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Everything posted by tezzaaa

  1. Hi, quick question from me, if you take the example of someone working online for a foreign company and living in Thailand (ok not supposed to but many people do...). If that person applies for LTR as opposed to stick to e.g retirement visa, wouldn't that make him/her known to the tax authorities in Thailand? (and as a result have to pay taxes..)
  2. Yes, basically having a physical entity/shopfront or even just conducting business like arranging contracts etc. So this doesn't apply if you work online..
  3. Hi there, Just saw your post, I had the same issue with my employer and did a lot of research, I'm including a few links: https://sherrings.com/permanent-establishment-tax-in-thailand.html https://www.legal-explanations.com/carrying-on-business/ Especially this article is very useful https://lorenz-partners.com/newsletter-no-70/ Then you can show them the relevant article from Thai government: https://www.rd.go.th/english/37764.html Good luck
  4. I'm on payroll but fixed term contract (1 year running out in spring next year)
  5. Quick question actually, are we eligible if we are on a fixed term contract?
  6. Hi, just saw this post on Facebook, they have opened pre screening: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0NAJKirq8b7RkwwTBfB8NiMj1npRWPuLYgWFYFK9RdaSLRYi8SQEKEDnktidccyr8l&id=112165971498301
  7. Hi, does anyone know when and where we can apply? Can we start to send documents for screening? I'm currently in London but cannot see any mention of this new visa on the embassy website, if it's really going live in September I would have expected to see some mention at least..
  8. Is it an issue if I'm already on a retirement visa and I wish to apply for this LTR visa? I'm also a bi national so could I just apply with my second passport to simplify things?
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