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Everything posted by wensiensheng

  1. The picture may not be representative of the actual situation, but the cash didn’t look to be exactly hidden. Looked to be in an envelope on the back seat.
  2. The head injury is more than suggestive that a helmet wasn’t worn. Just as the insurance company concluded.
  3. What a bizarre thread. The article mentions nothing of refugees, simply tourists and Russians buying and renting property in Thailand. there’s mention at the beginning about a “pact”, no mention of what that it is, simply that it doesn’t need to be approved by Parliament. what a waste of time reading it.
  4. For those who prove to the satisfaction of the authorities that they are very wealthy and/or have a high income, why the need for insurance? They can clearly afford to pay for their medical expenses
  5. It’s rife in Phuket. Visa agents abound and imho most love off getting visas for farang who don’t qualify for one bit pay 30k baht to get one
  6. Any bank that asks its customers for detailed personal information such as passwords is being grossly negligent. And any customer providing that information is grossly stupid. I can’t say that I have EVER been asked for that type of thing, on the contrary, often I receive messages saying that bank staff will never ask for such a thing. When I compare the security requirements for my Singapore bank and my thai bank, this is just Thailand playing catch up.
  7. How did they know it was his heart. Did they do an autopsy?
  8. He looks bigger than the average accountant type. But I guess that’s just me stereotyping.
  9. Agreed, but perhaps there were some alternative solutions he could have tried before losing off 18 shots from a firearm, presumably aimed at kids and teachers rather than just a building.
  10. So it takes 3 minutes. Except unlike as suggested in the headline, it’s not up and running yet. And the 3 minutes doesn’t include going to an immigration office to verify identity and get a stamp. So it’s not going to be 3 minutes in reality. give them credit for trying and minus points for overselling?
  11. And to prevent the west’s war desires, Russia invaded a sovereign nation and then declared that they owned parts of it? an interest strategy that hasn’t worked out so well to date since it guaranteed a war. No matter, Russia started the war, but the west will finish it. and “denazify”? Save that phrase for when you actually understand what it means.
  12. If Thailand truly believed the statements they made and which are quoted in the second paragraph of the OP, they would have voted with right thinking countries and voted for the condemnation. the fact that they didn’t has more to do with the hope that Russian tourists will arrive in Phuket, than any aspiration to resolve the conflict. a sorry state of affairs
  13. No. It appears to be a case of university employees allegedly fabricating the need to pay foreigners for services rendered, when in actual fact, no services were rendered. Fraudulent invoices in other words. Allegedly. at least that’s how I read it.
  14. Blah, blah, blah. In a couple of weeks this will all quietly be forgotten…..just like every other crackdown that I have heard announced over the last 15 years. Everyone knows it’s so.
  15. So many good laws on Thailands statute books. But not many stand the test of effective implementation. But good to know the theory of the situation, if not the reality. thanks for not being lazy so that I can make snide informed remarks. ???????? just kidding, no need to go off on one.
  16. This has to be a joke. Five hundred baht paid and their details would be given up in a nano second.
  17. No kind of investigation into whether there is systemic corruption/incompetence within that section of the police force then. Just a one month transfer for the top guy till things blow over. i expected nothing less, err more, tbh
  18. Actually, I have to give “Thailand” credit on this one. They started a few years ago and have stuck at it consistently and I personally think they have pretty much achieved this particular goal……Thailand ISNT a cheap destination any more. Due to various initiatives costs have risen dramatically over what they used to be. hats off to the Thais.
  19. No mention of flights in and out of Phuket being delayed and/or cancelled yesterday due to cracks in the runway I notice. Lucky they chose Swampy to tour whilst wearing face masks and not Phuket.
  20. Well, you replied to my specific post rather than simply replying to the thread. So it’s hard to see how your own post didn’t single mine out. The only reason I saw your post is because I received a notification that someone (you) had replied to mine and so I looked at what ad been written. but, whatever.
  21. Pretty sure it IS your fault. You are supposed to leave sufficient distance between you and the vehicle in front, so that you can stop in time should they perform an emergency stop for some, whatever, reason. commonsense really.
  22. The point of my post was that the poster to whom I replied, inferred that Thai women are poor drivers. Which may indeed be true. But the driver in this case was a Chinese women. So it would be wrong to cite this case as being due to poor driving by Thai women.
  23. Aren’t those locations inside? I understood masks to still be required inside buildings that aren’t restaurants or bars. Only outside can be mask less now…..if you want. perhaps I misunderstood
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