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Posts posted by WinnieTheKhwai

  1. Let's pray for some Saint Patrick's Day rain!!!!!!!

    (But if not then we'll get drunk anyway. :) )

    too bad theres no guinness left!! :D

    Who needs Guinness when there's Sang Som left!

  2. Can anyone tell me if you can go up in elevation to get away from the pollution? It seems a lot of friends have headed down South... wondering it's possible to head up north/up hill and get some cleaner air. Thanks in advance; heading outside to burn my recycling.

    I went for a drive to the top of DoiSuteph today. It was still not goodthere but a lot better than down here next to CMU.

    You could try Doi Inthanon about 2 hours out of town and the highest point in Thailand.

    That sounds like a good idea!

    And then what? Are you going to sit there at the 'Highest Peak in Thailand" sign for the next week or so?

  3. I tried to post these this morning, 3 photos taken around 9:30 AM today.

    When taking pictures, it's better to do so around noon-1pm as any influence from morning moisture will have gone. (Assuming you're taking pictures for the sake of comparison)

    (And currenlty it's bad enough around noon. :) )

  4. If voting is the cornerstone of democracy, then Thailand certainly isn't anyworse than a number of developed nations, and certainly has a significantly better turnout than the USA.

    I only partially agreel; "letting the result stand without meddling from above" is the cornerstone of democracty. :D

    OK, so voting is compulsory here, but still, it's good to see on par with the UK, Canada and many EU nations. )

    Voting is not compulsory. (Some notes apply, like if you want to be anything int he civil service then you're expected to vote. Also when in the military you're expected to vote, and probably a couple more cases like this. Also if you're taking a financial incentive to vote then you're expected to actually vote. :) )

  5. IF there was an election now, would the PTP (or whoever Thaksin's party is) "win"?

    Assuming they win the most seats, they won't (or VERY unlikely) win more than 50% of the seats, so they will have to form a coalition.

    How will that be any different to now?

    Don't the PTP have more MPs than any other party? Why can't they form a coalition now? Why couldn't they after the PPP was disbanded?

    They can't form a coalition now because the Democrats and possibly other influences "enticed" people who were previously in the TRT/PTP party over to their side. It's pretty obvious that those people will have to make a move fairly soon, or else their electorate will rip them a new one come next elections and they don't want that. That'll be the end of the current government and will likely bring PTP back "on top".

    It however changes NOTHING in the overall way the country is managed. Thai democracy (or what passed for it) was set back a decade or so since the coup, and I see nothing to indicate that this ground is going to be made back up and that's sad or all people in all parts of the country and in (almost) every echelon of society, bar the very top.

  6. The real issue is that the Democrats suspected ...

    so you mean the Dems suspected that maybe someone start a debate or submit some issue for parliamentary approval, acclamation. and there is the possibility that the Dems will not have the majority for getting their take on that issue approved but rather the opposite side so the Demss decided to boycott the whole thing with not showing up.

    and because it spoils the concept of the secret ballot voting process if only one side shows up even more MPs didn't came.

    Um, no, not really. Newin is about to switch sides, which means the government will fall. Newin needs to swtich sides because if he doesn't then he and his friends have a snowball's chance in hel_l of getting re-elected.

    Issues have nothing to do with it; he's just looking for a reason to switch. The protests so far don't seem to have provided any traction though but I'm sure he'll think of something. :)

  7. Does it matter if he personally paid for it? He respected them enough to get budgets assigned to get rural development projects done, where decades before there was just mud & dust. That's *a lot* more than any previous government did for them.

    Yes it does matter just like the vote buying matters...

    If indeed Thaskin was a real leader, why is he not here leading, instead at some resort in Motanegro? Why did his family and relitives all flee the country?

    I would think that's obvious.. He's being prosecuted on politically motivated charges and cannot expect fair treatment under the current regime.

    So does it matter if the Mafia gives money to the church, or to schools???? After all it is just money...and it does so much good...However there is always a price to be paid.

    You've lost me.. I thought we all agreed that Thaksin implemented populist policies that empowered and developed previously forgotten rural areas. After that, the folks living in those rural areas thank him for it. It's basic politics, nay, basic human nature.

  8. The Nation was always rabidly anti-Thaksin and pro-establishment. It's an extreme right-wing paper in the Thai context.

    I disagree that the Bangkok Post is that much better though. They may be slightly less rabid, but look what some of their wingnut commentators are writing. (Veera Prateepchaikul specifically).

    But yes, I will at times read the Bangkok Post. The Nation I tear up if I see it somewhere. Last time they put that sorry excuse for a newspaper on the knob of my hotel room. Made a point to complain about it.

  9. So anyway, my guess was that he thought the protest would result in enough waves to defect. As this hasn't happened, I think he'll find another reason within the next couple of weeks to defect back to the Red side. Was always going to happen, he knows he needs to do it well before the government runs its term.

  10. In case anyone wondered: voodoo-like black magic is alive and well in Thailand. What happened today was a ceremony, no more no less.

    Trouble is the secular socialists didnt like it

    Quite; though they've put up with more outlandish shit than this so far. They know where their chances are and it's not with the establishment.

  11. I was lost for words when I first saw the blood on the gates........then the next thought that came to me was:-

    This act and these people are repulsive, disgusting, vile, loathsome, distasteful, foul, detestable, obscene, hideous, unpleasant, revolting, sickening, horrid, obonoxious, nauseating and abhorrent.

    Jeez, it's a religious/black magic type ceremony. Get over it already, it's a not always obvious on the surface but a very real part of the country and culture that we all love.

  12. Again, it's a regional issue and the further North away from town you go, the worse it gets.

    That said the readings high up mountains are better, but there's few places to actually stay. Compare that with going to Pattaya or Phuket, where the air is completely clean and there are LOADS of places to stay.

  13. I'll tell you something else: Newin MUST stab Abhisit in the back (figuratively speaking) or his gang is going to get eradicated come next election. He just needs to pick his moment. Looks like the current protests won't be it but I'm sure he'll come up with something.

    By the way, this is the link; thought I'd save everyone else the trouble Googling for it: http://blog.nationmultimedia.com/thanong/2010/03/14/entry-1

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