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Posts posted by Utley

  1. I get blasted every time I refer to Thailand as a "third-world country". Seems obvious to me.

    If you mean is Thailand a 3rd world country going down hill the answer is obviously yes.

    I think it has something to do with how long you have been here. When you first arrive everything is wonderful and new (like a new relationship) but after a while the blemishes begin to show. IMHO - Thailand has four major assets: it's women, it's food, it's low cost of living and it's weather - which are nothing to sneeze about. But as far as playing on the world stage with the grownups - it just isn't there! No one other than Thailand really cares what is going on in Thailand. And that's the truth!

    Very simplistic view of Thailand,....Woman, low cost of living and weather ?????, you obviously never went out of Pattaya did you....?

    I spent a week in Pattaya about ten years ago; I enjoyed myself immensely but have never been back. My wife and I live in the hinterlands of central Thailand.

    Thailand's women, food, low cost of living and it's weather are the four main reasons why I live here fulltime. But in regards to the world scene, though a very pleasant place to live, Thailand is nothing more significant than a pimple on an elephant's butt.

  2. If you mean is Thailand a 3rd world country going down hill the answer is obviously yes.

    First of all Thailand is not a "Third world country" and second, Thailand will be joining ASEAN this year.

    I've been hearing about ASEAN for a couple of years now but not once have I ever seen it explained what exactly it will mean to be part of the "ASEAN" community. Is ASEAN like NATO - no; is it like the European Union - no; is it like NAFTA - no. What exactly is it and specifically what will be the economic impact for it's members?

  3. I get blasted every time I refer to Thailand as a "third-world country". Seems obvious to me.

    If you mean is Thailand a 3rd world country going down hill the answer is obviously yes.

    I think it has something to do with how long you have been here. When you first arrive everything is wonderful and new (like a new relationship) but after a while the blemishes begin to show. IMHO - Thailand has four major assets: it's women, it's food, it's low cost of living and it's weather - which are nothing to sneeze about. But as far as playing on the world stage with the grownups - it just isn't there! No one other than Thailand really cares what is going on in Thailand. And that's the truth!

  4. IMHO, when the U.S. goes to war, the cost to the nation is far more than the cost of the guns and bullets; it is also more than the cost of the brave young men and women who sacrificed their lives for their country. Serving in the military takes a physical toll on the bodies of the nation's youth that wear out before their time. Most veterans suffer hearing loss and osteoarthritis early in their lives as a result of their service. Many suffer from PTSD for years after discharge. And of course, some are wounded and maimed and must learn to live with their new disabilities.

    The cost of the guns and bullets is very small in comparison to the cost of what the country owes its heroes. Cost of war: 10% for guns and bullets; 90% to take care of the young men and women who were sent in harm's way.

  5. I had my hearing test for the VA performed at Bangkok Hospital in Bangkok - it was not their first rodeo with the VA.

    As you probably already know, the following VA forms are required:

    • Hearing Loss and Tinnitus Disability Benefits Questionnaire (DBQ)
    • Form 21-4138 (optional but supportive)

    • VCAA Notice Response (Optional but helps speed up the process)

    Realistically, don't expect more than a 10% disability. It took about 18 months to have my claim successfully processed.

  6. Short on money? Raise prices for the farangs! But seriously, Thailand is still risking a boycott of seafood by Europe end the US. Should this happen then a real recession may start. And that may be followed by a chain reaction. Even the condo bubble may burst. Then the sh*t really will hit the fan.

    The sh*t has already hit the fan. A 3.99% drop in exports over a four month period is nearly a 12% drop annualized - a big number! Samsung has recently moved its TV manufacturing to Vietnam - which in MHO is just the start. Thailand will have to loosen its currency controls ASAP in order to attract new investment and prevent a complete contastrophy.

    What currency controls?

    With few exceptions, Thailand doesn't allow investors to move baht out of the country - which is the main reason why the baht stays so strong. In supply and demand terms, they are limiting the supply.

  7. Short on money? Raise prices for the farangs! But seriously, Thailand is still risking a boycott of seafood by Europe end the US. Should this happen then a real recession may start. And that may be followed by a chain reaction. Even the condo bubble may burst. Then the sh*t really will hit the fan.

    The sh*t has already hit the fan. A 3.99% drop in exports over a four month period is nearly a 12% drop annualized - a big number! Samsung has recently moved its TV manufacturing to Vietnam - which in MHO is just the start. Thailand will have to loosen its currency controls ASAP in order to attract new investment and prevent a complete contastrophy.

  8. What it means, my less than learned friends, is that the future Pacific power stratagem of the West is leaving Thailand behind. Me thinks that robust export growth, in the long run, is not in Thailand's future if the country is going to have to rely on China as its primary trading partner. And remember, "He that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas" - Benjamin Franklin. I can see LOS starting to scratch now.

  9. The United States is negotiating the TPP with 11 other like-minded countries (Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam) that share a commitment to concluding a high-standard, ambitious agreement and to expanding the initial group to include additional countries throughout the Asia-Pacific region. We are in the endgame of negotiations, making TPP the most promising platform for Asia-Pacific regional trade integration.

    Notice anyone missing from the list?

  10. If you can find the dietary supplement called "Milk Thistle Seed" (Silymarin) - take it! It is an anti-oxidant that will help your liver tremendously. ANYONE who drinks alcoholic beverages to any extent can benefit from taking milk thistle seed including myself. Other anti-oxidants that will help to keep your liver healthy are Alpha Lipoic Acid and Concentrated Ultra Lecithin. (All of which are readily available over-the-counter in the U.S.).

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