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Posts posted by russianrobert

  1. Check in luggage is usually 15kg. Pre booking it online is cheaper.

    Carry on luggage usually they dont weigh. If they do, just transfer some to your backpack or hand carry it (ie plastic bag).

    You see, this is what i don't understand. If 15kgs of check in baggage is included free with the ticket, why do i need to pre book online?

    Can someone explain?


  2. I am interested in dining out in Bangkok and trying some of the city's many great restaurants on a regular basis. Perhaps once a month or so.

    Anyone know of any dining clubs here?

    Perhaps there are enough like minded people who would like to start one? It would be a great way to socialise and have a great night in one of the best cities for dining out.

    Participants could nominate a restaurant and then we take a vote. Once a month would suit me.

    Anyone here up for something like that?

  3. I guess this is more bad news for the bars and nightclubs in the city. :unsure:

    Not sure about that. I have noticed many free spending, drinking Iranians. I reckon many of those who want to party in a town like Pattaya are not among the more fundamentalist pro repressive government Iranians.

    Agree completely. Not all Iranians are muslim fanatics or drug dealers. I met a couple of them in Goa last year. Regular guys who were fed up with the restrictions in Iran but of course couldn't say too much to complain.

    They were telling that all their friends like to party and have a good time just the rest of us.

  4. A big multi cusine operation in new delhi is looking for a high level Thai Chef De Cuisine to manage a team of thai chefs .The salary is 3 thousand US ,accomadation included ,health insurance normal to very good working hours and generaly a good company to work for.

    Only chefs with first class hotel/restaurant experience will be considered

    In the first instance please send CV by PM ('THAI CHEF' in the subject line)

    English laungage is preferred

  5. I've got to go and get some medication for athlete's foot. Could someone write it in Thai? I'll print it out and take it with me.

    Also, if anyone can recomend a specific type of medication that would be great.

    Thanks in advance

  6. I don't want to do the 90 day reporting this time. I want to leave Thailand for a few days and return. I believe this can be done and then there is no need to report.

    My question is this: The last day i need to report is 18th August. I'm leaving on the 17th but wont be back until the 21st.

    Is this okay, or do i have to leave AND be back before 18th?

    I think it's okay but just want to be sure.

    Cheers for any help.

  7. I'm coming up to time to extend my non immigrant 'O' visa for retirement again.

    My question is, i recently went to the Philippines for a few months work and came back with a fistful of dollars.

    I need to top up my Thai bank account to 800,000 baht 3 months before my current 'O' visa expires. Can i simply change my dollars into Thai baht and pay them into my account or do i need to prove the money came from abroad (a letter from the bank) as i had to do the first time i extended my 'O' visa?

    I think i heard somewhere it wasn't necassary second time round.

    Any help gratefully received.


  8. The UK Goverment's certainly are not a reliable source of information, that's one of the main reasons why i emigrated... :)

    I've just seen the news that the Foreign Office has advised against all but 'essential' travel to Thailand.I think they are right to do so. The situation could easily spiral out of control and while i don't think foreigners will ever be targets for violence it could get back to the point of the airport being shut down again and travel chaos getting out of the country.

    I remember in '08 when it happened after a couple of days stranded at the airport many tourist were regretting having come.

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