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Posts posted by canopy

  1. Just remember the hose needs to go up a certain height above the floor like Fruit Trader pictures, then down into the p-trap. The LG techs told me 1-1/2 inch minimum pipe diameter (I prefer 2" and ready made p-traps of this size are common). They also said to make sure to keep the end of the hose above the water line in the p-trap.


  2. The one I have my eye on is the Tesla powerwall and solar roof tiles. I don't get the feeling major improvements in battery technology are coming. But a lot of major improvements were rolled into the version 1 and now version 2 powerwall already. They don't sell these things in Thailand at this point however. Could be a very, very long time and so maybe disregarded but the alternative products seem so antiquated it's depressing.


  3. I found the broadest selection, best search engine, and excellent speed of delivery to Thailand at mouser.com. They have absolutely everything and you need that search engine to narrow things down to a manageable amount of items to look at. To put this in perspective they have over 70,000 DC power supplies to choose from for instance.


  4. On 1/11/2019 at 8:44 AM, webfact said:

    He pointed to Chiang Mai, Nakorn Panom and Nong Khai in particular where the attraction of wonderful nature, the quiet surroundings

    Doesn't take too much looking around to notice that nature has been destroyed and burnt down. Excessive noise is everywhere. Air pollution levels go way past international healthy levels. You couldn't pay me to live in these places. While these places have their upsides, I don't agree with falsifying information about them like this guy is doing.


  5. 8 hours ago, WinnieTheKhwai said:

    The past week has been truly excellent.


    The clarity does seem a lot better for this time of year but "excellent" seems a little bit over the top. Air quality measurements are still in the yellow health zone and if you look straight out at the horizons the sky has a strong brownish color haze to it.


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  6. Not sure you quite understand. A septic tank cannot leak. If it had no bottom like a cesspit the water could drain out and it would be incapable of floating the solids and treating the waste. And any leak from a septic tank would be concentrated blackwater which would be very bad like a cesspit. A properly sized septic tank will have a 4 day retention and could also have multiple treatment chambers. The only effluent leaving a septic tank is treated secondary waste, never blackwater like a cesspit. And even then this secondary waste of a septic system is then dispersed over a very wide area for further in ground treatment.


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  7. Soft type L copper with flared connections will be a good choice I think. Originally I thought copper couldn't be used but digging deeper see that's only for natural gas. Copper is approved for LPG.  I calculated 3/4" diameter pipe is needed for my system. 


    Does anyone know the details of the connector used on the LPG tanks here? Like what it is called, the thread type, and/or size? I want to have one of these exact connectors beside each fixture to plug into. 


  8. 22 hours ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    and are as polluting as any plastic septic tank, they certainly are as effective as a plastic tank. If you think that the waste is not "treated" then after that length of time the "untreated" waste would certainly be thousands of litres

    You don't seem to understand how a septic system works. With a cesspit untreated blackwater seeps right into the ground at one concentrated spot--the bottom. This is bad. The only thing that exits a septic tank is secondary waste out the outlet after undergoing biological treatment after a retention period. Then with a septic system much more treatment happens after the tank. The secondary waste is spread over a long underground gravel trench where it is broken down by microorganisms and grass then pulls up the nutrients.


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  9. 9 hours ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    The things you have at the moment are not cesspits


    The definition such as wikipedia says it is a cesspit. Cesspits do not have to have a bottom. That is a variant.


    10 hours ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    They are a variant of a septic tank and while they are not as efficient as one of the ones pictured above they can and do work perfectly well in the Thai climate.


    By perfectly well I guess you mean a system that needs pumped frequently and pollutes the ground water.  Cesspits are not a "variant" of a septic tank. Cesspits do not treat the waste. And not having a bottom means concentrated, untreated waste goes down to the ground water. Cesspits are banned in developed countries even when the climate is the same as Thailand. They cost too much money to operate and do too much environment damage. It's amazing in the 21st century so many can't imagine doing something better than than pouring waste in a hole in the ground.


  10. 2 minutes ago, fredob43 said:

    International Codes don't apply here.

    I know it won't be inspected, but the idea is to follow practices that are proven to result in a safe, long lasting system. So for instance I would have thought PPR pipe would be a good choice, but see codes do not allow PPR. Usually there are very valid and well thought out reasons for these restrictions. I'll definitely check thoroughly what the gas outlet has, but since what I am doing is so unusual in Thailand I don't have my hopes up. All I have seen thus far is the small gauge, flexible hose used everywhere for connecting a single tank to a single fixture right next to it. I am not even sure such a hose would have enough gas carrying capacity to run all fixtures at once and located some greater distances away.


  11. I want one LPG tank located outside to service all 4 of the house gas fixtures: water heater, oven, bbq grill, and gas range. What would be an appropriate type of pipe to use? Since gas is dangerous and in this case will be in wall the type of pipe must be very robust so I would guess the normal gas hoses or various plastic pipes probably would not meet international codes. And can appropriate fittings be found that attach to such pipe? Like T junctions and threaded female connectors for the fixtures.


  12. 11 hours ago, schwarzess said:

    Amazon...got an error saying that this item cannot be shipped to Thailand, while in the product page it showed that it can

    When that happens I found it is a matter of selecting another seller. The default seller is the cheapest but isn't always international. Just add all sellers to cart and see which stick at checkout.


    Years ago I used newegg in the US and it was always excellent. Amazon came along and is so good I don't use anything else anymore unless lazada has what I want.


  13. 20 hours ago, RamenRaven said:

    How do you tell Thai neighbors to stop burning without them getting mad at you?


    The first step in solving any problem is awareness so telling them is very important otherwise they go their whole life never knowing they are causing suffering. It is unlikely telling them will get them to quit but It is much better to tell them and have them be uneasy each time they burn rather than them be happy and proud polluting everyone's air. When dealing with a problem thai it's better to have someone else tell them about the problem rather than yourself. It can be a friend, a village head, police, anyone you want. This softens the blow and creates a firewall of sorts between you and them.


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  14. I am also all for banning plastic bags and solving the problem 100% within a year. Other countries have done it. Then Thailand can immediately shift focus to resolving even bigger and more pressing environmental problems. But unfortunately all we get is a target to make a tiny reduction in plastic bag usage that will probably be ignored and forgotten and who really cares anyway. Cannot believe how completely lost they are to solve such a simple problem.


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  15. 1 hour ago, Virtualrecluse said:

    I feel that if this is to be the "new normal" i.e. a 6-month smoky season only halted by the rains

    This is not new or different than any other year. It is completely normal that anytime there is no rain, even in the rainy season, the air quality deteriorates. Thus it is completely normal that half the year has markedly bad air quality. Anything that can be burned is burned. Every leaf and twig is swept up in a pile and burned with the plastic trash of the day. Cooking is most commonly done by fire or charcoal and these fires are started with things like old plastic shoes. When the temperatures go down to 80 F or so wood is burned to stay warm. While each such fire is small you have to multiply these fires by millions of people doing them. Then multiply again the cumulative effect of them doing it every day. That's a lot of pollution right there. The fields, forests, and major things tend to get burned at the peak of the dry season around March and that's when air quality becomes the worst because again it's cumulative on top of all the other pollution going on.


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