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Posts posted by canopy

  1. Really. Your resort by chance? It's only "crystal clear" because the camera is pointing upwards. That resort posts pictures showing the horizon in the rainy season. Don't you find it a bit strange they suddenly chose to point the camera up and stop showing any landscape now? Let me guess, just pure coincidence.


  2. This is a another real gem. Instead of fixing the problem, blame the incense. A similar thing happened a number of years back when they blamed the smog in Chiang Mai on the Korean bbq restaurants.


    2 hours ago, webfact said:

    He also pointed out that the Pollution Control Department (PCD) had previously proposed that provincial authorities take action if PM2.5 particles in the air went beyond 75

    Why not demand they step down then?


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    • Haha 1
  3. 14 hours ago, xtrnuno41 said:

    They should ask for a work permit in USA...

    I think about that all the time. In so many places in America there are pests in the wildlife the government probably spend billions of dollars trying to control them. They even go to the extent of paying experts to shoot deer with sterilizers instead of making money off hunters. And think of hawaii there are all the chickens running around in the forest they can't get rid of. All they need to do is move a few thai or hmong families nearby and these problems will go away real quickly.


  4. 10 hours ago, Prissana Pescud said:

    6 pm. The sun is almost blotted out, well short of the horizon

    Sadly all you describe is completely normal this part of the year. When the rains stop the burnt pollution accumulates in the atmosphere, simple as that. No one cares about this pollution or is interested in doing anything about it. I am not kidding you, even the pollution control department people figure if the air in the countryside is as good as bangkok then that's good enough for them. No one wants pristine, clean air all year round like the countryside used to be when it was organically farmed before the chemical farming & burning generation displaced that. There are plenty of great alternatives to get clean air again, but again there just isn't anyone who cares one bit. You'll see topics pop up from shocked expats who were caught off guard with the smoke situation asking about where to find a good air purifier. That's about it.


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  5. The smog in Thai cities tends to be seasonal. So some parts of the year the air is way better than the smoggiest cities in the world while other parts of the year the air in Thai cities can be the #1 smoggiest on earth. The AQI can shoot up over 200, 300, or even 400 but averaged over a year it's well under 100. So it's better to consider highs and lows because you don't breath average air.


  6. 15 hours ago, connda said:

    If this was average Somchai and his average friends, how long would the deliberation process take after final arguments?


    Of course this case takes longer, there are 7 people on trial, a huge number of charges on each one of them, and the prosecution painstakingly amassed a tremendous amount of great evidence. They would never go to these lengths if it were a poor average person. Premchai has been unable to bribe or delay his way out which has proven a lot of people wrong already. The verdict (GUILTY) and sentence (HARSH) ought to prove a lot of people here wrong yet again.


    For comparison, let's consider those "mushroom pickers" we all love so much. You know those poor old folks who got busted and prosecuted for illegal logging and made up a story they were just picking mushrooms. They dragged their case through the courts for years all the way to the supreme court. The evidence was too solid and so the mushroom story never worked and they were found guilty every step of the way. I expect the same here.


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  7. 14 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    The Air4Thai site uses the Thai PCD's prior 24 hour rolling average

    This is so they can hide how bad it gets.


    14 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Thai PCD AQI scale uses a higher scale of acceptable pollution



    In most countries the reason air quality is reported is to communicate an honest assessment of the healthiness of the air. In Thailand it's a sham where they don't want people to know how unhealthy it has become and refuse to tell them the truth. You'll be hearing more and more about the "thai scale".


  8. Wood plugs are not unsightly, that's why people make them. Besides they will only be noticed by wood workers admiring and studying the design and not in a bad way. Have you looked the plastic door frames they sell these days? Plastic buttons cover the screw heads. Not nearly as beautiful as wood plugs on a beautiful wood frame made to a flush fit.


  9. 8 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

    Obviously a huge inflow at a campsite is likely to be a mess.  

    Perhaps it was inevitable in this case, but the bathroom was quite large with a whole bunch of toilets. At the time a certain scenario popped in my head however:


    helper: hey, how many rings do we put in here?

    builder: 3

    helper: why?

    builder: because that's what we use everywhere else

    helper: right on.



    53 minutes ago, eyecatcher said:

    It takes one minute to do this

    Using this technique it took this guy 15 seconds. Notice he first bends out 2 jigs out of metal straps which can be used over and over. The first is v-shaped for scoring and the second flat bottomed referred to as "U" in the video. That's decent enough, but also a quick pass with a hand router could be even quicker and flatter.



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  11. Never use plastic plugs on AAC--the metal ones are needed. And even then the small ones are not allowed to stick out past the AAC blocks more than 10mm which is not really enough for a door frame. Also note these plugs have virtually no holding power when pulled outward. You can easily finger pull them out. This is a problem when a door frame wishes to bow in. They are only designed for lateral pulling (up/down/left/right).


    Other countries often secure door frames to AAC using thick, long 100mm masonry type screws. But when I see them do it in Thailand they just position the door frame in the opening, then fill the gap around it with mortar.



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  12. On 1/20/2019 at 7:33 AM, cornishcarlos said:

    What have Florida building codes got to do with a septic tank in Thailand ??

    I could understand if you asked this were Alaska referenced, but surely you can understand Florida in particular has a comparable climate to Thailand. In light of the fact there don't seem to be any rules in Thailand the next best thing is to start with expert opinion of those who have already done the research elsewhere.


    On 1/20/2019 at 4:07 PM, MikeN said:

    But that 3400L minimum in the good ole USA is for all the waste water from your house

    Yes and I've already said it: if you aren't putting greywater into the tank that can make a big reduction in size needed since greywater is the bulk of the waste water and sizing has a lot to do with retention time.


    On 1/19/2019 at 1:56 PM, Joinaman said:

    Have 2 bed, one bath, but normally only 2 of us living here

    would 1,00 -1200 size tank do i need to go to 1600 ?


    It's a good idea to follow general sizing guidelines instead of trimming to your particular situation at the given instant. Over time your usage could change. Or the house could change hands altogether. Building codes allow your system to continue to work well with good future proofing. If you cut corners any unplanned changes down the line can cause expensive problems to solve. I was once at a campsite in Thailand where a marathon took place. Their system couldn't handle it. Stools were overflowing and there were several inches of blackwater on the bathroom floor. Imagine you have a lot of guests over and something similar happens at your house. So again, best to follow well defined rules on your plumbing rather than make a guesstimate.


  13. 11 hours ago, Ahab said:

    The 3,700 liter minimum size is for more temperate climes (i.e. Europe, or North America). The tropical heat here in Thailand speeds up the process and much smaller units are adequate here.

    The building codes of Florida mandate a 3400 liter *minimum* septic tank size and some will need bigger than this. Just because we are in thailand is no excuse to make up our own rules with no factual basis arbitrarily to cut corners.


    11 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

    You will only be putting a fraction of the household water use in the septic tank and the heat of ground here should keep it working fine.  You also do not have to allow for frozen ground half the year here.  Believe 1600 is normal home size unit here so believe will work fine.  Am not a big fan of oversizing anything.  

    Florida does not freeze and mandates 3400 liters minimum. And doing something because you see others doing it and getting a feeling this is "normal" is not a good building approach in a country where a lot of things are commonly done wrong. This is why most people end up with cesspits.


    11 hours ago, Ahab said:

    but told maybe can order 2,000 one

    You can order any size you want even way bigger than that. They have catalogs with all sizes. If you care whether the septic tank adequately treats the waste, it's probably a good idea to size your septic tank rather than guessing. If your greywater is divided that can play a role in sizing.


    Just depends if you want to do things based on what some guy you never met before says or if you want to do things that are proven to work well. Most people in Thailand are comfortable with the former, I'm not. Too easy to get burned. When your drain field fills with gunk, the well water is polluted, and you're back to having the truck come out frequently to pump out your septic tank don't say you weren't warned.


  14. 7 hours ago, VocalNeal said:

    Did anyone publicly deny they were sedated and restrained?

    The restraints seem new information, but reasonable. Also worth noting the Aus doctors arranged a deal for diplomatic immunity beforehand to cover themselves. The truth about sedation has been surprisingly restrained. Example:


    Junta leader Prayut Chan-O-Cha said the boys had been given a "minor tranquilizer" to prevent anxiety during the complex extraction bid. But he had denied they were knocked out for the operation.




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