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Everything posted by xenophon

  1. In 30 years? Quite a few! Urban myth sadly
  2. Urban myth constructed by financially (and sexually?) inferior and very jealous farangs, unfortunately. Popular 30 years ago as consolation for impoverished English teachers as they sadly watched another Miss Thailand snub them for a jap.
  3. Hi Mike, Can you please let me know who was the doctor and the name of hospital please? I may have to do the same myself
  4. Yes unfortunately that is correct. Religion is at the core of tribalism. Makes the whole thing even more ridiculous. Using fairy tales and fantasies to justify slaughter.
  5. After those positive futures, the market continued to fall, just as the pessimists had predicted! Admittedly, it seems more due to fears of inflation becoming entrenched in the economy than middle east tribal wars. For example, the oil price did not take off. However, the neighbors from hell are part of the background noise if thankfully not yet a central factor for the market.
  6. Cutting through the pseudo-history and pooling of ignorance, US stock futures today are up (not down as predicted by most). Are the institutional big spenders (who, after all, really do run the world) betting that responses, if any, will be measured and/or delayed. Hopefully the neighbors from hell may not succeed in involving the rest of us in their absurd tribal wars after all.
  7. Israel says 'go fetch' and the dumb ol' US of A lumbers into another quagmire. Unfortunately, it might drag a lot of us in with it.
  8. Like most, I am not interested in a pissing competition between posters. I thank 4MyEgo and encourage him to persist in his efforts to clarify this important and worrisome issue for some. Have a question: Are there any real (not hearsay or anecdotal) examples yet of an expat being quizzed by the authorities about the tax status of his/her pension since the new tax announcement? If so, what happened in this case?
  9. I agree with you. However these emails do make me nervous. I have had a 20 year Elite Superiority Extension for a few years now., am happy with it and see no need to change. I hope that I can continue to simply use that. What do you think?
  10. How dare they imply that sex as an industry is condoned and that the locals speak English in a funny way!!! Insufferable!! On the other hand, if you are looking for racism and demeaning women, you could do a lot worse than watching a group of Indians
  11. Finding the tabloid driven controversy a bit of a laugh and a yawn. Highlight of the ashes: the ridiculous long room fiasco. You have gotta love the waxwork figures come to life that are the MCC members. Straight out of central casting or Monty Python's Upper Class Twits. We need more from those old self-entitled farts, completely unaware of their self parody. And all this occurring against the backdrop of a major report condemning elitism and lack of diversity in cricket!! Wonderful stuff!
  12. Only just heard about dear Ubon Joe's passing. RIP - good friend and thanks for so much help to me and others
  13. THB1 mill = 50k pa or 4160 pm over 20 yrs (or 21 yrs in my case). No annual expenses or stupid bureaucratic rituals and inquisition required as in marriage and O visas. If traveling a lot as I do - super convenient, whisked through airport, immigration, customs, etc, coming and going. Visit immigration every 5 years to renew. Agree 90 day reporting a vestigial hangover but can be done by their staff or online. My concern is that the recently reported Chinese crims are going to stuff it up for everybody.
  14. make and model? Or just red
  15. Never again. Having said that they were great about 8 years ago when, if you booked early enough, you could get a very cheap business class fare and no organizational problems. Obviously, if an airline plummets dramatically in 8 years it is time to have a good look at the management.
  16. Don't care what people think of him. Good on you Chuwit. Keep at it
  17. True. And speaking even broken Thai enables a connection and will save you thousands
  18. Been surprised over the decades how so many Thais, despite the lies that go with the trade, are not into the classic prostitute profile - "hard faced, cold hearted, money only bitch" stereotype (think 'Russian'). After about 3 times, many develop a genuine, tolerably mercantile, affection for the customer. Always a nice surprise. Had regular pleasant exchanges of sex, money and lies, usually at unconventional, unpredictable hours, e.g. afternoon, very very late, or even morning: 'can i come see you?' 'Ok but mi ha loi baht na' "OK, me downstair". Very nice.
  19. Great day for Rolex, Cartier, etc.
  20. Looking forward to the enquiry (conducted by the navy I presume). Can hear the slamming of protectors on asses
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