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Posts posted by Antimony

  1. Im in Central Bangkok, beeyotch!!! :D
    In a shithole called Scotland , any market for a beat up JCB earth mover operater in LOS :o

    LMA-to-the-bloody-O! Dont lose hope, mate... I was just in Canada (aka the blandest/most boring place on earth) over a week ago and now Im in this paradise called Thailand! Good luck!

    For sure, 5 months and counting before i get back to the provest land.

    Sorry for the bump, but karma has bitten me. LOL!

    Im back home (going to university). But should be back in Thailand in a few months! :D

    You people should be soooo lucky.


    More here.

  2. When I was at the bkk intl airport lounge I heard 2 airline staff do the tut tut sound when they were playing with some passenger's toddler. Very amusing!

    Are we talking about the "clicking" noise made by sucking a little air between the tongue and top of the mouth? Because that's the same noise that people - Thais - make when getting a soi dog to go away.

    Yes. THAT sound!

  3. Depending on the medication, you can find pretty much anything, as long as it is not considered a narcotic. E.G. Morphine, Codeine, Valium, Xanax, and pretty much any other narcotic sedative. Narcotic pain medications are limited to Morphine and Codeine in LOS and need a prescription from a doctor that is not too skittish. Anything mid range like Vicodin, Darvon, Darvocet, Percocet...

    gunnyd, what about Adderall and Ritalin/Rubifen?

  4. I left that shithole more than 3 years ago and never been back since.

    It's not even about the economy, the security or whatever.

    The people there are rude, crass & disrespectful.

    Yeah my family owns a stunning beach property in Central Philippines.

    Even if you invest money, it all boils down to their terrible attitude.

    The Philippines will never be Thailand.

    There I said it.

  5. Kinda related...

    "Mars candy is an irresponsible corporation that is still conducting archaic tests on animals. They own Iambs too. Examples: Mars funded a test in which experimenters forced rabbits to eat a high-cholesterol diet with varying amounts of cocoa, then cut out and examined tissue from the rabbits' primary blood vessel to the heart to determine the effect of cocoa on rabbits' muscle tissue. Mars supported a test in which experimenters attached plastic tubes to arteries in guinea pigs' necks and injected cocoa ingredients into their jugular veins to examine the effect of cocoa ingredients on their blood pressure."


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