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Posts posted by MJP

  1. Just now, AlexRich said:


    There are always people who benefit ... a small hovercraft company (interviewed before the vote) in the UK would have been happy, as would anyone in the staycation business. But that, in itself, doesn't mean it was a good thing for the country ... our currency is lower, whilst benefiting large FTSE it's not good for domestic firms that buy overseas, lower interest rates hammer banks and savers,  and the country will have to take on more debt ... my view is that the benefits to those who gain is outweighed by those who lose ... an overall loss. 


    Not the opinion of our biggest client, which happens to be one of Europe's biggest privately owned firms. But who are they to know?

  2. 7 hours ago, AlexRich said:


    You're still basking on the economic benefits of still being in the EU set up; like an oil tanker, an economy doesn't turn on a sixpence, and certainly not in 2 months. You're referring to the strength of the economy as an EU member, not as a country that is outside of the EU. 


    We're still in the EU, we haven't left yet. Since 1973 when we joined the UK has been the fastest growth major economy in Europe, between 1950 and 1972 it was the slowest. So we may actually be reverting back to our 1950 performance, we just don't know until we are out and we are clear on the terms of trade with the EU. They just don't mention these things in the The Sun and the Daily Mail.


    What the German is saying is that there is no incentive to negotiate a good deal with the UK, in other words, there is an incentive to negotiate a bad one! So the uncertainty and constant leaks when the negotiations get underway after Article 50 is triggered will create even more instability ... not great for inward investment and you will likely see EU headquarters of multinationals and banks transfer to mainland Europe. They want free trade with 500 million plus people, not 60 million. Domestic firms will be more cautious also, not good for employment. And immigration continues unabated, so more people competing for fewer jobs. 


    But not to worry, we have Boris, Liam and David bumbling along completely clueless as to what it takes to build trade deals ... they are busy fighting amongst themselves ... fiddling as Rome burns! 


    What a mess! The funny part is that it is self-inflicted. And idiots gloat at this great victory! Hooray ... let's build some warships and retake the Empire ... for England and St George! 





    Just an anecdotal. But . . . 


    Off the back of Brexit, one of our "EU" based clients has increased investment in the UK by £7 billion, their board overjoyed at the referendum result. Before the vote their German finance director was urging all the Brits on site to vote Leave. He said, if the UK leaves the EU, I'm moving to the UK and bringing all my money with me. He reckoned the EU was a disaster. 

  3. 2 hours ago, robblok said:


    Things are going down the drain after the Brexit. All those Polish that maintained the bridges and did menial labor are forced out and there are no Brit replacements. Oh this will get ugly soon Thai standards will seem to high to obtain. (made in jest dont flame)


    But I like that this shows that construction errors happen all over the world 


    The 7 Billion quid extra investment into UK construction by our "EU" client off the back of Brexit . . . begs to differ.

  4. 22 minutes ago, shaggy1969 said:

    Awesome shot mate......only criticism it the harsh haloing.If you can remove that,then the jobs a good 'un!


    I've got the image open in PS at the moment and trying to extract the best from it. 

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