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Posts posted by Utley

  1. Normally, people save copies of their files on an external hard drive. If your main drive fails, the external will be your back-up. You can select to only save the files you want; you don't have to save the libraries. The Windows backup software will update those saved files daily (if you choose) with any changes. I would also save an "image" back-up of your entire system in case everything fails on you along with system "start-up" files on a memory stick.

  2. So far as the chance of paying import duty goes, from 10 years of experience of importing supplements from the US to Thailand, I can tell you its got nothing to do with the company you order from - its actually luck of the draw, although there are a couple of ways of reducing your chances of being hit.

    In the past, sometimes I have been hit outrageously (and by the way, NEVER use their appeal system. It doesn't work, they simply return your order to the sender and you have to restart, paying the postage all over again.) and sometimes, inexplicably, using exactly the same methods the order get through free of charges. Explanation? There is no rational one.

    (Recently, ignoring my own rules, I was charged outrageously on a $64 order (They "valued" it at 3 times the enclosed invoice amount), but a $93 order was not charged at all, both using normal US Airmail.)

    The first thing is to limit the value of your order to $50 or thereabouts, the catch being that that usually increases your shipping costs through multiple orders.

    Secondly, NEVER use the commercial couriers (DHL and the like) If you use them you are virtually guaranteeing that you will be hit. Use normal Airmail only.

    From there on it's just "Best of luck!"

    I agree with everything that lamemjay has said. I too have 10 years of experience and the import fees are all over the board from nothing to outrageous. The actual Thai law says that you cannot bring more than a 30 day supply of any vitamin into the country. When Thai Customs quotes that one to you, you know that your fees are going to be high.

  3. Our large sediment filter has: 1/3 pebbles, 1/3 sand and 1/3 carbon in that order going from bottom to top. We flush it every week. The filtration media should only have to be replaced every 3 years or so if you flush it frequently.

  4. Guess you haven't followed the news in the South of Thailand ....have you?

    A few have met their maker from ied's, been about 14 to my knowledge this year alone.

    There you go Utley....you are now informed, that Thais have given their lives for their service to their country......

    A very small contribution to say the least.

  5. "Vietnam has not bought anything" - what do you expect if the supplies come from a country which killed millions of their people? I - for one - never saw a Vietnamese threat at an American border. The Yankees were never supposed to be in Indochina. Officially fighting communism it might be noteworthy that the biggest creditor to the US is ...... the Peoples Republic of China; to the best of my limited knowledge a communist country.

    ​Obama runs around like a headless chicken and attending lame duck summits in the departure lounge of power. How godforsaken arrogant to "remove" the sanctions and embargoes; it takes Asian wisdom and skills not to spit and vomit. But 43 years ago the Vietnamese proved their superiority in character, Le Tuc Pho refused the Peace Nobel Prize 1973 while Kissinger, never accused of genocide nor faced the bench - accepted it.

    We've learnt absolutely nothing; tell the Amis to go home and get their house in order; Asia, Europe and Africa can sort out their own way without what today is still called "imperialists" by certain Indochinese governments. And this, to make it crystal clear, refers to the official USA seated in Washington DC and not to the countless American friends of mine who are likewise sick and tired of their country's leadership.

    I find it ironic that you rant and rave against the primary country that protects your right to rant and rave. Try ranting and raving against your host country and see how far you get.

  6. "So for myself, I am going to try to loosen up my perfectionist tendencies in photography, and focus on just making steady progress, and not being too self-critical, and to be more self-compassionate."

    I wish you would have started with this sentence, it would have saved me a lot of reading. biggrin.png

  7. There are literally thousands of potential English teachers in Thailand but Thai Immigration won't allow them to work as they are in Thailand on retirement extensions and not allowed work permits. If you want English teachers, talk to Thai Immigration.

    Are you suggesting that this is not a reasonable place to ask for legitimate teachers?

    It sounds like the poster is well aware of visa and work permit requirements.

    What I am suggesting is that there is a vast pool of untouched talent to be had in Thailand simply for the asking. If the op wants to tap this pool, then he/she should work with Thai Immigration to get the rules changed. There are many retirees in Thailand whose first language is English who would love to do volunteer work but can't because of restrictive Thai Immigration rules.

    If the poster is well aware of visa and work permit requirements, I have no idea and neither do you. I am pointing toward a path which the op may not be aware.

  8. There are literally thousands of potential English teachers in Thailand but Thai Immigration won't allow them to work as they are in Thailand on retirement extensions and not allowed work permits. If you want English teachers, talk to Thai Immigration.

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