a lateral move to another province
  9. At least its not doom and gloom bad news. I call that a nice change.
  10. My Grandson booked his flight out of Bkk 4 days after his tourist visa expired. So, before it expired, I took him to the Consulate and asked for an extension. They gave him a 60 day extension. I have a good friend in Immigration here in Chiang Mai and she told me if ever, anyone has an issue, it is always easier on them to to voluntarily go to Immigration. So far in 8yrs in C.M. everyone has told me that held true for them.
  11. First joke I heard from a Thai guy was about how American robbers are lo-so and Thai robbers are hi-so because Thai robbers were uniforms.????
  12. sorry, didnt know you were in BKK, which has a lot of moat. They are called canals.
  13. ''... or until her wares are all used up - ''??
  14. Isuzu now does all the work on Chev. and the dealerships are well trained in servicing them.

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