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Posts posted by werbs

  1. hi slip, I also tried in safe mode and the same thing happens, i enter the password, press enter and the password just disappears and i stay on the log in page, it gives no message, the password just disappears.

    i tried also entering the wrong password to see if it gives a message but once again the password just disappeared when i press enter.

    i would like to resolve it however i have no important docs on it so i could could go to fortune town and get it reinstalled, but i could do without that hassle

  2. I have a small asus Eee pc that i use for travelling, anyway i had to take it back recently and have xp reloaded. yesterday I set up a password in user accounts for administrator and shut down the laptop. when i turned it back on it of course requested the password. when i typed in the password and pressed enter the asterix disapeared from the password box and the laptop never logged in, also when i click on password hint this does not show up.

    i have tried a couple of times and always get the same result, i am unable to log in. is there anything i can do or will it involve reloading xp to the laptop?

    Thanks in advance


  3. aimed at samuins post

    oh so it wasnt the PAD who attacked a telivision station whilst armed and its not the PAD who persist with their tresspass of Government House, and it's not the PAD i have seen guarding ASTV with weapons. These are all government supporters just out to besmirch the good name of the PAD.

    wow the people propigating this propoganda must be really good to be able to this under the very noses of the PAD

    :o get real, the PAD are nothing more than a bunch of criminals who have long gone past what is acceptable behaviour to present their argument in a sensible manner, next you will be trying to tell us that it was the police who shot 4 of their own to discredit the PAD :D

    lets just get this clear, from day one the PAD have not been conducting a peaceful protest as could be seen from their actions on day one of their current farce.

    So you may ask if I am pro government, the answer is no, but i am 100% anti PAD

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