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Posts posted by somluck

  1. I would like input from members of this forum who had rented or are still renting a place of residence in Singapore. Thanks.

    Districts 9,10,11 in the middle of the island near to town....orchard road, holland road, bukit timah...but these are prime real estate and will set you back quite a bit. depends on which country you come from too. The Yankees now like to stay in Woodlands (suburbs near the malaysian border)....the Japs like to stay in East Coast near the airport and by the sea.

  2. Had loads of gripes with LloydsTSB in the UK. Haven't used them for a while so I expect they have moved into the 20th century now.

    So they're still a hundred years behind? :D:D

    Back to the topic, I noticed that the UK is now copying Thailand's policy on cigarettes. Pictures designed to put people off cigarettes are now printed on packets, and also they have stopped cigarettes being put on open display. Both these ideas, I believe originated here. As a lifelong smoker, (from age 11), I think that anything that stops kids starting must be good.

    Have to agree with the kasikorn bank complaints, I've been trying to get their k-cyber banking system working for almost a year - absolutely hopeless. Only stay with them 'cos the girl who greets at the door is drop dead gorgeous - but don't tell the missus! :o

    Thailand was 3rd on the smoking pictures behind Canada and Brazil.



    Thailand was 4th ....

    At least 23 jurisdictions have finalized requirements for picture warnings on cigarette packs.

    The listing below includes the year of implementation, including different years where there have been two or more rounds of picture warnings.

    1. Canada (2001)
    2. Brazil (2002; 2004; 2009)
    3. Singapore (2004; 2006)
    4. Thailand (2005, 2007)
    5. Venezuela (2005)
    6. Jordan (2005)
    7. Australia (2006; rotation of Sets A, B every 12 months)
    8. Uruguay (2006; 2008, 2009)
    9. Panama (2006)
    10. Belgium (2006)
    11. Chile (2006, 2007, 2008)
    12. Hong Kong (2007)
    13. New Zealand (2008; rotation of Sets A, B every 12 months)
    14. Romania (2008)
    15. United Kingdom (2008)
    16. Egypt (2008)
    17. Brunei (2008)
    18. India (2008)
    19. Taiwan (2009)
    20. Malaysia (2009)
    21. Peru (2009)
    22. Djibouti (2009)
    23. Switzerland (2010, rotation of Sets 1, 2, 3 every 24 months)

  3. Why would you pay your girlfriend to be a girlfriend? I am sorry, but I don't understand those posters who talk about an allowance. Would you do this at home? Of course not, why is it now acceptable here?

    Seems to me that many men here are doing far more thinking with the little head than the big head and that is the cause of all their troubles, not some girl who is smart enough to get the money while she can. You are the one paying, so you are the only one responsible for getting ripped off, cheated, or used.

    CAuse 90% of the people who post here and total life losers.

    They dont understand that if a woman loves them, all they need is to pay for their rent,food and sometimes a gift here and there and if their gf want to buy clothes or cellphone related crap they can find a small income.

    My gf takes care of the kid, the only $ i give her is to go buy our food, if she wants more baby clothes, creams and shit she gets herself about 20k a month doing stuff online and in a shop.

    Anyone doing otherwise is a loser, no matter how many excuses they have. Like my girlfriend's two ex's (1 of them is a big poster on thaivisa) that gave her 100k a month and have begged her every single day for more than a year to come back. and btw she only slept with him once a month.. she actualy liked him but was a huge insecure pussycat even though he's pretty rich and decently good looking like most of the expats in their 20-30's

    But my post will be deleted because a huge majority of the mods fall into this category.

    Your post is still intact while mine is gone

  4. Paying an "allowance" to a Thai girl is essentially placing her in the position of a "Mia Noi" (or even possibly as low as a "gig") and then that will probably also be how she will perceive the relationship and by proxy color her perception of you role in relation to her.

    you don't understand the term gig. Gig's dont get paid money. Ive been a gig many times.

    How about in the context of a "choo"? Is a "choo" entitled to an allowance?

  5. You could well argue that the only current political player who successfully stood in front of an army is Chamlong who prevented the rise of Suchinda back in '92.

    And then in 2008 corrected his mistake by bringing the military back to power.

    Anyway Chamlong is a very controversial individual, a very conservative religious person, no need to say more ...

    Very controversial indeed

    In 76 He was a mass murderer himself but in 92 stood up against similar mass murderers. Prem was his mentor and he in turn was Thaksin's mentor

  6. I don't hold much hope for a transparent investigation. The Thong Lo police are not likely to make much progress investigating themselves.....

    Wasn't it in Thong Lo (or certainly near there) that an entire city block of small-scale merchants were wiped out of business a few years ago - their little stalls, full with merchandise, smashed to bits by a hired mob(?) If memory serves, the local man who hired the mob was a massage parlor tycoon, and got off unscathed. The main reason he wasn't prosecuted was he publicly threatened to name names of corrupt city officials / policemen (affiliated with Thong Lo). Not only that, the mob leader went on to become a popular local politician - though it's doubtful he got votes from the merchants whose businesses he destroyed. I'm relieved I don't live in the Thong Lo area.


  7. 1st person's account posted in another forum

    I would like to share my experience with you guys when the night this incident happen. i was there and i am a Singaporean celebrating my new year countdown there.

    Not long after the count down, the band started their normal route playing on the stage. my table was just about 4 meters away on the left hand side (just below the V.I.P area with table cushion) of the stage.


    This is my girlfriend which i took a photo of her and right behind is the performing stage. The mention "White Coffin" suppose to be the Disc Jockey playing station had already been move to the right hand side of the stage.

    we were given i call it "fire sprinkle" before the countdown began and this is not the cause of fire. we enjoy while everybody in the club were waving it happily as the clock welcome the year 2009. It was an enjoyable moment and there is another pyrotechnics display outside the club. The pyrotechnics display were ignited on top of an old building opposite the club.



    after the display finished outside the club, i and my gf enter back inside the club about 10 minutes later, misfortune incident happen. It was the house band when the incident happened. i am not sure who is the "smart guy" that plan this show because they tied a pyrotechnics infront the bass band. it was ignited when the singer jumped up. i was just 4meters away from the stage so i can see clearly that after ignition, the remain base of the pyrotechnics still on fire and in my mind i was wandering will it burn the stage? i lay my eyes on it and about 6-7 seconds later it died off. But less than 1 minutes, just above the roof of the stage, fire broke out fiercely. the singer and band started to run and people started moving towards the "only exist" as patronise/clubber known.

    i hold my gf hand and walk in double pace towards the entrance. in my mind, i know that there should be enough time to get out if we happen to stay calm. but things were not as my predicted. the entrance being jammed and unmovable. with the smoke burning in fast, i detour a level down which is the toilet. upon entering the toilet, i can see people still cleaning their hands and washing their face unknowing what is happening outside? i can see a big size man not knowing his nationality looking surprise because my gf is with me when i enter the gent. at the end of the toilet, there is a big glass door which i taught there might be another entrance out but upon reaching, it was just another dead end.

    i think to myself at this time that i shall not died here as it just the begining of the year. while i was thinking way to get out, the whole place blacked out. about 3-5minutes later, i say to myself that i should make a 2nd attempt out thinking the entrance should be cleared and without much consider i grap my gf hand and headed upwards toward the entrance again.

    before climbing up the stair, i can see 2 ladies holding hands togather trying to make their way up but fell off trumbling down a small flight of stairs. another lady was seen sqauting at the stair crying and i make my way up to 1level. i can see many people were lying on the ground and the bodies were stacked up about 3 lying human height. it was a really impossible task to go thru as they are victims of a stampede. the atmostphere is smoking up and temperature rising so i pull my gf hand not letting go of her headed back to the toilet. she also fell because the visibility is very low and there are still people trying to get out. (the toilet and entrance is just a flight of stairs up and about 8meters distance to get outside)

    the atmostphere inside the toilet is less smokey than outside so i took of my shirt and make it wet. we sitted on the floor just to lay low started putting water on our bodies and cover the wet shirt on our faces. there is a security/bouncer at that time staying togather with us in the toilet. he started to tell everybody in the toilet to stay calm as we will be safe here. there were about 20-30 persons stranded inside the gents not sure any inside the ladies.

    the fire still burning on top of us and you can hear things falling down and i am worried that the roof of the toilet might not take it. everybody stay very quiet and observe the surrounding, i can see bright light outside and the only thing i can do now was chanting "Namo tassa".

    about 20-30minutes later, i can felt a stream of warm water flowing down into the toilet on my buttock area and immediately know that the fire department had arrived. this told me i am only 40% safe and continue to sit quietly and wait.

    about 10-15minutes later, 2 firemen came inside wearing breathing gear and i know that the fire already being control/extinguish. i grap my gf hand and with the advice of the fireman proceed out with caution climbing up the stair.

    the first sence that i saw was a woman leg; body face down all charcoal and a man laying face up, both hand stiff pointing up. this man should be the one that i saw when i enter the gents while escaping because of his big size. further up were the stack of stampede bodies about 3 lying human body height at the entrance. we were lead out towards a wall that has been knock down on the other side.

    there were 8 of us in this group, i'm the only Singaporean & my friends are all Thai. 2 of them manage to escape out when the fire started. 6 of us including me hided inside the toilet. 1 of the lady in my group was too shock had been sent to hospital for some light treatment. My GF has a wound on her left feet when she stepped on a burning debris. All of us were lucky to be alive.

    i cried in my heart when i saw all the bodies lying at the entrance and the effort all Thai's civil servants had put in especially the Wat Hualumpong (Sam Yam) Medical Group. I went to Sam Yam today to do another donation and saw them pining up pictures of decease bodies from Santika which had been burnt to charcoal.

    i went back to Santika yesterday night to lay flower and light candles for those decease. May they Rest In Peace. I Observed the building and conclude if there isn't a lower level toilet at that time, we will be in the list because everything on ground were burnt.

    i post this because i happen to notice that a forum member friend brother was among the dead which i felt the family should know what had happened.


    My Group that Night


    Me and My GF

    this is a Siam Amulet forum, should be wandering what i am wearing? It a 20baht tamboon Somjed with a sleep Buddha behind. This Temple is not far from LP Pae Temple. This Temple house a very huge sleeping buddha which i am also born at that day.

    (Above article is my personel experience encounter just to share and hope others to know my personel situation. Sorry that i will not reply to any post)

  8. Poor bastard. If your gonna be dumb you gotta be tough. I really feel sorry for his daughter. Right now he's feeling pretty sorry for getting caught. I've also locked up a few of his kind. But in 20 years, when he's halfway through his sentence, he will truely be sorry for what he did.

    Does Thailand and Aus. have the 8 year policy of completing his sentence back home?


    He will get Death, commuted to Life because he will admit resposibility, do 8 years in Bangkwang and then go home............. Next :o

    I could be misinformed but i think Thailand has not executed any foreigners yet, death penalties for foreigners have always been commuted to life sentences.
  9. Draconian Henry, but with a workable logic. Still...

    But unless you are Singapore or some such environment

    it's political suicide to implement it.

    I subscribe to the welded shut box just a LITTLE too small for the person.

    You will never stand or lie straight again.

    15 years in there; lights 24/7 and no company no conversations,

    Maybe a really bad repeating soundtrack you learn to LOATH.

    I don't want these people dead for selling poison,

    I want then to suffer a long stretch as punishment on the cheap.

    Only let them have company every 2 years to record a warning to others

    and then weld them back in. No human contact, just food through the slot.

    Dracoinian too, but would be as effective.

    I think Thaksin's 'war against drugs' did work to some extend too
  10. Surayud Chulanont was a mass murderer and he was Prime Minister

    And that has to do with the new PM that is supposed to clean out all coruption appointing a PIMP as commerce minister HOW???

    There has always been a trend of appointing questionable people as ministers.

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