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Posts posted by KED

  1. I am often grateful that Air Asia offers lower fares; however, I book on any other carrier if there is a comparable fare.

    It just seems that Air Asia could be profitable by fixing it's website glitches and also by not using obnoxious add-on's on every page.

    Nevertheless, I will put-up with their website incompetence if they offer a substantially lower fare.

  2. Maybe I am naive, but I am saddened by the fact that the Supreme Court doesn't rule on the civil rights of gay marriage. Just like women's rights and the civil rights movement for blacks, marriage equality for gays is a civil rights issue - even if the Supreme Court doesn't agree with a gay lifestyle, they should still be able to rule that we have equal rights under the constitution. The fact that this is even debated saddens me - it should be obvious to the Supreme Court, regardless of their politics.

  3. I travel often to Indonesia, less so to Malaysia - but have to agree that using the ATM has always worked out to be the best deal for me.

    In Inodnesia, some ATMs issue 50,000 RP notes (U$ 5-6) while others will issue 100,000 RP notes (U$ 10-11) - the advantae with the 100,000 is you can withdraw more per transaction. In Bali, there are many dodgy moneychangers - so beware of good rates but quick hands and scams abound - the rates may be a bit less - but if you are exchanging money in Bali - best to use a bank, I think.

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  4. Well, usually if you pay your ticket with a credit card , there is always an insurance included no ? How can they impose to tourists any insurance ? non sense but I agree on the principle , Thailand doesn't have to pay for those who cannot afford to pay medical expenses here. I said it before , those coming on tourist visa can have a proof of insurance when applying for visa. Thais must give this insurance when they travel to Europe. I also need a special insurance when I travel in some countries.

    Credit cards do not all insure and it is worth a look at just what they do insure. Thais and others do not need insurance to travel to Europe only to get a schengen visa. I am not having a go, just a couple of replies to your points.

    but if all Thais need a schengen visa to visit mot of Europe - then be default they need insurance? no?

  5. I don't want to be rude here, but are you too long in Thailand? Have you forgotten any kind of comonsence?

    Ikarus11, are you the OPs mother? you can certainly offer suggestions to help - but your last sentence is rude - even if you do preface it with "I don't want to be rude"

    Chill a little...actually...chill a lot....

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  6. Or


    Ncr forces Google to stay on the English version if this works for you set that as default or bookmark.

    thanks for all the suggestions - i bookmarked the links above which does resolve my problem.

    I do think Google has overextended it's reach by predicting that I want Google in Thai just because my IP address is in Thailand - the ironic thing is then a google page translate offers to translate it into English - bizarre. Also, once the Google page is translated - there is no option to switch to English - poor design - maybe the deities at Google think I should learn to read Thai - they only want what is best for me, I know.

  7. The medium level is with the police which is the most corrupt institution in the country - the instances of their treatment of rape victims, farangs being singled out for extortion, violence against activists, just turning a blind eye when a bribe is paid.

    Gotta say, never experienced white foreigners being singled out by the police. More likely to let you off because they can't speak English. The Thais seem to suffer much more from police scams.

    Many years back, there was a constant police presence along Silom looking for farangs throwing cigarette butts, but I haven't seen it in many years. There have been a few threads about this along Suk. more recently.

  8. Bali Indonesia Many beaches, not necessarily Kuta Some culture...mix of Hindu and Buddhist, and other nature worship Mountains, views, rice paddies Reasonable price hotels Cheap flights with airasia, and not too far to fly Friendly people Good food Option between night life, parties versus nature peace and quiet. All possible within an hour or two of travel between different towns on the island Enjoy smile.png

    If you do go to Bali and have more than 4 days - plan some time in Ubud - a romantic and unique place

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  9. I just wish the media would do more investigative reporting on corruption. If a few grass-root organizations would form and expose the corruption - then at least it would be more difficult to continue the fleecing of Thailand. Today, there are few worries about being caught or prosecuted, so on every level from police to government officials have no hesitation to demand bribes or kickbacks.

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