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Everything posted by Namplik

  1. My laugh at you was your comment about westerners stopped using FB....
  2. 555 LOL, yeah right....
  3. Does anybody know about a EV in Thailand expat group on Facebook? Of some size and activity?
  4. They mention a life insurance in the original article, but a Norwegian life insurance does not cover medical costs of course 😆 Something lost in translation again? I guess Mr. Wiggo has a travel insurance....
  5. They found him.... https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/29778085/missing-brit-simon-robinson-is-found-safe/
  6. The poster comes from this site maybe? https://mylocal.co.uk/feed/234057/reported-missing-skegness-man-who-failed-to-return-home-from-thailand
  7. The American military was not present in Thailand before around 1960. So this mans father was not a soldier?
  8. Strange case 🤔 This guy living in Boston with his girlfriend, traveling the long way to Thailand alone for just one week, called back home and said he would come back early just after a few days in Thailand. What was his purpose going to Thailand? Business or pleasure? Where did he stay in Thailand?
  9. Yeah, that rules out about 90% of the Thai workers 😅
  10. That`s not the same bank mister 😉
  11. Does the Government House Bank have Internet banking for its Thai users? https://www.ghbank.co.th/
  12. Any news lately regarding the new "big bike" license? 400cc and up...Did the DLT`s start issuing them yet?
  13. Do you have a UK sim? Then just put on flight mode and use WIFI calling....
  14. I`m no snake expert, so correct me if I`m wrong. Yes they bite also, I think the spitting is intended to scare away the other animal/human.
  15. Same thing happened to my mother-in-law, but she was not trying to catch the snake ????
  16. This is some of the best piece of journalism I've seen this year!
  17. I guess the TAT governor Yuthasak Supasorn are talking about Visa Exemption and not Tourist Visa....
  18. So why is there a seat/bench there then?
  19. Any update, did you buy a bike yet?
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