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About UKresonant

  • Birthday 03/02/1963

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    Fife UK & Thailand Somtimes

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  1. Yes the OA was what I thought would be an easy multi-entry visa, after June 2019, when the non-O Multi was discontinued, with eVisa system. Then the insurance came along Oct 2019, option gone. The problem with many Thai insurance, policies is you have to be in Thailand for 6 months out of 12. So for a newbie who does not check the health insurance policy, thay may have a policy but no actual cover for.the first 6 months! Sadly it scuppered the O-A usefulness from my point of view.
  2. I'm anticipating having to declare total income Vs total UK tax, for operation of tax credits. If it remains remittance basis, I'm only remitting a component of income, and the exempt element is a relatively low percentage of the total. Still not clear on actual custom and practice of TRD, in respect to tax credits. There was a PDF attached to the initial tax thread, about page 222 maybe, 'the Norwegian Question' answer by TRD. As that person was after certificates from TRD, they declared total income, but only remitted income was taxable. If I remember correctly they had to ensure the tax free personal allowances in each country did not get doubled up. My phone skills can't find the link.
  3. Have the latest bill, just came in the post (UK);- Electric £0.2192 per kwh ~0.43 AUD Standing charge per day £0.6463 per day ~ 1.29 AUD This is on a fixed contract till 2026, belive the kwh rate has gone up approx 10% since. Because my 'centre of vital interest' will likely remain the UK, if TRD move to Global Tax it would be very sour, considering all standing costs in the UK.Then add loss of some income being tax free, £3000 CGT allowance loss. Would make that step over the 179 Day line a much bigger issue, compared to remittance basis.
  4. So Ben Hart is highlighting (video above) apparently the US IRS is pursuing folk that have not filed. In one of his other video, he notes, they likely did not filed since the are under an exempt amount. The IRS are apparently saying they do not gain the exemption unless they had filed So filing was to essentially claim the exemption in many cases..
  5. If I had taken the exempt .gov pension as sequence one, that would be the case 2k tax free and 2k to send to Thailand! But they are all intertwined anyway. ( It's like someone saying they are buying only green zero emmission energy from a.grid that is 60% fossil fuel energized.)
  6. It does make me think back to a conversation with a UK HMRC Technician, back in 2018. She said it would be likely the my exempt .gov pension would have to be declared .. in some places they wanted to show it taxed, and the refund it on the other side of the page as credit / refund of the tax... >It would be great if some transparency would be given on practical RD operation of tax credits. I'm pondering, the exempt would have to feature in the calculation eg. much simplified, roughly... Say £20000 taxable in TH, UK private pensions, already taxed in UK -£1485. £ 2000 UK .gov pension, -£400 tax (just coincidental, sequence of when pension was initiated, not the rate for that pension type) So tax paid £1885/20115so approx £0.0937 for each net £. Only net £s being actual remitted to Thailand. So if THB 500k sent to Thailand, say £12000 x0.0937=£1124 or THB 46850 Tax credit. 2000/22000 9.09% of each is non taxable, THB 450500 taxable, with a Tax credit of THB 42211.85. No forms apparent.to express the tax credit? How will it work! There is no distinct separation at the UK taxed end, for DTA consideration subsequently....< [Not currently tax res]
  7. If you are physically present (for.any second of the day), for no more , cumulatively, than 179 days ( you have also no Thai income), should be fine. The visa duration does not matter, it is physical presence, that matters.
  8. It is possible, that the TEDA amounts do not exist, unless they are recorded and signed via a tax filing, for each respective year....?
  9. Confusion still prevails, as lack of certainty in respect to TRD's actiial custom and practice, for the tax filing season in the next 3 months. Taxable income from the UK, generated whilst you were tax resident in Thailand, is potentially taxable for the proportion brought into Thailand;- in the same year pre 2023, any time from 2024 onwards ( but with por 162 exemption for pre 2024, remitted later. Any interest, post 2023, from pre 2023 savings, is taxable, for a Thai Tax resident, when it is remitted to Thailand, 2024 on. Very simplified answer, to a very simplified question, and also generalised. ( remembering capital gains are taxed as income in Thailand etc etc) Read the guide....but every thing is a probability, rather than an absolute me thinks. Actual reports soon maybe.
  10. Dad still goes 3 times per year, and will continue.to get e-visa's, I'd rather upload info to the MFA site. Dad's not into paperwork, so trying, hopefully, to avoid him having to drag out paperwork at immigration as much as possible, ( though they could still ask ) I put most things in a display folder.
  11. Originally this page said two entries.per year... https://london.thaiembassy.org/en/page/exemp-visa "Permit of stay, duration, and entries per year will be granted by the Thai immigration checkpoint upon arrival"
  12. I think you may have to phone one of the RMF providers. Depends if your salary can emulate a Thai salary perhaps. e.g. https://www.bangkokbank.com/en/Personal/Save-And-Invest/Mutual-Funds/Retirement-Mutual-Funds/BERMF 'Retirement' close enough to Pension?
  13. Is it not still listed on the eVisa system when logged in?
  14. I had understood that a NT tax code was almost impossible to obtain from the UK tax authority HMRC, in relation to residency in Thailand. It was likely stay to stay that way, as long as Thailand was remittance based tax. Could reclaim using a Thai tax cert against UK tax though. Has UK HMRC issued any updates?

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