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Posts posted by Tigs

  1. I guess it doesn't take a very big tin foil hat to cover that brain.

    A recent dynamical study by Andrea Milani and collaborators has located a series of eight potential Earth impacts between 2169 and2199. The cumulative probability of impact is dependent on poorly known physical properties of the object, but is not higher than 0.07% for all eight encounters.


    What a cheap skate! At least if you are going to insult someone by suggesting they should be wearing tin foil hats (which they shouldn't, but you will find that out when you take your head out of the bucket of sand), then have the common courtesy when your whole post consists of a cut and paste job to just say where the quote was from, rather than implying it originated from you :ermm: The quote comes complete with the non word 'Dynamical' rather than 'Dynamic'

    In terms of inter steller stuff, Goshawk is on the money, as odds of 1000 to 1 are very very small indeed. These odds indicate that there is a massive possibility of an impact. With the speeds and times involved, it only needs a miscalculation akin to a gnats widger, and an asteroid calculated to pass us by 150 000 miles will be knocking on somebodies door and wiping out more lives than every manmade conflict in the history of the planet. Perhaps the asteroid may be pure ferrous material (unless a probe is sent near bye, determining its composition is very difficult), in which case rather than just missing us it may find the Earth to 'attractive' to resist! Either way the threat of the next mass extinction event is not 'if' but 'when', as it will happen, so stop worrying about tinfoil hats and just worry about getting your head out of the sand, as if there is a chance of survival, it will be the people who have there head firmly out of the sand that will have the most likely chance of continuing their gene pool.

    This post has been completed without reference to wikipedia or catastrophemonitor.com :rolleyes:

  2. Savings accounts for this period were earning about 0.75 percent. 7.5% seems extremely high.

    True, but you don't keep 850 Mill in a savings account really! People with that much money would argue it would be invested in high yielding stocks, futures, commodities etc etc. Money of that volume should be growing at least 10% per year. I still don't think she should have got paid the interest though.

  3. As an employer I refuse smokers and that will rattle the dickheads in the prejudice labour camps.

    Simple deduction. Smoker needs a puff every hour at least - let's limit this to one. Building in Asoke 22nd floor. Takes the lift to smoke outside. Allow 3-5+ minutes to get down to the ground - a smoke and chat to his other puffing mate allow 5 and then 3-5 to get back up. 15 minutes per hour. I lose 2 hours a day in a normal working day. 5 day week = 10 hours. So 40 hours becomes 30 and a 25% drop in productivity apart from holding up other departments due to slow through put delays.

    So last time I asked a man if he smoked and he said yes, I asked him if he would take a 25% drop in salary as he would work 25% less time? He walked out as they have all done since. Now I get my PA to do the interviews as I am still supposed to put up with applications but I love the look on their faces. None of them has a brain so far to figure out the 'why?'

    But also as already mentioned, they smell, they offend clients and their clothes always reek (apart from their breath - just add coffee to the breath and its enough to make anyone puke). I have also noted most have extremely dirty fingernails and personal hygiene leaves a lot to be desired.

    Sorry smokers - its a 'dying' habit and you are all losers. ohmy.gif

    If you asked me anything about my private life in relation to a job I was applying for (not that I've applied for a job in 30 years or so - I'm an employer, not an employee) I'd tell you to mind your own dam_n business. Lordy, some people are so self-righteous!

    You really believe you command the moral high ground, don't you? I think "holier-than-thou" must be your watchword.

    God preserve us from those who would impose their warped morality on the rest of the world...


    You make me laugh. asiawatcher is exactly right, and you as an employer should know that. The fact that the western world is drowning in political correctness seems catching to some employers as well. asiawatcher like any employer (and I am one) has every right to choose who the hel_l he likes to work for him as he is spending HIS money. When you go shopping and spend your money on goods, don't you always insist on the best for your money? Or do you buy moldy bread. milk or meat that is past the sell by date, newspapers three days old or trousers with holes in them, maybe electrical goods that work well...some of the time? You don't because you want the best value for your money don't you? Well any responsible employer must be the same. If he doesn't want smokers in his workplace then that is it, period. It is his choice to spend his money as wisely as he can. If he is to be politically correct and must employ the smoker, then he must be equally correct to all the non-smokers and allow them all one day off every week in lieu of time off the smoker takes for fag breaks. Hopefully political correctness is still 20 years away from Thailand by which time I will be past caring.

    At interview I would love you to tell me to 'mind my own dam_n business' if I asked if you smoke, because your chance of getting the job would be zero, nada, zilch! It is good you don't need to go for job interviews in your current situation because by the sounds of it you would not be too successful. Perhaps your type are the ones that are self righteous believing that they are entitled to any job on the grounds of correctness.

    as an aside 'holier-than-thou' can't be asiawatcher's 'watchword' can it, maybe a watch-three-words, perhaps a word would be sanctimonious but in this case it applies to you as you are displaying the attitude not him.

  4. It's just one rule for the very rich, and a completely different rule for everyone else.

    You mean poor people don't get their Bt823 million back after a court ruled a sale invalid or do you mean that poor people don't must pay sums like 546 million just for tax?

    Or the mandatory order (peer pressure?) that you must sport a certain style of hairdo once you reached a certain age.

    No, that's not what I mean at all.

  5. Jim

    What Deeral did was alter the text in the quote box. He has added his own comment and it appears to have been written by Jack as it is in the Quote box. He clearly is aware of that as he has asked you to read it again.

    Did you know that altering what someone has said by changing the text within the quote box is against the forum rules Deeral?

    I'm sorry, I didn't realise it was "Traffic Warden and Jobsworth" night.

    if some of the posters spent less time quibbling about typos etc and applied a little common sense, they might be able to formulate a coherent point of view on the topic - but that evidently seems unlikely form a couple of posters on this thread......

    BTW - keep up the false syllogism, you're doing fine!


    Nobody would be on your back if you hadn't made such an ass of yourself on the other thread. Go sleep it off, and before you do, flush that totally misplaced superiority complex down the toilet along with the 10 pints of lager you seem to have had.

  6. Jim

    What Deeral did was alter the text in the quote box. He has added his own comment and it appears to have been written by Jack as it is in the Quote box. He clearly is aware of that as he has asked you to read it again.

    Did you know that altering what someone has said by changing the text within the quote box is against the forum rules Deeral?

  7. I wasn't overlooking the reason the British have wonky teeth. I am British have never had a brace, and don't have wonky teeth. I was talking about fillings in the back of the mouth and how school dentists were paid for the number they did, hence the comparison to Thai Doctors prescribing medicines for anything and everything. Your comment concerning braces may be accurate but is nothing to do with my post.

    I'm sorry I thought you'd get it.Firstly I'm sure you've seen the film - "Spy who Shagged be" and have noticed Mike Myers teeth? - you DO realise that was intended as a joke about UK dentistry?

    I'm referring to how the UK govt 40/50 years ago restricted the amount of "unnecessary" work by practitioners. i.e "cosmetic" work.

    here in Thailand there is no such restriction - i fact non-dentists will fitt you with braces purely to "look good" - I find this very strange - it's a bit like wearing a plaster cast when your leg isn't broken.

    The point being that in UK efforts were made to reduce the amount of fraudulent work carried out. and if you look at people around 50 to 70 years old in UK and compare them to a similar age group 50 years ago you will find that a much greater proportion of them still have their own teeth - wonky or not (how you can hold yourself up as "the norm" as an example of one out of 60 million is beyond me) their teeth are there "mercury" and all.

    children in the UK were plagued with teeth problems after the war. they were bombarded with a high sugar diet and dentistry at the time did a pretty good job of retaining adult teeth right into old age - fillings were a necessary part of this as the alternative then would have been extraction. Now we have more "visually acceptable" methods, but given that in the beginning healthcare - including dentistry - was free in UK I think they did a pretty good job....wonky teeth and all

    Unfortunately any attempts at free healthcare here are not only plagued by the corrupt international drug companies (Big Pharma) but also by the inherent corruption that permeates ever aspect of Thai life.so as a comparison with now in Thailand I think your example is actually pretty poor.

    Well that's what you get for making assumptions! No I have never seen 'The Spy who shagged me' so your attempt at hiding humour in your first statement is met with nothing but the sound of tumble weed. Sorry old chap!

    Now, where on earth have I held myself as an example of the norm. Care to point that out or is that another obscure reference or line from some other movie you imagine everyone else on the planet has watched.

  8. Russia warns against US meddling in Thailand-Bout case

    Russia dissatisfied over court's dismissal of second charge

    I am confused. Will the Russian Embassy care to clarify on the issue of meddling?

    Both statements make sense.

    Russia is dissatisfied with the ruling because it now leaves the possibility of extradition on the table. It was basically the last obstacle in the way of the extradition process. Now it has been dismissed, the barrier is no longer there, so the Russians are mighty miffed. The only thing that will delay the process is if the courts accept an appeal.

  9. If these people were not supplied arms, there would not have been as many deaths. Period. This isn't about the FARC, it's about Bout and his desire to make money off anybody who wants to buy weapons for ANY reason. Not a noble man, IMHO.

    Feel free to defend him, but I am sure you are in the minority. I hate to use this analogy, but if your mother was being held right now by the FARC, after being kidnapped and held for ransom, would you support them? Please don't tell me you wouldn't care...

    It is nothing to do with Bout in isolation. It is why I said in my last post, 'a pox on all arms dealers, be they sole trader or Government'.

    If Bout would not have sold weapons to FARC, then somebody else would have done. Where does the 'blood on the hands actually lie'? The middle man? or the weapons manufacturers or the end user?.

    Between them, the US, Russia, China, France, Germany and UK have supplied almost every terrorist group world-wide with weapons, they have supplied almost all the weapons for any uprisings and Government overthrows, and lets not start on the provision of WMDs to Saddam Hussein (ALL his chemical/Biological weapons capability.) Today's 'higher cause' as someone has already put it, is tomorrows terrorist organisation, depending on the whim and mood of major arms dealing Governments. The only people wanting this continuous bloodshed....the weapons manufacturers, whose salesmen we happen to call, arms dealers. Bout, as a 'sole trader', is no less guilty than Bush, Blair, Chirac etc and all their predecessors for the last 60 years.

  10. Whilst it is true that Hollywood is just fiction, Bout did actually play an advisory role in the making of that movie.

    The guy is a well known arms dealer. He's known for being a-political, he will sell arms to anyone and he has no agenda other than making money. Some arms dealers have a 'higher purpose' and so are choosy about who they sell to.

    Are some people here under the impression that Bout might just be a regular tourist in the wrong place at the wrong time ?


    To be quite honest that statement is utter bolleux. Arms dealers are arms dealers, they are ALL in it to make large amounts of cash. There is no 'higher purpose', it doesn't exist, give an example. So the US are pissed off with Bout for selling arms to kill American soldiers. What about when the US armed the Mujahadin (now read Taliban/Al Quaida) up to the teeth with weapons to kill Russian soldiers? The same weapons now being used to kill US troops in Afghanistan. All is fair in love and war! A pox on all arms dealers, be they sole trader or Government!

  11. One problem is that Thais think Doctors hold some amazing unquestionable status. I have taught my wife otherwise during any visits we have made with our Children. We use the same Doctor, who has learned that I wont take any bullsh*t and that he is being paid to provide a service to me, and I am the client. I question him concerning any medications he is thinking of prescribing, but now he knows that unless it is required, dont mention it to me. It started when I first took my daughter with a viral infection and the Doc then prescribed antibiotics!! When I asked why he was prescribing antibiotics for a viral infection when they only work on Bacterial infections, he got the idea. He knows I am now happy to pay for a consultation but for any run of the mill general illnesses I dont want a bag full of medicines. He has also tried it on many times asking if I want a 'new' vaccination for the kids, only 2500 bht, after the barrage of 'what's it for, how long has it been out, where are the trial results, what are the side effects, why do they need it, etc etc etc he gives up and concedes that it is just another earner for the pharma companies.

    The next door neighbours are for ever taking their children to the Doc, for anything, and come back with bags full of tablets that the Child needs. Indeed invariably the child just needs a bit of junior tylneol to bring their temp down, or some cough medicine, and tucked up in bed and a day off school. Not the next door folks, they have their kids admitted to hospital for 48 hours with a sore throat or cough. You have to take control, albeit politely with the Doctors. The hospitals are there to fill the beds, and in our town you are lucky to get a bed, because they are full of people who just shouldn't be in hospital, people in there for 24-48 hours with a sprained wrist or a headache! The hospitals don't care, they make money by filling the beds regardless of severity of ailment . Everybody wants their kids to be Doctors, because they know that the money is fantastic, and all the Docs have big houses and Mercs.

    The investigation is a fantastic idea, if it will be conducted! It would be interesting to see accurate figures for the mismanagement of prescription medicines just to get money. Still I guess it is no different from the UK 40 years ago, when the school dentists used to come around and they were only paid for actual treatments they did, hence most people of my generation ended up with mouths full of mercury.

    Actually you are overlooking why the British have a reputation for "wonky" teeth - the free national health serivce refused to pay practitioners for what they considered "cosmetic" dentistry - so very few people were fitted with "braces" - this would have been a much bigger money spinner for dentists - in fact it is the mainstay of dentistry with young people in the States.

    I wasn't overlooking the reason the British have wonky teeth. I am British have never had a brace, and don't have wonky teeth. I was talking about fillings in the back of the mouth and how school dentists were paid for the number they did, hence the comparison to Thai Doctors prescribing medicines for anything and everything. Your comment concerning braces may be accurate but is nothing to do with my post.

  12. Enough of the gossip. I have been on the ropes here with the "management" for years now. Whatever decision they make, pro or con, regarding the rep feature is PURELY their decision. I did ask for the option for people to be able to disable the feature entirely at the user level so that you could turn it off for yourself IF you wanted that, but leave it open for those that like the brownie point game. Of course I am pleased the feature is gone, but that doesn't mean it won't come back. To repeat, I have no power over this, and I don't appreciate implications otherwise.

    But Jingthing, I thought you liked brownie points.

  13. Former U.S. President Bill Clinton said Tuesday that solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict would take away much of the motivation for terrorism around the world.


    Sure, of course, much but not all. But what do you think the odds are the sides can come to an agreeable peace anytime soon when the Gaza government isn't even playing and is opposed to the talks?

    The Gaza government is opposed to talks because the Israelis refuse to stop work on the illegal settlements that are being built on what is left of Palestinian land. The Israelis continue to cut down 150 year old olive groves belonging to the Palestinian's, in their own land, and knock down Arabic houses for being illegal and unauthorised, despite the fact that they houses have stood there for 200 years and Israel has only been on the go since the 1950s. Israel have been in blatant breech of UN resolutions for 20 years, they refuse to comply and so long as the US back them the way they do there will never be peace. Israel now even tells the US to ram it when they ask for the settlement building to cease, and what happens...nothing! How can there be any talks while the Israelis continue to steal land and resources.

  14. One problem is that Thais think Doctors hold some amazing unquestionable status. I have taught my wife otherwise during any visits we have made with our Children. We use the same Doctor, who has learned that I wont take any bullsh*t and that he is being paid to provide a service to me, and I am the client. I question him concerning any medications he is thinking of prescribing, but now he knows that unless it is required, dont mention it to me. It started when I first took my daughter with a viral infection and the Doc then prescribed antibiotics!! When I asked why he was prescribing antibiotics for a viral infection when they only work on Bacterial infections, he got the idea. He knows I am now happy to pay for a consultation but for any run of the mill general illnesses I dont want a bag full of medicines. He has also tried it on many times asking if I want a 'new' vaccination for the kids, only 2500 bht, after the barrage of 'what's it for, how long has it been out, where are the trial results, what are the side effects, why do they need it, etc etc etc he gives up and concedes that it is just another earner for the pharma companies.

    The next door neighbours are for ever taking their children to the Doc, for anything, and come back with bags full of tablets that the Child needs. Indeed invariably the child just needs a bit of junior tylneol to bring their temp down, or some cough medicine, and tucked up in bed and a day off school. Not the next door folks, they have their kids admitted to hospital for 48 hours with a sore throat or cough. You have to take control, albeit politely with the Doctors. The hospitals are there to fill the beds, and in our town you are lucky to get a bed, because they are full of people who just shouldn't be in hospital, people in there for 24-48 hours with a sprained wrist or a headache! The hospitals don't care, they make money by filling the beds regardless of severity of ailment . Everybody wants their kids to be Doctors, because they know that the money is fantastic, and all the Docs have big houses and Mercs.

    The investigation is a fantastic idea, if it will be conducted! It would be interesting to see accurate figures for the mismanagement of prescription medicines just to get money. Still I guess it is no different from the UK 40 years ago, when the school dentists used to come around and they were only paid for actual treatments they did, hence most people of my generation ended up with mouths full of mercury.

  15. Jingthing doesn't like it, we must obey :jap:

    Well, actually Jingthing was trying to accumulate reds so in fact this goes against what he likes.


    You fell for it! The sites number 1 attention seeker would weep silently over any red. I am not surprised the admin do whatever he wants, his post count is so high he is worth money to them just in the hit rates he knocks up from personal activity.

    Ho hum, another day in paradise.

  16. As a slight aside, why is it called 'Graft'? I always thought Graft was a term for hard work.

    There can never be an end to corruption in a society that still has the ultra rich and ultra poor, with a bit of a vacuum in between. Money and material possession is how the Rich maintain power and how the less wealthy have learned to sample a feeling of power. Why should anyone willing to sell their political vote for $10 or sit in the street everyday for three months in protest for $10-$15 per day care one iota about the eradication of corruption. There will be no 'grass roots movement' to end corruption, it is second nature and how the poor and wannabes make a little extra.

  17. Do not warry so much about Al Qaeda.

    After the 9/11 and other Bush lies (WMD in Iraq) US Armee and alliance killed over 2 million Muslime.


    And therein is the most amazing example of negligent risk management. Since 9//11 there have been 61 US citizens killed world wide by what could be deemed 'terrorist attacks' and in that period the US have spent more than 900 Billion on 'the war against terror'. In the same period of time, 550 000 US citizens continue to die every year from Cardiac disease, and 570 000 have died every single year from Cancer, yet during the period the US have only spent 3 Billion in research to save it's citizens from these diseases. I guess the dichotomy is that the 900 billion is for the benefit of the defence corporations, who had shareholders................ sitting on the Bush Administration. And then on top of all that is the sensless slaughter of so many lives as you point out, and for every one killed there are 5 who have suffered debilitating injuries. It makes me really hope that there really is a god, and we must all face eternal judgement, because it is as sure as hel_l the only way Justice will ever be served.

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