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Posts posted by seancbk

  1. 1 minute ago, wordchild said:

    Looks great, i hope you get to stay there. 

    Its funny how ones attitude changes over time; when i first moved to BKK all i wanted was high-rise and a great view. my first place  was on the  38th floor in Ploenchit , amazing views; could see all the way past the airport down to the hills around Chonburi, yes true! Ploenchit to Chonburi (on a clear day). When you are that high you dont see just the weather you see the  climate. I used to like to sit on the balcony, during rainy season , and watch the cloud systems roll in from the Gulf of Thailand.  However after a time you get viewed out! and also all the noise of the city incl the highway below seem to oddly  magnify when you are so high. The other big issue with condo views in Bangkok is that ,usually , in the end, someone builds another high-rise across the street and you lose your great view.

    Now we live in a mid-rise condo on a low floor , just above the garden, slightly higher than the   trees with the swimming pool just  below, and we love it. Sit on the balcony for breakfast and watch the birds. Nothing could be built around here that would interfere overmuch with our environment or view.

    would not move back to high-rise again.




    I've lived in very high places in HK as well as houses.  After a while as you say the view doesn't really matter as much.  

    I am hoping to move into a nice corner unit on the 15th floor, with a balcony and windows on two sides.  I'm not that fussed about the view although it isn't bad, but I am looking forward to more light and being able to sit outside when it's cool (in the evening).  I may depending on the sun even be able to do a spot of naked sun bathing ???? 

  2. 5 minutes ago, DefaultName said:

    Strange to just disappear.  I'd wonder if she had some serious trouble or died.



    My last contact with her was 9 years ago when she gave me her bank details. 

    The Juristic office asked me a few months ago if I could call her, but I didn't have a number, or at least not a number that they didn't already have. 

    When I moved in the unit was brand new and nicely furnished.  There was no sofa and when I asked for one she said to buy one and bill her, I asked what budget and she said 150,000 baht!!!  I'm not sure if she really mean't 15,000 but I bought a very comfortable large Ikea sofa for 16,000 that is still in great condition.  

    She mentioned that she bought the unit for her daughter, but she didn't want to live so far out of town (I'm guessing the daughter preferred Thong Lor).   If she had/has died then what happened to the daughter? 

    It's a mystery that will probably never be solved!


  3. 6 minutes ago, swm59nj said:

    That condo must be in extremely good shape.  No type of repairs had to be done in ten years.  Even basic cleaning of the air conditioning twice a year. Unless you were responsible for everything 


    I paid for all repairs and maintenance.   Don't see the need to bother my landlord unless its something major like needing a new AC unit (which the room could use as the remote no longer works). 


  4. 8 minutes ago, Shadychris said:


    Well as it seems you will almost certainly have to move out fairly soon just stop paying rent now - I guess it may take a couple of months for the bank to evict you - so not paying rent for that period will recover the amount of the deposit.


    The mother of one of my Thai friends suggested that to me, she said until the entire process is complete I can stay rent free.  However, I want to avoid any hassle so I will just move out to a different unit.  

  5. 9 hours ago, soi3eddie said:

    It's a shame that the OP will lose his home and a place that he must like. Also, he will lose his deposit too as nobody will refund that to him. If OP really likes the place (and has the means and will to buy) then he could try to negotiate with the bank. Try to keep it private from any others in your building or they may decide to try and buy it if they sense a bargain. I don't see the bank giving it away at under "market" value but you could always try to work out a deal.  Worth a try.



    Thanks.  I've got 3 options that I am working on. 

    a) Move into unit exactly the same on the same floor.  Which entails minimal hassle, no  change in rent (I could ask for a cheap rate because of covid but the rent is cheap enough and I'd like to start with a good relationship with the new owner). 

    b) Move to a different floor higher up into a two room unit with a balcony and 30% more space.  Higher rent but I am trying to get a covid discount and the units I looked at have obviously been empty a while so I am hopeful they might take a lower rate, especially when the management office tell them I've been a tenant 10 years.  Of course its a condo so each owner is different.  

    c) By some miracle things work in my favour and my friend is able to purchase the unit.  This is the least likely especially with the very short time frame involved.  But we'll see. 

    Option (a) will have the least impact on my time or finances and be really no change aside from the view from my kitchen (no longer the pool so no looking at girls in bikinis lol! but it will still be a nice garden view).     Option (b) is my preferred for several reasons although it will have a moderate hit on my finances, which I am still not sure is a good idea.  The room is really nice and I'd be high up so I'd have a nice view. Plus the balcony would be nice for sitting in the evening or the morning with a coffee and handy for drying clothes too.  And option (c) as I said, least impact, no change but not likely imho.



    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, dddave said:

    I've lived in my Phra Khanong rented condo since 2004. I never met the condo owner (she inherited it from relatives) and my rent has never increased.

    Four years ago, I received notification from a trustee group that she had died and the condo was now held by several family members who had formed a real estate trust. It turned out she also owned 2 other condos in my building.  They informed me that it was their wish that I continue my tenancy as long as I wished with no change in terms so now nearly 18 years with no increase in rent.  I notify them of any major maintenance issues and it is always taken care of in a timely manner.  In turn, I don't bother them with minor issues I can take care of myself.

    Nice arrangement.  


    That is excellent.  

  7. 16 minutes ago, Thomas J said:

    If you get to the right person at the bank you might have luck but finding that person might be an adventure.  As a former banker I can tell you that most banks would love the fact that they have someone who wanted to continue to rent and or purchase.  However this is Thailand.  In my own village there are 5 properties out of 29 homes that the bank foreclosed on, some well over 5 years ago.  They refuse to sell at distressed prices despite the fact that the properties have long gone into disrepair.  A totally different mindset here when it comes to selling what in the USA were called " non performing assets"   We took the approach, get rid of them and the carrying expense as fast as possible and put the money back to work.  Here it seems to be, wait until inflation creates the illusion that the price I finally got for the property does not look like I took a loss. 


    There is a name and contact number on the documents.  We will start there.  

    Not expecting it to be easy but we'll see.



  8. 18 minutes ago, impulse said:
    1 hour ago, Susco said:
    2 hours ago, The Hammer2021 said:

    It will be sold off cheap  by the bank just to cover debts. Or by sealed by interested parties.


    That would be the first time in history that the bank sells it on the cheap.


    No it wouldn't.  Depends on whether the bank gets to keep the entire price, or only gets to recoup their debt, and has to refund the excess to the borrower.  If the latter, they don't really give a rat if they sell it at 1/2 the market value.



    Seeing as neither the building management, nor the bank can locate her and haven't been able to locate her apparently for at least a few years, my guess is she's died.  

    Depending how much of the mortgage she paid and therefore how much is left, the bank may just be looking for a relatively small amount. 

    I will report back when I find out what they say.


  9. 13 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    That reminds me about a bar in Clinton Plaza many years ago.

    The story is they paid the rent every month with a check. And for whatever reason the landlord never gave those checks to the bank.

    The guy who rented the place could claim he paid every month. But in reality he never paid. ???? 


    I've got bank records to show I've paid direct to her account.

    I kind of wish I hadn't paid the rent already this month.

    • Haha 1
  10. 14 minutes ago, GrandPapillon said:

    what about the rent you have been paying? maybe it's still in the bank and she never used it


    so you could have stopped paying your rent about 5 years ago, and it would have been the same ????


    how much was the deposit ? how much was the monthly rent out of curiosity?


    Yes, over the years my friends have joked that she must be dead or she would complain when I paid the rent late.  
    They suggested not paying and seeing how long before she turned up, but I would just rather not see her. 

    Deposit was 16,000 THB and rent is 8000.   35 sq/m studio room.  

  11. Just now, scubascuba3 said:

    I bet you couldn't believe your luck not having any rent increases.


    Keep an eye on your committee, someone might buy it if sold cheap



    I had a look round some other units in the building and the rents haven't changed much in 10 years. 

    It's a great building, only 2 mins walk to a Sukhumvit line BTS and with a nice pool and gym.  My current unit is on the same floor as the pool and gym which is nice and convenient.  

    If I have to move, I will just move to a different unit in the same building.  Which will mean no longer being so close to the pool and I'll have to pay a new deposit.   

    Obviously not getting the original deposit back off her, although after 10 years that is no big deal. 


    • Like 1
  12. 3 hours ago, DefaultName said:

    She's 50, I doubt if she'll be contributing to the world's population again.


    She might not.  My point was that a lot of guys imply they'd have sex with just about any woman regardless of what she looks like.


  13. 32 minutes ago, WebGuy said:

    The most viable way is to buy a good second hand car although it is also going to be more expensive than in the west but if it is in a good shape, you should be good.


    There are amazing deals to be had on second hand cars if you know what you are doing.  Facebook market place is the place to look.  There are also very good mechanics and guys who can do all sorts of work on cars.
    Don't believe what you hear about all Thai mechanics being cowboys.  

    • Like 1
  14. 23 hours ago, Exp12345 said:

    Thanks for the response! What do you think about temporarily importing your car from the west? I assume you wouldn’t pay the huge 300% tax then correct ? 


    They banned the import of second hand cars several years ago, which means that classic cars here are going up in value.  I know a few people who buy old cars here and restore them.  A friend just sold a restored Toyota Celica that he turned into a road and track car to do some racing.  

    If you use Facebook check out https://www.facebook.com/groups/896773410671489

    The car enthusiast scene here in Thailand is incredible.

  15. On 6/23/2021 at 9:09 PM, josthomz said:



    So the really important question - did you add her LINE? ????


    It's comments like that which explain why the world is so over populated. 

    She might be a nice person but I'm sure your implication was that he might have considered having sex with her, and no matter how pleasant a person she might be, why on earth would anyone choose to see her naked (let alone choose to have sex with her!).  

    • Haha 1
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