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    Nakohn Si Thamarat

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  1. he's acting like he's on one of Musks' rockets - heading to the moon. what is more likely is that the old saying will come true: ''the bigger they are, the harder they fall'' . as a Christian by nature, I don't wish ill will. But it will make my day when it happens. because the rest of the family are pretty usless deplorables.
  2. off topic. But, if you want to resurrect Sunday Bloody Sunday , or Zombie (the IRA bombings in England). you might want to read the smpathies which motivated Bono & Dolores O' Riordan, to write those songs. They are/were completely against civilians being killed in war as are most in the Republic of Irish. except for the racist comments by people like Yagoda (who is obviously from the North, which is British) .
  3. the Immediate Luminary Scam has made the news, again. would it not be a good idea to publicise this at AN ? I subscribe to the Post - so the latest reports came in today. the emphasis was more about the interviewer trying it out and making immediate (apparent) profits. then there are several links to YouTube pundits trying out the same ''research''. i pity the uneducated (even including the greedy) Thais, yet again.
  4. thanks for remembering. RIP. decency should come first, on AN. .
  5. TIT explains all transgressions of logic and common sense behavour. isn't this epaper edited before publication?
  6. there is a saying...the Democrats know how to lose an election - the Republicans know how to win it.
  7. when will you wake up to the sentiments on which the Irish position is based - the criminality of the deliberate killing of civilians in war Hamas fits that definition for sure. Why should Isreal get a free pass? Isreal military bombs the jejasus out of women and children. ( conservative estimates put the numbers killed, in Gaza,, by the Isreali military in the past 12 months at more than 6,000 women and 11,000 children). if that does not float your boat, the concept of bombing a civilian population into eternity, (a significant % of whom do not support Hamas) in order to get revenge on the Hamas army of, what 15,000 - 20,000 should do so. It strikes me as inhumane. then again the popular terms for Arabs used by Isreal are ''dogs and subhumans. for transparency I'm Irish born and proud of what my country stands up for - the dispossessed.
  8. you don't sound very 'nice' to me, Mal B.
  9. impressive research. but your logic is flawed and worse - you do not propose a solution - just attack the Irish led attempt to deal with ALL attrocities. Muslims have been killing Muslims, like for ever, due to the major division in Islam, between Shiite and Sunni followers. Assad is a Shiite. so they killed 600,000 'non-believers' nothing to do with Ireland or 'these other people' you want to target. Roghingya are Muslim and were massacred by the junta representing extremest Buddhists
  10. we had a new arrival plus his new gf visit us (to welcome them to the area). I suggested using a land holding company, to hold the land he was proposing to buy and subdivide - prime land. his response was a casual ''naw - i trust her with my life' . we're talking about an online gf from 3 months earlier. I often wonder, do many arrivals leave their mental facilities at home, when they move to Thailand.? good to know, they're still together. the kicker - we didn't get invited to the wedding. 555
  11. Some people. maybe he is one of 'the elite' ? 555
  12. how about the concept of sharing your good fortune?. sell some and give it away to charities. our good fortune was living at the beach and surviving the 2004 tsunami. the other good fortune was making money on crypto - we give some of it away. '' a shroud has no pockets''
  13. same same. a buddy from Dublin recommended it,, at 30 cents, 50 cents etc. I did not inhale.
  14. Borrocks......I just went to Makro yesterday and discovered that the import duty on wine had been reduced, resulting in a approx. 10% decrease the retail prices (of wine, anyway).
  15. ''White Dogs Matter'' .........another Thai spelling error? 🙂

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