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About wensiensheng

  • Birthday 07/03/1957

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  1. Thai people will even provide video evidence. It seems they love to be voyeurs
  2. The source for this seems to be the little splurge of cases of British people trying to smuggle legal cannabis in Thailand, to Britain where it is illegal and therefore more expensive. Because of the publicity, it’s made the British press and that has sparked a story in Thailand. it’s fairly amateurish stuff, easily sorted by an uptick in sniffer dog activity at a few airports. But, of course, journalism has to try to generate reader reaction and engagement, hence a lurid headline designed to do just that.
  3. Still trying to work out how changing the 60 day visa free rule to 30 days, would have stopped this guy
  4. The actual result of the drug/alcohol tests, rather than your assumption?
  5. Any modern car can go too fast for the road it’s being driven on, and most old cars can too. It’s the driver that determines the speed, not the car
  6. It sounds like this guy had mental health issues to me. His behavior as described is bizarre.
  7. yep, exactly that. There is usually a local person behind the illegal business “owners”. Not sure they ever get penalized though, it’s always the foreign front man
  8. Well that is the crux of the matter imho. It’s not how long, it’s where from, that is the issue.
  9. You have no data to back up that statement. I bet you’re just going off ad hoc news reports on this forum and in the interest of sensationalism, individual crimes by foreigners have been reported here a lot. Make stuff up if you want, but don’t present it as fact.
  10. I can quite see that 21 days would be the average stay for working people coming on an annual holiday. But what this ignores is the “snow birds” , typically retirees, who are looking to spend 2/3 months away from colder climes. These are usually a sought after demographic because they tend not to cause trouble and spend steady money over an extended period of time. I’m sure that the 60 day visa period is very attractive to them given that it is also possible to get an extension. Canadians flying to Florida and Cuba are a typical example. Scandinavians flying to Thailand are another. As are other Western residents who want to escape winter in their own country. One wonders why TAT doesn’t make a big thing about attracting this demographic?
  11. If ASEAN now is this desperate for news, I stubbed my toe walking from the bedroom to the bathroom this morning.
  12. Oh COME ON. Don’t let facts get in the way of making racist comments. Whatever next 🤦‍♂️
  13. After filtering out any that aren’t 5 stars, how many are left? Even assuming 4 star hotels are considered good enough, do you really think it’s enough? I mean, Singapore hotels are choc a block on race week and the week before and there are a heck of a lot more hotels there than Burilam.
  14. Exactly. Do the rich types want to rub shoulders in Monaco, or Burilam? Every F1 location has some kind of cache to it, even Detroit as the historic auto capital of the world. Burilam is hard to get to, doesn’t have enough hotel rooms and is altogether too down market. Seems clear to me it would have to be Bangkok or within an hours drive of it.
  15. For the last 5 years or so F1 in Thailand has been reported as though it’s about to happen any day now. Even in this article it says F1 in Thailand is on the “brink”, but also says talks have just been “initiated “. In other words the process has just moved from only being talked about within Thailand and the minds of people here, to the initial discussion with F1 people. So the first step has been made after five years of jaw boning over nothing. Whether it comes to anything other than initial pleasantries, we will see. Thailand might be surprised at the incredible complexity that surrounds an F1 race, and the F1 people might be posturing as though they have an open mind simply to make sure Singapore knows that there is a competitor waiting in the wings if they don’t offer a good enough deal.
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