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Posts posted by sparkey

  1. I also had a hard time finding any at the time and in 2011 I succeeded. 6,000 Baht for the female and 7,500 for the male.

    I had them neutered because I didn't want to have the same problem of finding good homes for puppies.

    They deal with all snakes from cobras and vipers to pythons and tree snakes and any rat or squirrel within reach is done away with.

    They can be quite aggressive to other dogs and will even attack dogs 5 times their size if necessary but so far they have gained the respect of all the dogs around here.

    Thanks for the photos I love all terriers. They still have that inbred instinct that a lot of breeds seem to have lost.

    I really think they are an ideal English dog for Thailand.

    In your opinion what if any are the negatives of them over here


    We've had 2 Jacks for 6 years now. Brother and sister

    I think the main things to consider are about exercise and their hunting instinct

    Ours get 1 hour a day (mixed on leash and off) and if they even miss a day they get a bit hyperactive. Owners have to have somewhere and time to give them an hour a day I reckon. Also their prey drive (?) results in chasing cats, the snake, rat turtle, monitor lizard hunting but mostly it's their "involuntary" charging off after prey that can cause us distress.

    Great dogs, really great dogs but exercise is a daily need.

    Also in all honesty, I don't trust them or let them alone with kids. It's not that they're aggressive it's more that they're just not scared of anything. I can foresee a situation when a young child reaches out or tries to pick them up (because they do look small cute and harmless), and the dog naturally reacts with a nip. Now we've got a nasty situation where neither party is really at fault. Better to not let that situation take place.

    Also the Thai that tries to rile them up (I think you know what I mean, stamping feet, pretending to kick etc) elicits the opposite response than what these dullards usually get. I just tell strangers that they bite. Hard enough top train the dogs let alone the people.

    Great dogs. great entertainment but need great responsibility


    Couldn't agree more.

    Last UK dog was my dad's cross Pattendale

    Absolute nightmare for my dad.

    Pretty obedient for me

    But sometimes

    You'd see a glint in her eyes and that was that


    I'd just shout bye see you at home

    Sometimes that'd work

    If not I'd just go home and wait

    No point chasing her

    Within half an hour or so there'd be a timid scratch on the door

    I'd open it say hallo to her and close it . Let her in 10 minutes later

    Head down tail between her legs straight to her bed

    Loved that dog

  2. An addition. As you can see in the photo I also have an ex-soi dog as a pet. She was born on site just before I moved in and she was pretty dim to say the least but over time the 2 Jacks have taught her to hunt and to kill and she is like a surrogate Jack Russell. When one of the little ones is busy in some field somewhere she will stay and watch out for them until they are ready to come home together. When I got the Jack Russells as puppies she was a little resentful at first but with a bit of care learnt to share food and to see them as friends and not enemies. What I have learnt though, is that you can have only one male with as many females as you like. Females don't fight, but 2 males will.

    Stop tempting me

    If I was here to supervise the get to knowing each other phase

    Not with a Thai in charge of that though.

  3. No negatives at all. They don't overheat in the summer, they don't get too cold in the winter. Their hunting instinct keeps them fit and healthy (and me as well with a minimum of three 2-kilometre walks per day).

    There are no snakes in or around the house, the rats that ate 25,000 Baht's worth of electrics from my car's engine 3 years ago, no longer bother to visit.

    I love their intelligence, energy and their size. There is still space for me in bed and I can carry 2 times 8 kilo in my arms if necessary.

    Thanks you just confirmed my thoughts .

    I would have had at least one or possibly two

    I kinda took over a 4/5 month old bar dog as it was sent to the temple.

    Not a puppy , not cute anymore bye bye

    I was quite fond of her. A few Bob changed hands.

    get her back from


    I've managed to get a bit of the soi out of her but still quite feral.

    Great ratter and snake scarer

    Mice nope

    Back to the UK for 2-3 months

    Wouldn't trust tgf to get them to like each other.

    Wouldn't like a call saying the jacks dead

    Still can't believe you're giving away.

    You're a top man

  4. I also had a hard time finding any at the time and in 2011 I succeeded. 6,000 Baht for the female and 7,500 for the male.

    I had them neutered because I didn't want to have the same problem of finding good homes for puppies.

    They deal with all snakes from cobras and vipers to pythons and tree snakes and any rat or squirrel within reach is done away with.

    They can be quite aggressive to other dogs and will even attack dogs 5 times their size if necessary but so far they have gained the respect of all the dogs around here.

    Thanks for the photos I love all terriers. They still have that inbred instinct that a lot of breeds seem to have lost.

    I really think they are an ideal English dog for Thailand.

    In your opinion what if any are the negatives of them over here


  5. i have been trying to have the bitch fixed for the last year fredge - but i work away and my wife seems to have a disliking for that , but this time i will be home when she is finished feeding the pups and it will be done - the poor thing has had enough pups that is for sure, and she is a great little girl poor thing the best little dog i have ever seen for keeping down the snake and rat population shes a demon at that.

    Over a year ago I looked every where for a standard size Jack Russell

    Every other breed going but no Jacks

    giving them away is amazingly great as I would have paid a lot for a fully documented one

    you're a good man

    And I'm heartbroken. I can't have one

  6. I hope other board members learn to love their dogs better and give them these healthy types of bones

    I do understand what you're saying . When I first came here and saw chicken bones being given to dogs. I was shocked. You can't do that.

    Now in all the years I've seen dogs eating chicken bones over here i've not seen one choke on them

    So I dunno

  7. I had the same problems so i cancelled after 6 months. They ignored me of course and still send bills every month.

    You're lucky in 18 months never had a bill. We wait till we get cut off and then pay. They reconnect and we start again

    Agree with OP on everything

    Only EPL keeps me.

  8. Just had the bin come with the electric bin

    never happened before

    amazing finally using some comon sense

    anyway water was only 100 BT less than the electric 1975 BT

    Our usual bin is 3-450 BT . Doubles if the family stays.

    Seems a bit of an increase for 2 adults and a nine yo.

    Particularly as not so hot so showering less and watering the garden once or twice a week rather than twice a day

    Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance for any help.

  9. thanks for the links and the serious reply but my post was a tongue in cheek answer to why Bangok didn't burn


    You may be correct. I came here in the 1960's and Bangkok still had a serious flooding problem.

    Yep I'd think incendiary devices ain't a lot of good in the rain and landing in a 4 ft deep puddle.


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