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    Nakohn Si Thamarat

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  1. Private car. she's reported it to the police .
  2. she does not know whether to go to the police, or what to do? Is it legal for a workplace to record your conversations/track you movements? She found the bug in her car. important to note Please do not go down the rabbit hole of a jealous ex. she has been divorced 12 years . has 2 kids, he just upped and abandoned her, remarried and does not visit nor support the kids. my basic question is - what is the law, all joking aside. first thing I recommended is that she do is to wear surgical gloves and place the device in a ziplock bag (this may be a bit of an overboard reaction by me, but it is in case it needs to be fingerprinted for evidence).
  3. what a cheek - right after Gaelic games, that's our national sport.
  4. Probem solved. PM me if anyone else needs help.
  5. talk about fumbling the ball. ho ho ho 555 LOL. it was your 'hero' who did not have the balls to serve his country in the military, due to claiming he had (spontaneously appearing) bone spurs. It is the real American heroes who do not take daddy's money & influence to buy their way in life.
  6. deflecting is a LAZY way of (non)participating in a thread. . you haven't responded to the specific point I made, which disgusts me. according to your boss, American taxpayers are now is going to get their money back - PLUS ''. as I wrote, what is he - a bloody money lender.? or is that part of your idea of American decency is?
  7. I agree the killing should stop. but the 'rare earth' deal does NOT include any guarantees that the US will help to secure Ukraine's borders from another Russian invasion, say 2 years from now, will it? I admire Trump's business savvy, (as compared to Helpless Harris) but not much else. how do you react to Trump's description of the deal? to quote him verbatim: ''we will get that money back. We're helping the country (Ukraine) through a very very big problem... but the American taxpayer now is going to get their money back - PLUS '' what is he - a bloody money lender.? Has the US now transitioned to being the 'World's Policeman' - with interest rates attached to its role? btw, he lies (nothing unusual there) - there is no way the US has pumped $300-350 billion into defending Ukraine). that's his new lie. the original lie was $500 billion
  8. That's a bit of twisted logic there, in my view. what sticks with me, are the simple words of one Republican Senator, who said he was deeply trouble by the vote, which puts the US on the same side as Russia and North Korea". "These are not our friends. This posture is a dramatic shift from American ideals of freedom and democracy,". Never in the modern history, in fact ever since the formation of the UN has America walked away from its international responsibilities. Today should be a day of shame for Americans.
  9. You....We......this is the state of the American empire, today : (deleted) - and I do mean 'deleted'. A nation divided is no longer a nation. and i don't blame either left or right, or middle. as we say in Canada - about the USA; nice country, pity about the people.
  10. why can I not get Bingo-Bongo out of my head,?
  11. as usual, black is white according to most Trump supporters . not saying it is a completely objective assessment it is just a more interesting American perspective: <https://understandingwar.org/.../ukraine-fact-sheet...> this certainly indicates a more knowledgeable assessments/news source than appears in US Media such as CNN, MSNS, etc. and by Russian, Turkish media & your source. It's illogical to think that Ukraine has no rights to sit at the table of a peace conference, with those who invaded its internationally recognized borders.
  12. my latest: driving home , through a major rain storm at 6.00 pm. - drivers (cars & trucks) with no headlights on. there used to be a joke about this - drivers thinking that they need to save their headlights from wearing out...
  13. an another instance of the same krap again, yesterday. (3 times in the past 6 days), at a small outlet of KFC in Makro Surat. 3 young Thais -at the next table to me, hollering into a mobile. i'm tired, it 3,00 pm & I'm getting my first food of the day. I don't need this (deleted). a loud ''turn it down please'' worked wonders. lots of giggles followed - which we all know means (''f u farang'' ) . to those of you who disagree, i will continue to react this way. it is important to not show any anger. i smiled and said good bye when i left, to show no hard feelings. for privately owned food outlets & so on, i will ask management to do something about this, otherwise i will vote with my feet. (must learn how to say that in Thai, as I am currently attending Thai language school (at 78 yrs young) 🙂
  14. why am i reminded of this song? ''Sing us a song, you're the piano man Sing us a song tonight Well, we're all in the mood for a melody And you've got us feelin' alright. And they sit at the bar and put bread in my jar And say, "Man, what are you doin' here?" (Hint - it's the sunglasses)
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