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Posts posted by MJP

  1. 8 minutes ago, shaggy1969 said:

    Nice shot mate,compliments to your little one.


    The 70/200 is a really nice lens,I was well impressed with it when you let me have a go with it in Amsterdam.

    Just wish that they wouldn't make the so,damn expensive!!!


    They are silly money. In fact the Sony stuff is getting brutally expensive (partly Yen strength, but also Sony's pricing strategy) and it's partly why I moved to Pentax full frame than continuing to build the Sony kit with an A7rII and f/2.8 zooms.

  2. 4 minutes ago, samuijimmy said:


    Pleased to see you have your posting issues, sorted MJP... nice to see you back! :thumbsup:


    Hello Jimmy!


    Since going back to shooting Pentax, pretty much exclusively, my passion for the art has returned. Picked up a K-1 and grip along with a Zeiss Distagon T* 2/35 and Planar T* 1.4/85 in ZK as well as the Pentax D-FA 2.8/15-30 (hideously expensive for what it is, just a Tamron branded as a Pentax) and the Pentax D-FA* 2.8/70-200, a behemoth of a lens but rather good. 


    This coming weekend is the Great Dorset Steam Fair featuring, et.al, the Big Pete Monster Truck show and a load of steam tractors. Here's hoping for fine weather!

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  3. On 28/05/2016 at 8:03 PM, Mornington Thomas said:

    Ken 'The Angry Photographer' Wheeler (along with many other aliases) is an arrogant loudmouth. He claims to offer in-depth reviews of lots of kit but all he actually does is give a very basic personal view with no photographic evidence, no test results, no information of what type of tests he carried out or the test equipment he used. Pointless. He claims to own, or have used, almost every Nikon camera and lens ever made and in some cases, D810, D500, he owns more than one of them. Why? For what reason. But worse than that are his constant repeating, time after time, in his videos of one or more irrelevant comments. At other times, and there are many of them, he will display a lens that he claims is the best thing ever and then tells his audience that if they do not own that particular lens that they are ignorant, morons and worse. He is the only person in the world to understand how magnetism works, is brighter than Einstein, was a world chess master, built computers, has written innumerable books, photographs large numbers of weddings, has invented the only way to correctly support a camera when not using a tripod, his famous 'Knuckle' stance. He is also the only person int he world to understand how light works. And so it goes on. With no evidence whatsoever he bad-mouthed Jason Lanier just because Jason switched from Nikon (Ken Wheeler's make of choice) to Sony mirrorless (Ken Wheelers hate of choice). Jason's choice had nothing to do with Ken Wheeler whatsoever. Why did he feel the need to make such fatuous statements? Jealousy? Probably. Jason is not sponsored by Sony but Ken claims he is. And he wishes he was too. You could see that in the video he posted claiming he had been offered a huge sponsorship deal but turned it down fat. Yeah, right! Of course you did. The man's vivid imagination is only marginally smaller than his ego and that is enormous. There are a huge number of things about Ken Wheeler that infuriate me and his manner and act are so unnecessary because he is obviously a very clever man and could, if he chose, produce some excellent and genuinely helpful reviews. However he revels in his notoriety and will almost certainly remain the same laughing stock he is now, if he did but realise it.


    I think he lives with his Mum.


    He was right about the Zeiss Distagon T* 2/35. I got one in K-mount for the K-1 and must say it is spectacular, along with the Zeiss Planar T* 1.4/85.

  4. 5 hours ago, shaggy1969 said:

    ......and if all else fails,just do what I do and copy the size you want and then just paste it into the comment box.


    Nice to see you on here again Mike,you've been missed!!!




    Got it now! Yup, just paste link directly. 


    Hello Shag.

  5. 12 hours ago, chiang mai said:


    Historically those things have never affected the Baht, even when there were tanks on the streets and snipers were taking potshots! The problem, if indeed it is a problem at all, is that the fundamentals of the Thai economy are very sound, ample supply of cheap labour, low taxation, no unions or social services overhead and almost zero unemployment - plus government debt is low and foreign currency reserves are very very high. One or more of the things I've listed would have to go into reverse in a big way for the economy to suffer and the value of THB to fall.


    There is only one event which will see THB fall. Unmentionable.

    UK along with the rest of the West will see a short period of deflation followed by likely rampant inflation.

    Still very glad the UK's getting out of the EU.

  6. this stupid woman is utterly clueless, too late now silly lady they are in germany amongst you. invited by you, noone else. a lot of these so called immigrants are not mis - placed persons, just in europe for the easy ride

    ...and your post does exactly the same as the one posted by 'omg...'

    these first two posts sum up just about everything that is so totally wrong about this world.

    and shows up why people like trump, le pen and wilders - and in the past hitler - have come to power.

    Not at all.

    These posts are reflective of some realities.

    In Germany and much of Europe, we have a system where we work and contribute in the form of taxes. Those taxes help to maintain our country and they also form a social safety net. People never voted for their money to be spent on people that never contributed to the system. This isn't selfish. It's also not altruistic.

    Economically speaking, our political leaders are fearful of a declining population because these social safety nets will run out of money in a declining, aging population. Also - they are lobbied by businesses who need growth to increase their share prices and enrich their shareholders. The solution of importing people from a different culture is not working out very well. But more than that, we should find solutions to a declining population because in the end there are simply too many people on the planet and perpetual growth is impossible.

    On top of this, In much of the Middle East, sectarian violence is tearing societies apart. Violence is the norm. The 'immigrants' were not families, it was single men. Many of whom have grown up to hate the West, have no sexual outlet and no prospects of ever finding fulfilling work.

    It is a recipe for disaster and it will lead to more bloodshed.

    Your post sums up everything about people that think there is an endless supply of resources on the planet and that just mixing up disparate cultures will have a happy ending. Multiculturalism has failed everywhere it's been tried. More of the same is not the answer. There is nothing wrong with the cultures of Europe at all.

    Merkel says German multicultural society has failed


    This was is 2010. What changed?

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