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Posts posted by boiledegg

  1. Im hoping to be there 6 months of the year ASAP, ive been investing plenty of time and money into training for a job offshore and im 33.

    If i was one of them people who is content making small money teaching then i'd have been there a few years ago, even though im not high maintenace its always nice to have the option to be.

  2. it didn't mention a proposed sentence, but it may wind up severe.

    The amount was very small and obviously for personal use.

    In what world are 30 Es personal use?

    In England Ecstacy pills arent a strong as they used to be and the street value is about 1 pound, hence you need 5 to get a decent effect, if there was a group of friends these would get eaten in one night no problem.

    He does sound as if he's some small time dealer and is in a world of sh7t for it, i watched "The Real Bangkok Hilton" last night locking someone up for years on end for ecstacy is uncivilised.

  3. a european league would be the worst thing that could happen to the game and is only ever suggested by someone who doesn't really understand football, has only followed it for about four years or who has a financial investment in the game.

    Agreed though i didnt suggest it, i was asking would the league be better off/more interesting without ManU and Chelsea as no other team can compete financially and its turned into a prosession.

    Besides the Premier League makes so much money that no club would take a risk of walking away from it, if the Premier League stops making the money it is making now then im sure it'll get discussed again.

  4. Boiledegg with a scrambled brain.Wipe the spit off your keyboard and get back to the bar with the other beer bellies.

    Im saving up to do so.

    We're the joke club,are we?


    What about when you had Terry Brown running the show and selling off all your best players so that he could line his thieving pockets,then getting yer 'Ammers relegated?While you lot were warbling "I'm forever blowing bubbles" on the terraces,he was taking the piss.Then,the final insult,THE CLUB taking legal action against a supporters group for questioning his motives forcing a 'public apology' from them.Thats what the club thinks of its fans.

    Im not a shandy drinking, vegetarian, bisexual cockney, id sooner go to prison then spend a prolonged period in London, but West Ham are a good club with a regular loyal fan base and have always had a good away following.

  5. Ask the true supporters and they will tell you Bridge is the better defender anyway,

    The last 3 manager have thought otherwise.

    why we brought that <deleted> Cole in the first place god only knows

    Because your club is a joke and can spend 10,20,30 million GBP on a player they dont really need.

    I hope youd agree that if he doesnt play more then half the games this season that he has sold his soul, if he is first choice then im glad to admit im wrong.

    Article in the Sunday Mirror about this -


    Wayne Bridge epitomises the difference between today's top players and the rest of us.

    The full-back has just signed a new contract which effectively means he'll spend the next four years sitting down to watch Chelsea play, hoping something nasty happens to Ashley Cole .

    Which is what every fan outside of Stamford Bridge will be doing. But we won't be getting paid £16.6million for the pleasure.

    Different class, as they say.

  6. of course they all do it, it's part of the game. ferguson is arguably the biggest hypocrite of the lot so it's nice to see him get a taste of his own medicine from madrid over ronaldo.

    daniel levy's hypocrisy is quite outstanding however in the week after spurs pretty much stole john bostock from crystal palace.

    They are all hypocrites, but whilst Ferguson is no saint , I can't recall him ever being as outstanding as the behaviour of Madrid, hence the reason that even other "big" clubs have supported him on this.

    This Berbatov ManU link has been in the press for more then a year now, surely that is up there with the Ronaldo situation as its now apparant theyve made a bid.

    Fergie is a champagne socialist NuLabour supporter who's son is according to the BBC a corrupt football agent (wonder how he got that job), the perfect attributes of a deluded hypocrite.

  7. Hi

    Seems visitors will not get the opportunity to sample local dishes during the Olympics, see .. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/7501768.stm

    H'mmm missed my opportunity to have German Shepherd pie :o even Peking poodle or Corgi Curry .

    Can members think of any other canine delicacies?

    TBWG :D

    Fcuken tragedy to see that even the Murdering Commie Chinky's have bowed to political correctness, anyone complaining about Chinky's eating dog should be given a life sentence.

  8. The note also gave permission for his organs to be donated to someone in need and he requested that his body be cremated here in Thailand. A motive behind the apparent suicide has not been determined at this point and staff at the R-Con Apartments mentioned that Mr. Rozier informed them that he would extend his stay at the Apartments earlier this week.

    Nice touch of humanity when he was feeling down, at least he can rest in Thailand now.

  9. depends on your point of view, but I can think of a lot worse places than the UK to live. It also depends where in the UK you live.

    A BNP govt will get us back on our feet again as there is not really a better alternative, the LIB-LAB-CON establishment with their snouts in the trough cant be trusted anymore.

  10. Is this a joke? its the most pathetic thing I've seen here for a long time! thanks for making me laugh so much, carry on the funny suggestions.

    A European Super League has been discussed by teams such s ManU and other exG14members, be good to get shot of that small team from West London and their sugar daddy. The only reason you won anything under Bates was because he borrowed to the hilt and you were about to go out of business before sugar daddy came along.

    Youre a small pointless team with about 12 mouthy away fans who think theyre hard as nails head hunters i sht em.

  11. If Ferguson gave Scholes and Giggs 4 year contracts now,the board would certify him and pack him off to the funny farm.As far as Wayne Bridge is concerned,perhaps he thinks that he's a better full back than A.Cole and should be the No.1 choice.So who are the best 24 players in the world?If they were to go anywhere,it would be to Manchester Utd. and Real Madrid who far outstrip Chelsea in the financial sense.

    Personally, I hope Scolari recognises the value of SWP and,for that matter,Joe Cole and plays them in their best positions which are in central midfield.

    I did have a chuckle with your monetary comparison of Bridge and Beckham.Got any more gems?

    You cant read too well oldgit it wasnt a monetary comparison it was a comparison about being money grabbers.

    My other gems include Chelsea cant financially compete with ManU or Real Madrid and SWP being a central midfielder

    Is Ballack going to make way for J Cole or is the highest scoring central midfielder in the country ie Lampard, or do you intend on putting Cole in the defensive midfield position.

    I take it you arent one of the 11000 hardcore cHELSEA FANS BUT ONE OF THE sKYSPORTS BREED.

  12. One of THE hardest things I've ever had to do was tell a work collegue that he had a 'problem'. He truly didn't realise but it was so bad that the locals (Italians) were referring to 'Nosferatu, the Smell of Death'.

    When i was a schoolboy i had an evening job as a cleaner and the bloke running the show stunk of BO, however he hired some fat lady who suffered as bad as what he did from BO the problem being that he didnt realise he stunk, he had to tell the fat smelly lady to clean up her act or get the sack, blind leading the blind i think they call it.

  13. Chelsea and Man U over the last 4-5 years have took all of the Premier league clubs to a higher level as clubs try to compete, making it the strongest league in the world.

    Now its transfer time and it seems if papers are to believed that these 2 clubs have far too much money to spend that even the likes of Liverpool and Arsenal cant keep up with them anymore.

    There has long been talk of a Fulltime European League if these 2 teams were to leave the premier league (wont happen anytime soon) would you miss them, IMO it would be a good thing as all the other clubs would be on a similar level.

    Thoughts and opinions of what of what can be done to stop this competion becoming more of a precession then it already is.

  14. Whilst Bendix my not be everyones cup of tea, he is an informed football supporter, who in this instance I agree with.

    But in his post he mentions that Thai fans dont understand ManU's history and heritage etc...

    The reason ManU are such a big a club is because theyve always attracted these kind of fans and like it or not theyre part of ManU's fabric, without these fans ManU wouldnt exist in the manner they do today.

    ManU sold out long before the Americans arrived, Everton are the only top club that hasnt sold out.

  15. If he had been a Man.Utd.,Liverpool or Arsenal player,you would be saying how loyal he was!

    No i wouldnt, not if a player in his prime years done this, if it was Scholes / Giggs that different as theyre at the end of their careers.

    When you're a club, that's striving on all fronts,to win as many trophies as possible,you need high class players in back up positions.

    Of course its in the interest of the club, just not in the players to sit on a bench for over 50% of games

    Wayne Bridge will,undoubtedly,figure in many games,especially if Ashley Cole gets an injury.

    Ive shown figures that he has played in about 40%, but maybe he has a voodoo doll.

    Chelsea played more games than any other European club side last season so what's wrong with a club assembling as strong a squad as possible?

    This post isnt directly about Chelsea, but if the could im sure theyd buy the best 24 players in the world just so other teams couldnt get them, that is the joke club Chelsea are.

    Its about a player who has taken the money in the prime of his playing years to sit on a bench, IMO he is the biggest money grabber since Beckham, though if SWP signs another Chelsea contract he will take the biscuit.

  16. I have noticed that obese people sweat more so are more likely to stink.

    I couldnt be in better shape but when in LOS i have to wear deodorant as i sweat like a motherf....r.

    Wear expensive deodorants from the boss range they have a subtle smell, not like that lynx and similar fly spray brands.

    I read somewhere last year perfumery brands are going to be target all of Asia as not many people use them

  17. Bridge signs new Chelsea 4 yr contract -


    With all the stories flying around and accusations of money grabbing players i have found the premier leagues greediest player and he goes by the name of Wayne Bridge, a England squad player who could play regular football at almost any club in Europe which would better his chances of a regualr England place, but he has decided to play second fiddle to Ashley Cole for a pocket full of money.

    Is there any other player who could claim this award, as at least if Lamps, Ronaldo, Adabayor left theyd be first team regulars for their new team, and are all looking to move to bigger clubs.

    "hes allready at the biggest club in the world"


    Man U are the best run club but Real have a greater history and have always signed the Worlds Elite players.

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