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Posts posted by NoSpeakIt

  1. please tell me where i can go to get a mocha frappuchino that tastes as good or anything like starbucks. i am not crazy about shelling out 180 baht for it, but despite your claims, no, the 25 baht thai vendor's instant coffee or instant coffee + ice in a blender does not taste as good. i doubt many can drink starbucks everyday or they would be like a blimp. its more of a monthly thing for me. its gotta be 800+ cals for a shake.

    thais don't do coffee well, no ifs or buts about it.

  2. Some people just can't adapt to a different culture. I bet most of the guys that go to Starbucks speak to the staff in English. I know one such guy, who has been here for 2 years, and can't order a cup of coffee - what a joke.

    LOL, I bet you have never even been inside a Starbucks. How are you supposed to pronounce the English brand names in Thail? What is the Thai translation for quiche? how do you say frappachino in Thai?

    This might shock you to the core, but did you know that Thais also drink Starbucks? You have created an illusion in your mind that 'being Thai' is equivilant to being poor. The poor Thais want to drink Starbucks too, they just can't afford to do so.

  3. 2700 a month rent and they also have internet for 300 baht and apparently 50 cable channels for 100 baht? something is not adding up. room i am renting is 30K a month and has like 10 channels. cant see how internet could be that cheap either.

    This is one of those frequent tunnel-vision posters who doesn't realize there is life outside of Patong, Phuket, and Bangkok.

    2,500 to 3,000 baht a month is a normal range for apartment/home rental charges in our town. You can also get 50 cable channels here for about 130 baht.

    I would suggest to NoSpeakIt to get out a little more and TryToSeeIt (the real Thailand). :o

    Ah, 'the real Thailand'. Its always fun to visit 'the real Thailand' then after three hours of sighing and saying "Isn't this relaxing? Its so peaceful", we realize that there are no pretty women around, there is nothing to do and we miss civilization.

    So how many people in this thread take great pride in not owning anything expensive?

    'I bought these pants for 100 baht'

    No kidding...

  4. i am confused how those of you who don't like thai food managed to end up living here. actually, i take that back, i guess i have a pretty decent idea what brought and kept you here, i just think its kind of sad. but maybe food is just a bigger part of my life than others. each day i wake up and think "what do i want to eat today". i cant imagine living somewhere that you don't like the local cuisine regardless of the advantages afforded to you from an impoverished populous.

  5. is it just a cliche that women spend more money than men? i take my girl shopping, in the time it takes her to pick out one dress i have already thrown 9 or 10 shirts onto the counter. yesterday i bought 4k baht worth of cheese from paragon, got home and felt kind of silly thinking how <deleted> long will it even take me to eat 2+ Kilograms of various cheeses? now i even find myself browsing the louis vuitton website on a weekly basis. we havent even gotten to electronics. at this rate i am going to end up a very fat, well dressed hobo.

  6. 2700 a month rent and they also have internet for 300 baht and apparently 50 cable channels for 100 baht? something is not adding up. room i am renting is 30K a month and has like 10 channels. cant see how internet could be that cheap either.

    regardless, i thought it was funny that he thinks of KFC as luxury food.

  7. As one who looks the the apartment finding forum on TV and elsewhere, I find it hard to believe that the asking prices I see are actually what people are paying, in particular for new builds.

    When I see people asking 25-30k a month for 34 sqm on Asoke or as far up the BTS as Onnut, I really wonder if there are that many people here who pay that? Are we not in an oversupply environment in Bangkok? Shouldn't this be a renter's market? I can remember a few years back when the market was tight, one had to basically pay what was being asked because of the supply shortage, but I don't think this is the case now is it?

    I suppose there is no harm in asking for as much as you can get, but in reality I would like to get an idea if people who are currently / have recently rented an apartment in Bangkok proper if they were able to get significant discounts from the so called 'posted price'? Thanks.

    there is very little negotiation in my experience. usually, its just 'this is the price. Yes or No?'. the prices are often posted in the lobby downstairs for all to see.

    i think you are wrong about soi onut condos 34 sqm going for 25k baht. i am renting a 60m2 apartment a minute walk from lumpini park, a grocery store and the bts/mrt for 30K a month.

    if you want to feel better about these price rates, check out a singaporean/hong kong/macau/japan/korea/vietnam/china real estate site.

  8. oh come on..some of you guys make me depressed..

    if you want to meet a university girl / educated, then why dont you go to that university.. join a language course, could even be THAI! be yourself, show some respect for her culture AND your own and do as "back home".. the female gender didnt magically change just cause you moved to thailand.. or figure out where these strange creatures go shopping, clubbing, eating etc.. perfectly possible

    me, you, everybody has to bring somethin to the table, you cant just sit around waiting for the perfect girl to fall in your lap ( i know some will disagree :o )..

    and i dont care at all, about the disgruntled, racist thais that like to creep onto the internet and try to convince themselves that THEIR kind of girl isnt interested in farangs.. being different is always interesting, but if all you can bring is a different skin color and a bit more money then off course not.

    but to answer the op, would you really want to be with someone who only has thai friends? im looking for some interest in other cultures in a girl, same here same there..

    hmmm, not to be a prick but when i said educated, i did not mean any girl with a degree. yeah, picking out one of the many girls walking around in the black skirt and white tshirt (obviously the old guys have a low chance of even doing that) is not that hard. i was thinking more along the lines of doctor/lawyer/judge/dentist ... not typist/beer model/teacher/recpetionist ... not that there are anything wrong with those jobs.

    and i have seen many farang women with Thai males but they mostly have that jungle persona to them, like they just got back from slaying john rambo in burma (both of them).

  9. ^ there was a cheerleader at my hs named Cindy. She was very cute. Then one day she slept with the School's quarterback. After that got out, for whatever reason, probably bioligical, she made her way through the rest of the football team, the basketball team, the baseball team, even the swim team.

    I am very skeptical of Thai girls who are serial farang daters. All the others wished they were doing the same? Why is that exactly? Malays, Japanese, Farang are all better than Thais, huh? Thai men no good same same you. Right?

    Well this strays a bit into another TV general topic, but in a point yes. You see, while it may be cool for a Thai guy to be a butterfly in the eyes of his peers, the gals (in my office) were obviously fed up with this behavior or have no time / patience in dealing with that kind of general 20-30 year old Thai male machismo. You ever wonder why there are so many single Thai females in Bangkok? Surely it can't be from shortage of Thai males?

    BTW, I hope it is clear to you that of the examples i wrote about, 3/4 are in serious long term relationships with someone other than a Thai guy. The other one dates (non Thais).

    The other five I believe wish they had a serious relationship of some form.

    Cool! Is this Malay guy dark skinned or what?

  10. and i know you are fluent in Thai, you are Thai in your heart, you have many Thai friends who are like your brothers, you give your life to the King but despite all of that, you arent Thai, and your deciding to live here is in itself sort of a statement of "I don't want to be bothered," yeah yeah yeah you were born in the wrong country, its expensive and competitive over there, the girls have options, its a living hel_l - your being in Thailand, outside of your home country, for many, is a statement of unreliability and indifference - again, not that these are nessecary bad things. Of course if you have enough money you can do almost anything you want (Thank God).

    I'm 1/2 Thai; yes born abroad but what do you want me to do about that?!!

    I live here because there are far more opportunities than the country I was born in (New Zealand); I would consider living and working in USA, Singapore or Japan - but I don't have a USP for those markets, I do here.

    Incidentally, I earn local wages, but something like 1.5X (comparing post tax) more than what i would earn doing a similar main job in NZ PLUS there is a bonus structure and I can also run a business on the side; well 2 actually; one of which is based on using NZ knowhow and intellectual property combined with Thai craftsmanship in an industry where it would be simply impossible to build in NZ (marine industry, specialist product).

    My brother given the same choices works here 2 months a year, and is emmigrating to USA with his fiance.(who is an American).

    I have no idea why 'i don't want to be bothered'??? Quite the reverse! A lot easier to sit around in NZ smoking pot with my sailing and snowboarding mates then hammering the Lion Rouge!

    Sorry, very confused with what you are trying to say here!

    i thought it was obvious i was not speaking about you. your situation is clearly different from the majority of farang choosing to live outside of their country, and you aren't even doing that as far as I can tell unless you consider NZ 'your country'.

  11. ^ there was a cheerleader at my hs named Cindy. She was very cute. Then one day she slept with the School's quarterback. After that got out, for whatever reason, probably bioligical, she made her way through the rest of the football team, the basketball team, the baseball team, even the swim team.

    I am very skeptical of Thai girls who are serial farang daters. All the others wished they were doing the same? Why is that exactly? Malays, Japanese, Farang are all better than Thais, huh? Thai men no good same same you. Right?

  12. Anyway in all seriousness though. I think the OP has some self worth issues. The fact of the matter is that every guy has something too offer. And a woman will choose him based on that. Yes some whores choose farang men out of desperation or for money, like quite possibly the OP's lady. And some attractive well bred women from good families will marry farang men because they love them. I think the OP's exposure is a bit limited

    wow, did i hit too close to home? must have for you to tell me out of the blue that my gf (whom you know nothing about whatsoever) is a whore.

    In a way, yes it did. I messed around with ALOT of whores in Pattaya before I decided I had enough and left that life style behind. I'm not knocking it at all I'm just saying ya don't mix the two (ie don't try and be serious with a hoe), thats when problems occur. Anyway, was I incorrect? Did your GF ever sell sex for money? If not then I will apologize. Just sounded kinda whorish by the way you portaged her stereotypical thought pattern.

    im not sure what you are refering to exactly. i only remember saying that i think she sometimes resents having a foreign bf. i think this is natural. there are negative consequences to having a farang boyfriend:

    1. he doesnt understand everything about your culture

    2. sometimes you share a joke with him in english but it doesnt have the same effect as it does in Thai

    3. sometimes people give you bad looks (sorry, but guess what, she's getting them.)

    then of course there are many positive things. if she could do a harry potter spell and turn me Thai (while of course keeping my beautiful eye lashs, long nose, strong jaw, milky white skin, and six pack abs) I am sure she would do it.

    i just think farang are kidding themselves if they think "all Thai girls want me but their parent's just won't let them". truth is, despite the I'm fluent in Thai. I've worked here twenty nine years. I fought in WWII. Rhetoric, most farang are very far off from landing a model slash dentist.

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