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Posts posted by Mattchu9999

  1. Just remember this: YOU WILL NEVER OWN LAND IN THAILAND AND YOU WILL NEVER BE A THAI CITIZEN other than that welcome aboard.

    Stop eating in US Thai restaurants ( quite different than real Thai food ) and start learning to Speak Thai.

    Keep a low profile.

    Consider locations other than Bangkok. The climate is hot and humid 365 days a year it is very crowded and expensive.

    I've been here many years and I love it still but I live in Chiang Mai

    Understood... I know I iwll always be a Tenant wherever I live.

    I have lived in Miami (hot humid) and currently live in Phoenix Arizona where is was 113 toady, so I know I can bear the weather. Just yeaterday I compared BKK weather to Phx. AZ (We just had a huge thunderstorm) and BKK was cooler with less humidity...lol

  2. Well you've got it all sorted out on paper it seems and you've got youth on your side. Downside is you've never been to Thailand. Trust me I was in that position back in '92 and no matter how much you are told, how much you read or how much research you do Thailand has the ability of blowing it all away and leaving you wondering what the hel_l planet is this?

    Given the right attitude you will have a ball and if it all goes pear shaped you are still young enough to start over.

    Best of luck and welcome. :D

    PS beware what you read about Thailand on websites. Half of it is lies and the other half aint true. ThaiVisa excepted of course. :D

    Thanks Phil,

    Ive been deployed to some nasty foreign places on this planet, Iraq, Afganastan, and even some hel_l holes in Africa.

    But I can completley understand what you mean for me to get. I could see how finding oneself having made a decision to permanantly stay in a foreign land there you are standing on the street in BKK and sensory overload hits you.....Im sure Ill be saying that song is right.. One night in Bangkok makes a hard man humble. :o

  3. Hmmm anyone else think disaster? :o


    Please elaborate?

    I have no intention of owning a car, nor do I have deluisions of grandeur of waking every morning at 1pm paying the bargirl to leave, heading down for a massage and then some lobster dinner on the roof of State Tower only to hit the bars again. I just want to be able to survive, eat, sleep and have telephone and internet acces so I can develop my business. I've lived off of $1100 a month in the States before (Rent, food and a $300 car), so I do know how to budget. :D

    I've also been married to a French woman, and divorced wiping me out so I have no intention of ever being married. I've always been a lone wolf and shudder at being constrained again no matter how beautiful she may be or how drunk I was. :D

  4. Hello all!!

    Long story short, I have made my decision to move to Thailand.

    I have never been to Thailand.

    No, I don’t think I'm an idiot why do you ask?.... :o

    I have been researching for a year online browsing forums, watching videos and talking to folks whom have been there in person (and eating at Thai restaurants does this count?). I have decided the Los is where I wish to start the next chapter in my life.

    So here is my plan and I'll let you fine folks on this board tear it to shreds!!



    32 years young


    Military veteran

    I currently receive a US government -military pension of $2,557 per month which is adjusted annualy for inflation and also will go up depending on legislation that politicians like to pass to make themselves look good.

    I have opened an HSBC account to have those monies deposited directly.

    If I am understanding correctly, the on-shore exchange rate as of current would give me about 84,000 Bht per month of income for which I do not have to work for.

    Looking at accommodations available for non serviced apartments in Bangkok I would be comfortable with something around the 10,000 bht. per month range. I am aware of most of the charges for electricity, and phone's, food nightlife...etc...

    I am ex military and never had a problem living in a tent eating MRE's and even to this day prefer to eat chicken soup cold out of the can..lol So I don’t need to have luxurious accommodations and love to eat chicken and rice..lol

    My intent is not to be lazy and retire (much much to early!)

    Rather I have many years of business and sales experience having run and owned several sucessful business over the years, I also have taken 2 years of international business schooling. I have contacts and friends whom own companies in the States whom I know I could source products and supplies for them in Thailand and handle getting everything to them and take a piece off the top. (I know the deal with Thai owned corporations where it has to be 51% Thai owned, which is why the US company I already have set up will be taking the money and exercising the agreements with the US companies, and I will only transfer the money to purchase and ship the goods to my 49/51% Thai company which has the agreements with the Thai suppliers keeping me in control of the money)

    From my research, on this forum and all over the web I have become excited about the opportunities in Thailand. While I am not naive, I know things take hard work as I’ve done it before, and one will miss the mark or fall flat on ones face as I have done countless times before, but should a young eager but experienced entrepreneur BE excited as I am (I’mreally excited...is this the right smiley for that? :D )

    I look forward to reading your comments and to making friends with all of you.

    Thanks so much,


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