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Everything posted by wensiensheng

  1. My comment was off the back of various medical studies of the past year or so, nothing in particular. any stats on your anecdotal reliable news reports? ???? I’m guessing it varies, depending on not just severity of symptoms, but also standard of medical care provided and how early said medical care is received. But for sure deaths lag cases numbers. Pick your own average time frame. So no surprise that cases might drop, while cases rise, just after a peak each reached.
  2. No proof? What about the hidden prison cases? What about the bubble and seal cases identified by antigen, but not included in official numbers? there is proof. It’s just no one knows how deep it goes. That causes mistrust and before you know it, everything looks suspect whether it actually is, or not.
  3. From speaking to relatives in the UK, they don’t seem to care about Covid case numbers. They are used to living in a Covid environment. They have been double jabbed and feel they are as protected as can reasonably be expected. Whether Phuket has 2, 20 or 200 cases doesn’t seem to faze them. they do care about having a good holiday without restrictions. Having lived with them for so long in the UK, they really don’t want to swap what they have now, for a country that has more restrictions. testing doesn’t seem to be an issue for them. They are used to it, almost as a facet of everyday life. Phuket needs to refocus. It should do what is right for the population of the island, based on its current data, vis a vis vaccinations, hospitalizations etc. if that means continued restrictions, so be it. If it means normal life, so be it. seeking to eradicate virus cases probably won’t automatically result in tourists if the island is heavily restricted. Just my opinion.
  4. This was in Phuketnews round up today. I think I’ve read it right? Happy to be corrected though. ????
  5. I’ve no idea what caused the spike. Phuket doesn’t really publish where clusters are found. I did read that the sea gypsies village had been proactively tested and was found to be clear, but I’m not sure if that is as a result of recent testing or a restatement of the result of proactive tests done a month or so ago. Another sea village in the north had a 40% positive rate and 100 cases, but they aren’t in the Rawai numbers of course. it’s all rather opaque. Rawai is quite a small area, lots of mixing at the beach and in popular restaurants. Cases could go high very quickly, but then fall very quickly again because the population isn’t very big.
  6. A lot of people have been vaccinated for sure. There seems to be some discrepancy over what percentage. Reports from the central government were that 77% have had two jabs. But on Thaiger today there was a report that it’s 77 percent of the 70 percent target. So a bit different if that is the case. but in any case, whatever percentage has been vaccinated, there will still be Covid cases. The focal point should be hospitalizations of symptomatic people. If that is manageable, then cases don’t really matter and life can be normal because the lockdown phase should be over and the vaccination phase well advanced. the caveat is that it’s quite hard to get a clear picture. As evidenced by the governors statement that no quarantine prisoners had escaped, when in fact two had. My confidence that all of the authorities are on the same page with the same information, is quite low.
  7. I live in Rawai. According to Thaiger, Tambon Rawai now has had a total of 182 cases since the pandemic began, an increase of 64 cases from the day before. So a 50% increase in one day, assuming I read the numbers correctly. restrictions are pretty loosely followed here, so I’m not surprised.
  8. “The news comes as Public Health officials will accelerate the vaccination of people aged over 50 as a matter of urgency, after it was discovered that 80% COVID-19 related fatalities were people aged 50 and over, according to the Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA).” It’s statements like this that make me wonder whether half the CCSA have been unconscious for the last 12 months. I mean, haven’t they been paying attention?
  9. 40% positivity rate at one group of sea gypsies is pretty scary. No mention of which variant, so I assume delta. and now Phuket is to be given the luxury of booster jabs? It does seem they are trying to eradicate the virus from Phuket. An impossible target from the experience of other countries with higher vaccination rates.
  10. The article doesn’t really provide any comparative yardsticks. Versus countries like Philippines, Indonesia and Cambodia, I could see a score just above 60%, looking quite good. Against Singapore and HK, it probably looks miserable. the best I can say is that at least it improved. But imho, a score of 61% is nothing to shout about.
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