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Posts posted by Jack100

  1. Nisakiman hits the nail on the head , however he has forgoten that  times have changed . I also grew ii up in a pipe

    smoking household and worked in other countries ( mostly Arab )  where smoking was rife , in public places , on planes , Govt offices and it never bothered me one bit  , though I never took to it myself.


    However in the last 10 + years , especially in the West , people generally don't or aren't allowed to smoke in public so you

    rarely get to inhale smoke . However I now find that when I do ,  it gets me gagging , believe you me .

    So it's either down to the fact that non smokers are now a majority , or they have put something awful into the new

    cigs .!

  2. I used to visit someone in Bang Kwang  a  few years ago - The first  (cell No#1  ) was always difficult to pass by  due to a crowd  of lady monks in white hanging  around  outside .


    I later found out that he was a fallen but much respected  monk  who  had managed to raise funds to build a  Wat in the prison grounds   - while he was  actually doing time .


    Seems  that he was inside for -     hanky  panky with ladies . !

     I can't speak for  his religious commitments  but this was a  man  who obviously   had  rock star status as well superb  financial
    and  PR abilities .!


  3. If you were buying from a garage in Bkk and it was a used BMW or Merc - is it possible to ask to see a print out of the engine diagnosic test ?

    If they dont have one will the garage arrange to do a test - to make the sale ?

    Seems to me this would show up any , major engine issues .

    I had to do this with my car in the UK ( warning light came on ) but have no idea if they can arrange this here in Thailand ?

    Thanks , Jack .

  4. Am just in for a new car battery .
    My last experience with the " maintenance free " battery I bought was very sad , got a new one on warranty after 6 months and now this one has also gone after

    about 5 months .

    ( I dont use my car much which doesn't help I suppose .)

    Seems they dont give a second battery with a warranty .

    Anyone bought a maintenance type battery recently for a 2 litre German car ?

    Would be keen to know the make , price and the shop in Pattaya or Jomtien that you recommend .



  5. Hi ,

    Sorry if this is elsewhere but I couldnt find out which docs I need to take to to Pattaya City Hall.

    Anyway on the 1st ( or 2nd !) floor you will be given a number - mine was 34 and I was seen to by

    friendly staff in about 3 minutes. !

    You will need ;-

    a) Original Chanoot and one copy for them to keep .

    cool.png San Mat Su Kai original and one copy for them to keep - mine is a white form with 3 red stamps on it , guess it re-confirms that you are the one who actually bought the condo .


    c) Your passport and a copy of the usual pages showing your details, departure form and final stay date.

    d) Thirty baht ( yes 30 bht ! ) .

    I arrived at 10.00 am and was the only one in the office , the process took me about 10 minutes or less.


    What you DONT need to bring are photographs or a letter of residence from immigration .

    Hope this will save someone a 300 baht fee fro a residence form at immigration

    Jack .

  6. A friend of mine is much into cacti and he bought plenty of them at the market on Sukhumvit Road opposite the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital. There is at least one dealer specialized in cacti and they are happy to share their knowledge with you.

    OK thanks, raro I'll have a look there , after the New Year traffic clears . !

    Best WIshes for 2011 . !


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