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Posts posted by sparkey

  1. Suvarnabhumi shopping is a scam!

    Been flying in/out here for the past 6 years, never shopped anything other than food.

    First of all no Marlboro -> no shopping - does not matter that the shop assistant was trying to say "May pen Rai, buy something else"....

    Seccond of all i found that their prices is very high - tax free my a... Saw a bottle of wine that retail in 7/11 for about 150 Baht and at Suvarnabhumi shopping they asked for 300


    First of all, departures duty free does sell Marlboro...you can see stacks of them as you walk past the shops.

    Second of all there is no bottle of wine sold anywhere in Thailand, particularly at 7/11, that costs 150 baht, perhaps apart from homemade rice wine sold at some village shop. Spirit prices at Suvarnabhumi are far cheaper than the prices in the city. Count on duty free prices to be about 25% cheaper for a litre bottle as compared to a 750 mL bottle in the city.

    Really, they must have started in the last 3 weeks then because ever since the airport opened they have never had them. Some issue with Philip Morris I understood.

    I have not seen Marlboro in duty free shops for years now.

    I think I remember reading that there was some kind of agreement between B&H and Marlboro some years ago.

    You can buy Marlboro all over the country but B&H are only available from duty free airports.

    You're thinking of L&M . They had the bust up over the health photos on the packs. Never seen again at King Power after that.

    Marlboro have always been available.

    At least when I've entered or exited the country.

  2. she borrowed 60k on the car from the pawnshop.

    She owes 200k on the finance.

    Pawn shop is 7% a MONTH on the 60k!!!!!!!

    Bit depressing really.

    If she walked away from the car, she wou8ld still have to pay the loan right?

    Not 100% sure how pawning is done with cars but in case of land, the actual ownership is transferred to the pawn shop (or person who gives you the money) and if you cannot pay back the money with interest, the land can be sold. I assume it's the same with the car. The pawn shop would sell it and pay back the finance company afterwards. But this is only my assumption based on the practise with land and property for pawning in Thailand. 7% per month is very very high. For land it's usually around 2-3% per month.

    I would have thought that legally the finance co would be the owners of this car.(200k loan)

    The lady who drives it and the pawn shop wouldn't have a say in selling or buying the car

    for that matter.

    That's the way I see it

  3. Sure, trying a new aircraft just once can be OK. That said, especially if you are in economy, if you are on the same airline with a long haul flight, chances are the seating is identical and the only difference between an A330 and an A380 is there are twice as many people on the A380. Airlines really like that when it is full. I'll take a smaller aircraft and fewer people.

    Having flown the B787 a few times, I would have to say that is my favourite. It was definitely the quietest of any aircraft I have flown, and I really could feel the difference by the end of the flight from the higher cabin pressure and humidity. The one drawback is the polarising window shades, which do not get all the way black and there is still significant light coming in when you are trying to sleep. And yes, there are fewer than half as many passengers as the typically configured A380, and that just makes everything easier.

    Totally agree i just flew back on the 787 dreamliner bkk/del/lhr.

    Hated the windows but could actually stretch my legs out under the seat in front.

    Also only half to two thirds full. So had an empty seat next to me on both legs

  4. If not a stick then a chain of some sort can work. e.g. an old motorcycle chain. The advantage of a chain is that it can be folded up. The disadvantage is that if used carelessly you can hit yourself. The middle ground would be nungchakkas.

    Anyone who rides a bicycle, jogs or goes for walks will require this sooner or later.

    Jogging and such is of course a stupid thing to do near a pack of dogs. There is no better way to stimulate the hunting instinct of dogs as to run from them. Maybe that is why most Thais run in parks and not in neighborhoods with dogs. They probably have found out the same thing you have but instead of going WW3 on them they just avoid them and go to more dog free places like parks (as far as i know dogs are not allowed there)

    If you know your actions are driving dogs crazy.. is it not better to adapt and forget about it. Going WW3 on a few dogs does not really sound right to me plus it will make you look like a tosser. Is it worth it everyday to wage war on the dogs ?

    I wonder how many have had success in really discouraging all the dogs on their route to stop attacking ?

    I know that my dog remembers people who treated him badly last time and goes crazy next time. I can imagine other dogs doing a similar thing.

    So what you are saying is that dogs rule and people should keep away from them right.

    I have been bitten 4 times so far twice on the bike and twice walking, none of these times I intimidated or threatened the dogs nor have I intruded on any private land, every time I have been on a public road and the dogs have run and attacked me.

    There are now places I cant go because of bad dogs that I know will attack me for no reason. This pisses me off to be quite frank for these dogs are nothing but a pest and a danger for they could very well kill someone particularly a child. These dogs are usually in pairs or in packs for being together or in a pack gives them courage a lone dog would not have.

    I carry a stick on my bike as do many Thai's both on bikes and walking but there is a risk in using it for it means I have to ride with one hand and look at an attacking dog rather than where I am going, particularly if dogs are on my left hand side or on both sides.

    I am not scared of or cowed by dogs but neither do I want to put myself in a dangerous situation. I have had dogs most of my life before coming here, not just pets but hunting dogs and if ever any of my dogs had bitten a person for no reason at all it would have been dead immediately, people are more important than dogs.

    Dog lovers who have never been attacked by dogs have no idea, when it happens to you then perhaps you will have a better understanding of the real nature of dogs.

    Oh and possibly you could give me some clues on how to discourage dogs from attacking.

    4 times

    You have got to be the unluckiest guy in the world.

    Or smell like steak.

    Sorry for being so blaze' about this but in 14 years this has never happened to me

    Soi dogs are cowards . Turn on them ' yell and they run.

    Where do you live

  5. Some times feel embarrass for long que waiting behing me a staff turning the paper around to get the machine even type in the number if cannot get the beep sound.--BKungbank



    My local 7-11 uses up to four checkouts.........Unless it gets really busy.........then they use one................coffee1.gif


    So true

    But to be fair they'll be five stacking shelves


  6. Or it may never arrive thumbsup.gif

    That is why there is buyer grantee and paypal ? Are you honestly telling me you never bought something on ebay and don't know how it works ?

    Many, many people have never bought anything on ebay, nothing unusual about that.

    Not in my age group and country where I am from. Ebay and other online buying is as normal as breathing. For the older generation I agree cant teach an old dog new tricks.


    My dad's 70 odd . He gets all the fishing mags

    if he see's something he likes in the adverts

    "Oi son check if this is cheaper on EBay"

    Bless him

    He might not know how to use it but he knows what it's good for.


  7. The ex was always moaning how cold she was at this time of year

    So being a dutiful other half I picked up a dual desk top fan/heater. Think it was only a tenner maybe twenty quid

    Put the heat on full. Started it up.

    She jumped out her skin.

    One of the few things she left


  8. There are a lot of Scandi retirement developments in Thailand. I believe even the various governments also offer retirement packages here with nursing care.

    That I can understand then, If it's subsidized. Is that typical in other countries though?

    How are Scaninavians towards their European brothers? Why wouldn't they want/allow a German or Dutch in their community? This is what confuses me. I suppose I should have asked.

    As I said the Scandi Governments have been very progressive in offering retirement options in Thailand for their senior citizens.

    There are various Scandi housing developments around and they prefer to live in a family atmosphere.

    They are an insular people, most of them don't socialize outside their own group much.

    They don't encourage Germans and Brits etc. staying there, getting drunk and bringing girls back at all hours.

    Can understand if it's a retirement village.

    but is this not just a posh version of the Muslim enclaves we have back home???


  9. Wow

    Naam your electric bill is twice the rent and all utilities on my 3 bed 3 bath in rayong.

    I never thought I was so frugal


    I'm pretty sure his house is well over double that though, probably double mine wink.png

    my house has only 2 bedrooms wink.png

    Are you sure this house is in TH and not on the Giza Plateau? tongue.png

    quite sure! stating the number of bedrooms is not informative at all. what counts is total airconditioned area. but i'm sure you knew that wink.png

    Isn't it because all your Renoirs , Monets , Van Gochs , constables need separate environmentally controlled areas


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