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Posts posted by WinnieTheKhwai

  1. loaded.

    re .... Thai TV news showed the phone booths this morning - mainly shattered glass

    and here they are !

    the one on the right suffered the most damage to its roof area and glass was still scattered about this morning

    more worrying to me is more tyres are still arriving at red shirt hq in chiang mai !

    why ... when theyve just started talking in bangkok ?

    doesnt make sence to me .... dave2

    Dave, what are you doing? You put a picture of the UDD protest area next to the bombed/vandalized telephone booth. These are in no way related unless you know more than anyone else? If that's the case you should be at a police station providing information. If not then you're rumour mongering and adding spin for no good reason (possibly unintentionally, which is why I'm highlighting it.)

    Seriously, the Reds more than anyone else want to find out who specifically is behind this (assuming it's not random vandalism which also remains very possible) because it would be very damaging to their cause. ( Regardless of it being agent provocateurs or someone or some group in their own ranks. ) Nobody needs this, and to suggest otherwise is wrong. The protests have been going exceptionally well; they have been peaceful and in good spirits, they've had far more support from the people in Bangkok than anticipated, (international) press coverage was favorable by and large, AND they're even negotiating with Absisit.. In their wildest dreams it couldn't have gone better so they SERIOUSLY don't need such disruption or distraction.

  2. Well the reds start spilling blood, but this time other people's not their own! Shame on them the dirty buggers.

    You have no idea who is behind these explosions, or else you know more than anyone else in which case you should be at a police station providing information. "Shame on the perpetrators" however is something I can go along with wholeheartedly.

  3. I was wondering when they would turn on the coalition partners and their families.

    This seems to be moving into the realm of civil war

    because civilians and their families are now being targeted.

    This is not how a democracy movement works,

    it IS how a despot trying to regain power works...

    Think on that point.

    You make an awful lot of assumptions based on no information. I can't really add anything else because I have the same information you have. My suspision is that you are trying to add spin and/or are rumour mongering, because that what you call it when fantasising without information or facts.

    I think the only sensible thing worth nothing is that I seriously hope the perpetrators are caught and go to jail for a very long time.

  4. Some of the spoken sarcastic asides beggar belief and are tasteless.

    For example on a recent news report regarding the fatality of a British man in a motorcycle accident in Pattaya; the Antipodean reporter ad-libbed: "No motorcycle helmet was found at the scene, possibly because he was holding it above his head to help block the starlight".

    Such cheap jokes, at the expense of a dead British male are unacceptable.

    Right! (But at the expense of Thai males would be just fine though, right? ) :)

    > Time to breathe a bit of new life into a tired old programme.

    Alternatively, watch something else?

  5. Just drove past there. There are two phone booths right next to each other. The explosion blew the glass ouf of one of them, but no major damage. Whatever it was it was pretty tiny by bomb standards, but major by fireworks standards to blow the glass out. Either way I wouldn't want to have been standing next to it when it went off. (Though for such a small and ineffective device, it may just have been a case of lighting a fuse and driving off)

    Let's hope this isn't a sign of such vandalism taking root in Thailand. :)

  6. If you cant afford to go home that would be pretty dire,does that mean being stony broke in thailand and out on the streets,no visa,and illegal,thats no way to go.

    Um, there's more costs related to 'going home' than the airfare. For example, if you're without a house and employment then going 'home' is a challenge financially.

  7. I hate being in Western countries. Feels like being in jail. I refuse to spend money in those places other than the bare minimum to keep me alive for the duration. Coming back to Thailand is like being allowed back in Paradise.

  8. 90 day reporting applies to everyone regardless of visa type. As many people only get 90 days stay, they never get to the point where they have to do the 90 day reporting because they're out of the country by then, and return on their next entry.

    That it applies to the OP means that he's staying longer than 90 days. 90 day reporting can be done at any immigration office during regular government business hours.

  9. Let's say the reds are succesful in achieving their goals. Would history then declare they won 'civil unrest' of 2010?

    Probably. That's what PAD claimed when in their words they won in getting opposing political parties banned by the courts. (I acknowledge that many/most on this forum would say PAD has nothing to do with that as it was the court's decision. The point I'm making is that PAD themselves claimed it as their own victory, which I think is not in dispute)

  10. Well, it's one thing to have a leader in a moral sense, an Aung San if you will, but it's quit something else to have a competent statesman who can run a country. Hard to find those qualities in a single person. Thaksin was very competent at the latter (CEO style leadership), but lacks the moral authority.

    Note by the way that any new and independent person will 100% sure be seen as a threat by Thaksin, as well as the establishment. Up-hill struggle, that. :)

  11. What a skewed understanding of what a war is, civil or otherwise.

    We're seeing an increased awareness in democracy and governance, and some people/activitsts speaking out on those issues, proposing change. That's just a healthy thing in a democracy. (And in Thailand as well.)

    A more challenging poll would be if anyone thinks that a civil war is possible in the future. I think under the current circumstances no, but as Thailand as a whole has failed to build a solid democracy that can weather the most challenging storms, I'm not sure about the future. Note that this may not be a war or struggle with the same Red & Yellow teams that we see today. When times are a-changing, all bets are off.

  12. While the above is correct as far as the location of the immigration office, some people on non immigrant visas most certainly do border runs. For example suppose you got a double-entry non immigrant visa. When the first entry is used up, you need to go out of Thailand and cross back in to use the second entry.

    Also: 90 day reporting is separate from extending your stay. If you're on a one year extension then you don't need to extend your visa every 90 days obviously, just do the 90 day reporting. Note that you don't have to do this in person, and it may even be possible to do it onine. (not sure)

  13. Which mean that you can't think of a single policy of his which benefited Thailand. The rest was just circumstantial.

    Are you ignoring my post #17 ( http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Thaksin-Thai...22#entry3446922 ) on purpose, or is a requirement that every single poster lists 10 or so things that clearly benefited Thailand, some to this day?

    When I was challenged on my list, I instantly provided the background and references in post #20. Did you read all that, including the Wikipedia links with facts about Thaksin's policies, includuing references? ( http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Thaksin-Thai...81#entry3446981 )

    Carry on.. :)

    OTOP was a copy of another country's idea

    The Safari Park was a copy of someone else's idea, as was eating exotic animals

    Casino building is not really an original idea, given Thailand's neighbour.

    This is absolutely astounding. :D He is a politician, not a singer or a painter! I cannot believe I'm spelling this out, but please, hold my hand:

    When artists, like writers, painters or musicians copy other peoples best work it's baaaaaddd. (pause)

    When politicians, business people or engineers copy other people best work it's goooooooddd. (longer pause)

    Being statesman means you're applying the best solutions to the challenges facing your country at any given time. You're truly clutching at straws when you can't offer any better retort than that someone else thought of it first?? Again, astounding. Truly.

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